Poetry about Life and Death
Reflect on this poetry about life and death. May the poems inspire you to live life, love those around you, and to not fear death. None of us know when or how we will die so live each day to the fullest!
Poems About Life
Poet: C. W. Naylor
What is life? 'Tis but a vapor
That remains but one brief day;
Though our hands are stretched to stay it,
It must quickly pass away.
Fleeting are its joys and gladness,
Though we fain would hold them fast;
Nothing lingers save a memory
Of the things that now are past.
Yet our life is what we make it,
More than what our lot may be -
Mild and gentle, sweet and loving,
Like a sunbeam all may see;
Or it may be hard and bitter,
Filled with envy, hate, and woe,
Seeking only vain self-glory,
As we tread our path below.
If our motive be to lighten
Other souls oppressed by care,
We shall find that our own burdens
Are made easier to bear.
If to shed on those around us,
Gleams of hope to cheer them on,
We behold those rays, reflected,
Turn our darkness into dawn.
Life is not a dream of fancy,
Not a worthless stretch of years
To be squandered in our folly,
Then to end in bitter tears;
But a time for earnest striving
For the right, the good, the true,
Helping every one around us,
Cheering hearts our journey through.
Life is full of deepest meaning,
Hidden 'neath the gilded dross;
But its depth is only fathomed
In the shadow of the Cross.
Could we feel that every action,
Every thought and word, would be
Witness for or 'gainst our spirits
Throughout all eternity;
Could we realize the weight of
Each day's work for good or bad, -
Would our consciences acquit us?
Would the knowledge make us glad?
Or that voice within the bosom,
Would it speak but to condemn
For the life and the example
Lived before our fellow men?
Life means much, and could we value
Every moment as it speeds
On so quickly past recalling,
Would we spend in evil deeds
Days and months to us so precious,
Time we can not value now
As we shall when life is ebbing-,
And death's dew is on our brow?
When we near that dark, cold river,
Shall we look back with regret
On a life far worse than wasted,
That we wish we might forget?
Noble deeds and brave endeavor
Bring no pangs in coming days;
Evil has its own requital;
Folly ends in sorrow's ways.
Life is more than mere existing,
Drifting aimlessly along,
Yielding to each flitting fancy,
Whether it be right or wrong;
We are building, daily building
For the ages that shall be,
And the structure we are rearing
Shall abide eternally.
'Tis our future selves we're building,
And our work will surely stand
Through unceasing ages ever,
Whether it be vile or grand;
Build, then, wisely for tomorrow:
With today thy work is done;
Haste thou, lest the good intended,
At the eve be not begun.

The Man In The Glass Poem
Through Life
Poet: Unknown
We slight the gifts that every season bears,
And let them fall unheeded from our grasp,
In our great eagerness to reach and clasp
The promised treasure of the coming years;
Or else we mourn some great good passed away,
And, in the shadow of our grief shut in,
Refuse the lesser good we yet might win,
The offered peace and gladness of to-day.
So through the chambers of our life we pass,
And leave them one by one and never stay,
Not knowing how much pleasantness there was
In each, until the closing of the door
Has sounded through the house and died away,
And in our hearts we sigh, "Forevermore!"

Train of Life Poem
Poet: Richard C. Trench
O life, O death, O time,
O grave where all thmgs flow,
'Tis yours to make our lot sublime
With your great weight of woe.
Though sharpest anguish hearts may wring,
Though bosoms torn may be.
Yet suffering is a holy thing;
Without it what were we?
Poet: Susan Coolidge
If I were told that I must die to-morrow,
That the next sun
Which sinks should bear one past all fear and sorrow
For any one,
All the fight fought, all the short journey through:
What should I do?
I do not think that I should shrink or falter,
But just go on,
Doing my work, nor change, nor seek to alter
Aught that is gone;
But rise and move and love and smile and pray
For one more day.

Famous Poems About Life
Tell Him So
Poet Unknown
If you have a word of cheer
That may light the pathway drear
Of a brother pilgrim here
Let him know.
Show him you appreciate
What he does, and do not wait
Till the heavy hand of Fate
Lays him low.
If your heart contains a thought
That will brighter make his lot,
Then in mercy hide it not,
Tell him so.
Wait not till your friend is dead
Ere your compliments are said;
For the spirit that has fled,
If it know,
Does not need to speed it on
Our poor praise, . . .
But unto our brother here
That poor praise is very dear.
If you've any word of cheer
Tell him so.
Life is hard enough at best,
But the love that is expressed
Makes it seem a pathway blest
To our feet;
And the troubles that we share
Seem the easier to bear.
Quotes about Life and Death
Death Not A Fear
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God gave us life to enjoy the beauty of His creation
He gave us the Bible as a solid foundation
How to live, how to find peace and happiness
In a culture that is full of business.
And death shall not be a fear
If we believe in Jesus and hear
The promises that God declares
For heaven, it does prepare.
Christian Poems
A Salute
Poet: Frank Earl Herrick
Just a little light "Hello "
Like a gentle flake of snow -
Floating by:
Even as we drift along
Through this life of sigh and song,
And then die!
So I only pause to say
In a common, casual way.
"How art thou?"
And saluting, wave my fin.
Tilt my lid a bit and grin
And kow-tow!
And I say by word and sign
Unto thee, O friend of mine;
"Peace and gold
Be attendant on thy ways
As the joy-filled, busy days
Shall unfold!"
And into the dark and drear
Sunless souls of fret and fear
And despair,
Let the lights that in us dwell
Shine refulgent and dispel
All their care!
Let us mock the world of strife
And laugh at the lies of life
Long and loud,
Jeer and jest and joke and gibe
At the Pharisee and Scribe
Puffed and proud!
Let us teach the world the worth
Of a hearty, wholesome mirth
Wed to wit.
Keeping bright the sunny side
And the lamps of joy supplied,
Trimmed and lit!
Then in days far distant yet
When the sun of life shall set
And we go
The way of unreturning feet,
There shall linger long, a sweet
'Twas Best
Poet: Kate Louise Wheeler
Like a star, whose beams are brighter
When skies are dark above,
So shines, in night of sorrow,
The light of God’s great love.
We may not see its lustre,
While heads are bowed in prayer,
But looking just above us
We find its glories there.
Our tears may dim the vision
And we may question why;
But some day He will answer
Where souls shall never die.
Above the gathering shadows,
Beyond the gloom of years,
God’s star will shine forever,
Undimmed by Sorrow’s tears.
Some day, when He shall lead us
To our eternal rest,
We’ll know life’s hidden meaning
And we shall say: “’Twas best.”
Heaven Poems
Anxious Care
Poet: Gay
Why lose we life in anxious cares
To lay in hoards for future years?
Can these, when tortured by disease.
Cheer our sick hearts, or purchase ease?
Can these prolong our gasp of breath,
Or calm the troubled hour of death?

Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
The Flight
Poet: Sara Teasdale
We are two eagles
Flying together,
Under the heavens,
Over the mountains,
Stretched on the wind.
Sunlight heartens us,
Blind snow baffles us,
Clouds wheel after us,
Raveled and thinned.
We are like eagles;
But when Death harries us,
Human and humbled
When one of us goes,
Let the other follow -
Let the flight be ended,
Let the fire blacken,
Let the book close.
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