81 Prayer Quotes
May these prayer quotes remind you of the importance of your prayers. As you pray may your faith grow stronger. We hope these quotes inspire you to always make time to pray throughout the day.
Remember a prayer does not have to be a long drawn out process it can
be a thank you to God, or it could just be a "help me please". No matter what your prayer, God is listening. And if your prayer is according to God's will you will see it come true!
You may also be inspired by our poems about prayers.
Yet in these quiet simple moments, my heart perceives that God is near, without the rush to trust emotions, my Iife becomes a simple prayer.
John F Zurn, Life Becomes a Simple Prayer
Christian Poems
Reflect on insights and revelations from your devotions, prayers that you've had, needs you've experienced in your personal life, scriptures or texts that are important or inspirational to you.
Meredith Lane, Self Discovery and Healing Through Journaling
Inspirational Poems
When the road gets hard, do not quit. When you are unsure of your next steps, pray and seek counsel, then keep moving.
Rachelle Triay
Don't Quit Poem
So let us all take our wants and troubles to the Lord in prayer. He invites us to do so, and promises to help us.
Grace Gold, Little Tangles
Morning Prayer Devotion
We do not need long drawn out prayers to talk with God, a short prayer sometimes expresses more than an hour-long prayer. Talk to God in prayer often throughout the day.
Catherine Pulsifer
Short Prayers
Pray don't find fault with the man who limps or stumbles along the road
John Murray, Judge Gently
Poems About Helping Others
As we celebrate Easter, may our prayers bring us closer to God and deeper in faith.
Catherine Pulsifer
Easter Poems
Prayer is powerful and praying for the church is something we should all do because in effect you are praying for all people of the church.
B. Pulsifer
Prayer For The Church

Do not strive in your own strength; cast yourself at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and wait upon Him in the sure confidence that He is with you, and works in you. Strive in prayer; let faith fill your heart-so will you be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Andrew Murray
Prayer For Strength
May Christ grant all the power to see, as at his name they bend the knee, the way to heaven!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Christmas Bells Are Ringing
Christmas Poems
At times we do not comprehend, how some blessings come our way. We can only acknowledge God's greatness and thank Him as we pray.
Catherine Pulsifer, God's Blessings and Miracles
Spiritual Poems
I pray to God above, and believe that He is always listening.
Catherine Pulsifer, Do I Believe In Miracles?
Poems About Beliefs
I pray you'll always find contentment, joy, security - good health and peace of mind.
Patience Strong, Today Is The Beginning
Wedding Poems
Kind Father in heaven, Oh! hear while we pray, and give to all people a glad Christmas day.
Helen Ekin Starrett, A Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol Poems
Peace and guidance await those who pray with humble heart, at church we call upon God who never leaves us or parts.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Perfect People
Poems About Church
Sweet hour of prayer! thou holdest in thy hand a treasure rare
Clara McAlister Brooks, Sweet Hour Of Prayer
Famous Poets
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2 (NIV)
Thanksgiving Verses In The Bible
Begin your day with prayer, and watch God turn challenges into victories.
Christian Good Morning Quotes
I pray, “O God do make me kind:'’ the world needs kindness much
David V. Bush, Let Me Be Kind
Kindness Poems
We praise and worship You each day anew, joining our voices in prayer so true
Catherine Pulsifer, Blessed Is The Lord
Poems About Worship
Did you ever meet temptation like a lion in the way. When you knew your only refuge was to pray, pray, pray?
Emma I. Coston, Diligence
God's Garden Poem
When we pray the prayers we've been given by the church - the prayers of the psalmist and the saints, the Lord's Prayer, the Daily Office - we pray beyond what we can know, believe, or drum up in ourselves.
Tish Harrison Warren, Prayer in the Night
Weekly Quotes
We see a golden cross and pray to God that some day, in His own good time, the world may do His will.
Martha Provine Leach Turner, No Glory
Good Friday Poem
Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Weekly Poems
One of the greatest gifts to give our friends and others is a prayer.
Ellen J. Barrier
Quotes For A Friend
Weak is the back on which burdens are pressing, but stout is the heart which is strengthened by prayer.
Unknown, Somehow Or Other
Poems About Life
From my diverse experience, Iíve become convinced that prayer is among the most vital keys to a successful ministry. It's as necessary as breathing. It's not meant to replace work but enable it.
John Onwuchekwa, Prayer
Life Quotes
- There is no stronger way to start a week but by praying
Catherine Pulsifer
Monday Prayer
Your prayers have lifted us when we were low
Catherine Pulsifer, Merry Christmas Mom
Christmas Poems For Mom
May you pray for those who are so dear, giving thanks to Jesus who redeems.
Irish Christmas Blessing
Christmas Blessing
When you pray, you are calm, and your mind is peaceful; it will seem as if all your worries are far away... Praying is just like talking to a friend, and God
is your friend.
Andrian Teodoro, The Power of Positive Energy
Christian Quotes
Sometimes the simplest of prayers are the most powerful. "Thank you Lord!" or "Your will be done!"
Catherine Pulsifer
Devotion About Prayer
In town and country, forest, field, is garnered kindly Nature's yield. The harvest urges thankful prayer.
Sterling Brannen, October - What Can Compare
Harvest Quotes
Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.
Thomas Goodwin
Quotes About Blessings
Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
Mahatma Gandhi
Everyday Prayers
Lord, we thank you for all our blessings - our family, friends and all good things.
Catherine Pulsifer, Father We Thank You
Quotes About God's Blessings
Patient prayer is powerful prayer. If thou hast come into Christ’s school, submit to His lessons
and His tasks; one of them is, — "Not as I will, but as Thou wilt."
Patience Poem
Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.
