86 Positive Quotes

A collection of uplifting quotes to inspire positivity, hope, and encouragement daily.

A single positive thought in the morning can shape your entire day. Let hope and gratitude guide your steps, and you’ll find joy in the simplest moments.

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Updated March 13, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

A collection of positive quotes to inspire and uplift you each day. Let these words be a source of encouragement, helping you embrace each moment with optimism and hope.

Starting your day with a positive thought can set the tone for everything that follows. When you choose to focus on the good, you’ll find strength in challenges and joy in simple moments. No matter what life brings, a mindset filled with hope and gratitude can turn obstacles into opportunities.

Positivity is not just about brightening your own path—it has a ripple effect. A kind word, a hopeful attitude, or a smile can make a bigger difference in someone’s life than you may ever know. So, keep your thoughts uplifting and your heart open, for your light may be just what someone else needs.

  1. No matter how small, every act of kindness and every word of encouragement has the power to brighten someone’s day—including your own.
    Positive Poems

  2. I'd like to sow the barren spots with all the flowers of earth, to leave a path where those who come should find but gentle mirth Edgar A. Guest, The Gentle Gardener
    Garden Poems

  3. Friendship pure, unselfish friendship, all through life's allotted span, nurtures, strengthens, widens, lengthens man's affinity with man. Unknown, Friendship
    Friendship Poems

  4. Admiring everything that's beautiful and loving all that's true, I do believe in every thought that turns this world to greatness, new.
  5. Admiring everything that's beautiful and loving all that's true,
    I do believe in every thought that turns this world to greatness, new. Alfred Bem, My Creed
    Christian Poems

  6. When you get to know a fellow and you understand his ways, then his faults won’t really matter, for you’ll find a lot to praise. Edgar A. Guest, When You Know A Fellow
    Inspirational Poems

  7. Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well. Germany Kent
    Poems Of Encouragement

  8. Birthdays can be a positive time; a time to reflect on your past, prepare for your future, and celebrate your resilience. Author Unknown
    Birthday Poems

  9. positive quotes to dare you
  10. Dare to dream. Dare to stand out. Dare to go against the grain. Dare to challenge your perceived limitations. Claire Louise Hay, Having It All: A Guide to Creating a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
    Poems About Dreams

  11. Like the seasons of the year, each month holds its own positive embrace, offering unique blessings and opportunities. Catherine Pulsifer
    Month Poems

  12. Choose to find the positive way, good morning, have an amazing day! Catherine Pulsifer, What A Great Day
    Good Morning Poems

  13. A Happy New Year to you, life has bright days for thee in store Eloise A. Skimings, Happy New Year To You
    New Year Poems

  14. Your positive energy brings us all such cheer, you always find that joy and make it appear. C. Pulsifer, Without You
    Love Poems For Her

  15. Something remains for us to do or dare - even the oldest tree some fruit may bear Unknown, Age Is Opportunity
    Poems On Aging

  16. Giving fills our heart and soul with treasure - know that giving is the lofty measure. Catherine Pulsifer, A Lofty Measure
    Giving Poems

  17. Helping others can have such a positive impact in someones life, more than you may imagine. Catherine Pulsifer, Receiving Help
    Poems About Helping Others

  18. The best part about retirement is that it allows you to stop doing what someone tells you to do. Instead, you can start doing what you want to do. Ernie Zelinski, How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
    Retirement Poems

  19. joyful positive quotes
  20. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful. Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
    Enjoy Life Quotes

  21. I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain Geroge Matheson, Trace The Rainbow Through The Rain
    Rainbow Poems

  22. Your smiling face brightens our day - you influence us to look at life in a positive way. Catherine Pulsifer, Many Blessings
    Thank You Poems For Volunteers

  23. When you focus on gratitude, positive things flow in more readily, making you even more grateful. Lissa Rankin
    Gratitude Poems

  24. Read positive books; see positive things and surround yourself with positive thinkers; life will be full with positivity. Amit Ray, Nonviolence
    Poems About Books

  25. Our mental health is just as important as our physical, it's true - to stay positive and healthy, know what it is you must do. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Mental Health
    Poems About Health

  26. Overthinking can escalate stress levels. Challenge negative thoughts, practice mindfulness, and redirect your focus to positive and productive activities. Catherine Pulsifer
    Managing Stress

  27. Our very first thoughts of spring are ones of life, a season of rebirth and renewal, free from strife. Everything seems to come alive in the spring, from the tiny buds to the birds on the wing. Catherine Pulsifer, Our First Thoughts
    Spring Poems

  28. And each good deed, each wrong withstood, lives in its influence for the good, throughout all coming time. Unknown, Be True
    Justice Quotes

