Prayer Quotes Page 2
Page 2 of quotes about prayer.
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Prayer Quotes
Prayer Quotes Page 2
Remember no matter the challenges you face you have a purpose, you have a place - start your day, take time to pray
Catherine Pulsifer, Focus On The Day
Just For Today Poems
This is to pray, with honest heart, and purpose true, — "Thy kingdom come."
Helen G. Rice, Thy Kingdom Come
A Prayer
I center my focus on Jesus to whom all my pain is revealed. He promised not to forsake me, He said all my prayers will be heard;I trust His judgment completely; I fervently heed to His Word.
Greta Zwaan, Being Complaint
Journey Of Faith
...the prayer the Lord has taught, which o'er our souls a rest has brought, will fill those souls with peace and love, and fix their gaze on Heaven above!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer - Our Father

Prayer is the asking, in that faith, knowing it will come to thee.
Leonora Milliken Boss, What Is Faith and What Is Prayer?
Faith Over Fear
When ceaseless toil has hushed your song of gladness, and you have grown almost too tired to pray..... ease the burdens of each trying day: “This, too, shall pass away."
Lanta Wilson Smith, This Too, Shall Pass Away
This Too Shall Pass Poems
For prayer can bring some sunshine into the darkest day
Unknown, The Peoples Prayer
God's Mercy Poems
I realize my error, I've tried to swim alone, but God, please be my Lifeguard and bring me safely home.
Greta Zwaan, Swimming Upstream, Alone
God Is In Control
With God a day is like a thousand years. So as we pray about our fears trust in Him and His timing too - He knows better than we do.
Catherine Pulsifer, God's Time
God's Timing
When the trials seem too great and you've nowhere you can turn,
Jesus opens up the avenue of prayer.
Greta Zwaan, Jesus, A Friend
The Promises of God
Is your life too busy to moment a day in prayer?
Unknown, A Message Of Love
Journey With Jesus
Knee deep in sorrow, an' knee deep in care. still keep on hopin' an' whisper your prayer
Edgar A. Guest, A Song
Poems About Contentment
He is my trust and my comfort; God hears and answers my prayers.
Greta Zwaan, Questions
Spiritual Awakening Poems
It may be I'm old-fashioned, but it seems to me to-day we're too much bent on having fun to take the time to pray
Edgar A. Guest
An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving
Christmas is a time to pray giving thanks for the day.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Time
Christmas Time Is
I want to be like Jesus, so freqruently in prayer; alone upon the mountain top, He met his Father there.
W. Meynell Whittemore, Like Jesus
Follow Jesus
If we don't demonstrate a love for our fellow man, if we don't demonstrate a caring for others then we need to pray to God to help us, to open our hearts so that we love each other.
Catherine Pulsifer
The Brotherhood Of Man
There are times when we pray and we can't understand why our prayers are not answered. However, we must learn to trust God as He knows what is best.
Answered Prayers
The prayers I thought unanswered once, were answered in God's own best way.
To-day, aye! even this very hour is the best time I ever knew.
Phoebe Cary, Reconciled

Prayer is the signature of the soul on the correspondence with our Creator.
William Arthur Ward, Thoughts On Prayer
Prayer Can
Father in heaven....let me draw near to you - I ask that you hear my prayer - I know your promises are true
Kate Summers, Draw Near To You
Prayers to Draw You Closer
Give thanks in prayer for what God has so graciously given where a "good night" actually translates to experiencing a good night through the grace of God
Byron Pulsifer
Good Night
How sweet when hearts their fullness tell in the words of that loving prayer; "Good-bye! good-bye!" - May God be nigh
John Imrie
Good-bye Means Not Farewell
Prayer is the prelude to peace
William Arthur Ward, Prayer Is
If I Can
When doubt and danger weighed me down, then pleading all for me. It was a fervent prayer to Heaven that bent my mother's knee.
Samuel Lover, My Mother's Knee
You Only Get One Mother
Trust in God, going to Him in prayer will result in a peace that is like no other. With God in our lives, our hope lives!
Byron Pulsifer
On Hope's Broken Wing
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