Jean Paul
Forgiveness Quotes
God keep and bless you on this special day - God watch over you this I always pray
Catherine Pulsifer
New Year Poems
The great antidote to anxiety is to come to God in prayer. We are to pray about everything. Nothing is too big for Him to handle, and nothing is too small to escape His attention.
Jerry Bridges
Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
This be my prayer for her - blessings and honour, rest like a halo bright.
William Maxwell, My Prayer For Her
Valentines Day Poems
If your words will cause us sorrow, pray keep them till the last to-morrow.
Richard Burton, Words To Say
Meaningful Poems
I will not doubt, though all my prayers return unanswered from the still, white realm above
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, I Will Not Doubt
Poems About Faith
God's smile is on the waters, His spirit in the air, my glad heart owns His presence, and swells with thankful prayer.
Unknown, God's Smile
Poems About Peace
Where did yesterday's sunset go....It flushed all night in many a dream - it thrilled in the folding hush of prayer
W. C. Gannett, Where Did It Go?
Poems About Sunset

So count your blessings, one by one ...your prayers of thankfulness shall rise.
Unknown, The True Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Poems
Don't complain about it, pray about it! Thank God for what you have and let it go. Give it to God.
Joanna C Smith
Thank You God Poems
If you have a prayer to pray, now's the time!
Unknown, Now Is The Time
Time Quotes
Prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine.
Kathleen Norris
Christian Quotes For Encouragement
Grant us, Lord, from day to day, strength to watch and grace to pray
John George Fleet, Words
Poems About Anger
A softly spoken prayer: "It's the journey that's important, not the getting there!"
John McLeod, It's The Journey That's Important...
Life Journey Poems
The impression that a praying mother leaves upon her children is life-long. Perhaps when you are dead and gone your prayer will be answered.
D.L. Moody
Poems About Mothers
Father we thank thee for this food, for health and strength and all things good.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, We Offer Thanks
Thanksgiving Poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Prayer at its highest is a two-way conversation - and for me the most important part is listening to God’s replies.
Frank Laubach
Poems About Listening
The twilight hour! the silent prayer of thousands at this hour ascending, like incense on the dewy air
Mrs. M. J. E. Crawford, Summer Twilight
Summer Poems
Take Thou the hands of prayer we raise, and let us feel the light of Thee!
John G. Whittier, The Light That Is Felt
Poems About Hands
Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do.
Andrew Murray
I Believe Poems
With grateful heart and thankful voice thy constant care we pray. Before Thy Throne we now rejoice on our Thanksgiving Day.
Benjamin Walter Rogers Tayler, Our Praise
Thanksgiving Prayers
What power of self-mastery shall he enjoy who, looking to God for grace, seeks every day to practice the grace he prays for.
Maria Frink, Every Day A Little
Poems About The Bible
The Bible commands us to help each other, for thy enemies to love and pray
J. J. Thorne, Sister and Brotherhood
Poems About Brotherhood
- When dark clouds are looming near, whisper o'er a grateful prayer
Jennie Mast, Gratitude
Gratitude Poems
Wisdom teaches...the privilege of prayer
William Arthur Ward, Wisdom Teaches
Wisdom Poems
I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
Abraham Lincoln
Mothers Day Poem From Son
I pray that this day be filled with your glory and with your grace for all to see.
B. Pulsifer
Tuesday Prayer
I say a prayer for you each day and ask the Lord to keep you in every way - I pray that you are kept safe and well
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch, Special In Every Way
Thinking Of You Poems
I pray, Lord, that you guide my steps made clear through your sight.
Byron Pulsifer
Abundance Prayer
Many people say evening prayers, but before your feet hit the ground in the morning say a prayer thanking God for waking you up this day.
Edwin Markham, A Prayer
Prayer For Today
Weak is the back on which burdens are pressing, but stout is the heart that is strengthened by prayer.
Unknown, Somehow Or Other
Poems About Worry
I pray, Father, that you would grant them your comfort, your peace, and your rest
Byron Pulsifer
Mothers Day Prayers
May your prayers be full of please - may you say them on your knees
Irish Blessing
Irish Blessing Quotes
Do you say a prayer for your Mother? You can be sure every Mother prays for her children
Catherine Pulsifer
Prayer For Mother
Hear, hear our prayer, ever wilt thou spare our souls from death!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Lord Of Life and Light
A Prayer For Every Day
And so I sometimes think our prayers might well be merged in one, ....repeat " Thy will be done."
Whittier, God Hears
Poems About God's Love
We bow our heads as we pray, thanking God for Jesus, this Christmas day.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Other Gift
Christian Christmas Poems
May we thus, praying to our God in the sky, feel His loving Spirit come from on high
Caleb Davis Bradlee
Thanksgiving Wishes
...help me to remember in prayer all those that need your guidance and love each and every day.
Byron Pulsifer, Prayer To Serve
Five Finger Prayer
Grandma is wise and teaches me so much....when trouble comes my way she encourages me to pray
Catherine Pulsifer, The Best
Grandma Poems
Whenever you're prompted to praise as you kneel in the silence to pray — when joy and love call forth your thanks you are proclaiming Thanksgiving Day.
Rae Cross, Thanksgiving
Poems about Gods Blessings
...when I kneel at night to pray, God sees.
Mary Mapes Dodge
Poems About God
Thy children gathered here in love would look, God, to thee above; for grace would pray!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Anniversary Poem
The Golden Wedding
Prayer — God’s blessed permission to us to see Him, and to know Him, and to trust in Him,—
that is granted us not for the hours of death or agony alone, but for all life, almost from the very cradle, quite to the very grave.
Canon Farrar
Trust In God Poems
Prayer Quotes Page 2
Poems About Prayers
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