  29. I’m convinced that the best and maybe the only way to raise positive kids is to start by becoming a positive parent. Zig Ziglar
    Parent Quotes

  30. Clouds may hide the radiant skies, yet the sunshine never dies! Emily Huntington Miller, Sometimes
    Inspirational Quotes by Women

  31. Count your blessings. Focus on what you’ve got. Spread the positive vibes. Jyoti Patel
    Quotes About Blessings

  32. "Surround yourself with positivity, In what you do each day. And soon you see the strength you have, To keep negativity away. Julie Hebert, Do Not Let Others Bring You Down
    Poems About Life

  33. By seeing the good in everything, you will find a positive year it will bring. Catherine Pulsifer, A New Year Begins
    Famous New Year Poems

  34. Those who do not learn a lesson from history, for those the history repeats itself until it learns. Shiva Negi
    Poems On Life Lessons

  35. So when trouble comes your way do not accept defeat and ruin your day Move forward with a focused view - stay positive in all you do.
  36. So when trouble comes your way do not accept defeat and ruin your day Move forward with a focused view - stay positive in all you do. Byron Pulsifer, Trouble But Not Defeat
    Poems About Trouble

  37. Look at life in a positive way with intent - clinging to every moment, missing no event. Catherine Pulsifer, Today Choose
    Just For Today Poems

  38. And whether hopes rise high or whether fall, I do my best and slowly plod each day. David V. Bush, Hope Blossoms Eternally
    Poems About Hope

  39. If our steps be upright, straight, and true... the bright smile of God come bursting through. Will Carleton, Dark and Weary
    Poems about Honesty

  40. Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting. Brian Tracy
    Quotes about Giving

  41. The greatest book ever written on what constitutes positive motivation, attitudes and behaviors is the Bible. Byron R. Pulsifer
    Quotes About The Bible

  42. Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. Richard M. DeVos
    Optimistic Quotes

  43. Your purpose in life is to use your unique talents and abilities to make a positive impact in the world. Jack Canfield
    Quotes About Purpose

  44. When you keep your thoughts positive and focused on the possibilities, you are better able to find all the blessings that God wants you to have. Chris Johnston
    Quotes About God's Blessings

  45. Each day may bring days bright or gray, but keep moving forward each day. Like a garden a harvest, you will reap when you see your goal complete. Catherine Pulsifer, Like A Garden
    Poems About Goals

  46. Does your heart call you to heal the dysfunction in your own family, which might positively impact generations? Dr. Rachel Talton, Flourish: Have it All Without Losing Yourself
    Short Family Quotes

  47. Doubtless all of you are trying, different ladders to climb, But be sure you only take one step at a time.
  48. Doubtless all of you are trying, different ladders to climb, But be sure you only take one step at a time. Lillian E. Curtis, One Step At A Time
    Famous Poems

  49. It is better to let go then live your life in a low as hard as it may be it is better to be free Catherine Pulsifer, Good To End
    Goodbye Poems For Lovers

  50. Once you start practicing being grateful and thankful for things, people, and events, you may notice that you start to attract more positive things, people, and events in your life. Stephanie Conkle
    Thanksgiving Poems

  51. I refuse to see life through dreary eyes; the power of positivity I cannot deny. Catherine Pulsifer, No Dreary Eyes
    Life Is Good Poems

  52. Thankfulness is about the condition of our heart because everything that is done from the heart is sincere. Daniella Whyte, 365 Days of Thanking God
    Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

  53. A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body. Margaret Fuller Ossoli
    Home Quotes

  54. To all the heroes who have been tried and told and sung, let us add the sturdy boy who can hold his tongue. Sydney Dayre, A Good Thing To Do
    Good Quotes

  55. ... though today comes rain. Sunshine will return again. Mary C. Plummer, The Bablbling Brook
    Quotes About Nature

  56. Even if your kindness isn’t returned at first, your gracious response could still impact the other person. Charles Stanley
    Kindness Quotes

  57. And in all trials or troubles, bethink you, te watchword of life must be, Never give up! Martin Farquhar Tupper, Never Give Up!
    Never Give Up Quotes

  58. Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus Christ is still the same. Frances Ridley Havergal, This Same Jesus
    Quotes About Jesus

  59. We all need a bit of stress, life gives us these little tests. Stay positive and you can overcome Catherine Pulsifer, Count Your Blessings
    Poems About Stress

  60. Smiling more and worrying less is a way of life to address - focus on the positive things Catherine Pulsifer, Worry Less
    Smile Quotes

  61. You see words do matter, not only what we read but what we say. Are our words positive or negative
  62. You see words do matter, not only what we read but what we say. Are our words positive or negative. Catherine Pulsifer
    Short Inspirational Quotes

  63. You are richer today than you were yesterday if...you have looked for the best in others, and have given others the best in you. Unknown, You Are Richer Today
    Wealth Quotes

  64. Life is too short to not forgive, keep your thoughts positive. Catherine Pulsifer, So True
    Life Is Too Short Quotes

  65. A pumpkin is a symbol of growth, reminding us that even small seeds can flourish into something extraordinary. Author Unknown
    Pumpkin Quotes

  66. I have always believed that telling children what to do is not as good as showing them what to do. Showing them is more powerful. Hyacinth Mottley, Words of Wisdom - Words of Faith
    Children Quotes

  67. Little acts of kindness, richest gems of earth, though they seem but trifles,priceless is their worth. Unknown, Little Acts Of Kindness
    Kindness Poems

  68. Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that's positive and celebrate that! Tyra Banks
    Celebrate Quotes

  69. Sometimes sit an' think about it, ponderin' on the ways of life...Then I come to this conclusion—take it now for what it's worth- It's the joy of laughter keeps us plodding on this stretch of earth. Edgar A Guest, Laughter
    Laugh Quotes

  70. To me, abundance is simple: it’s having enough, being fulfilled, and feeling as though my cup is running over. Lisa Nichols
  71. To me, abundance is simple: it’s having enough, being fulfilled, and feeling as though my cup is running over. Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now
    Abundance Quotes

  72. Many wonderful occurrences can happen in one single day, but it's up to us as individuals to notice them on our way. Catherine Pulsifer, Miracles Exist Today
    Poems About Miracles

  73. So point my life in a positive direction, do it right and learn from each correction. Catherine Pulsifer, Future Unknown
    Poems About The Future

  74. Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else. Judy Garland
    Quotes About Being Yourself

  75. Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten. Author Unknown
    Poetry About Words

  76. One of the keys to attaining any goal is to figure out which actions will lead to the accomplishment of that goal and then enshrining those actions in a regular habit Mike Buffington, Hacking Laziness
    Goals Quotes

  77. A positive inner voice will come when you cultivate inner peace, kindness, patience and happiness.
  78. A positive inner voice will come when you cultivate inner peace, kindness, patience and happiness. Mary Reis, Positive Thinking
    Patience Quotes

  79. Oh, 'tis easy to talk, and for words to float out....but to talk, and to do, are two different things. Lillian E Curtis, One Thing To Talk And Another To Do
    Action Quotes

  80. Last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. T.S. Eliot
    New Year New Beginnings Poems

  81. Although it is not entirely possible to keep from the negative things around you, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good and positive things in life. Clement Getate, Your Cross to Happiness
    Attitude Quotes

  82. A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world. Charles and Ann Morse
    Quotes on Grandparents

  83. ... one excellent way to boost your self-appreciation is by thinking of all the ways you have positively impacted the lives of others. Courtney E. Ackerman
  84. ... one excellent way to boost your self-appreciation is by thinking of all the ways you have positively impacted the lives of others. Courtney E. Ackerman, My Pocket Gratitude
    Appreciation Quotes

  85. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Every Day
    Thanksgiving Poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  86. Read a motivational quote - This will keep your mind focuses on your goal, and will keep you feeling positive to assist you in achieving it. Diann B. Murr, Wake Up Successful
    Motivational Poems

  87. A positive attitude toward life may help ward off sicknesses.
  88. A positive attitude toward life may help ward off sicknesses. Sheldon Cohen

  89. Telling the truth to yourself is Integrity; Telling the truth to others is Honesty Israelmore Ayivor
    Quotes on Honesty

  90. Positive thinking won't let you do anything but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. Zig Ziglar
    Graduation Poems

  91. The mind's bright chambers, life unlocks each summer with the hollyhocks. Edgar A. Guest, Hollyhocks
    Hollyhocks Poem

  92. A new day brings a fresh beginning, a chance to make good, to see the world with new eyes, to speak with new voice and do something positive. Sihle B.V. Ntshingila
    Quotes About New Beginnings

  93. By validating your friends, you can form stronger relationships with them, and you can help them to feel better about who they are. Nicole Raheja, Redefining Positive
    Best Friend Quotes

  94. Acceptance means recognizing that there is a better way to work through or around any obstacle.
  95. Acceptance means recognizing that there is a better way to work through or around any obstacle. Rosy Lee Anderson
    Work Quotes

  96. Seek positive resolution with empathy's wing, and watch harmony's chords begin to sing. Catherine Pulsifer, Arrows of Criticism
    Poems About Criticism

  97. Literacy is the cornerstone of progress, the foundation on which societies rise. Author Unknown
    Quotes About Literacy

A positive mindset turns challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality.

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