52 Procrastination Quotes

Be motivated by these procrastination quotes. Procrastination steals our time, do it and be done with it! Let these quotations remind you of this!

Procrastinating may feel good at the time, but by delaying doing something, only adds to the issue tomorrow! You may also be inspired by these poems about procrastination.

Quotes    /   procrastination quotes

  1. Would you waste your money, then why waste your time by delaying. Catherine Pulsifer
    poems about time

  2. Never put off till tomorrow the book you can read today. Holbrook Jackson
    Poems About Books

  3. It is possible with self-knowledge and patience, to take small steps that will carry you through to the finish.
  4. ...to act instead of waiting, to persevere instead of giving up. It is possible with self-knowledge and patience, to take small steps that will carry you through to the finish. Jane B. Burka; Lenora M.Yuen, Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it
    Poems Of Encouragement

  5. "He who hesitates is last." Mae West
    Inspirational Poems

  6. Delay wastes time, weakens the will, dissipates energy, discourages ambition, and prophesies failure. Resolve, and do! Do it now! F. M Fradenburgh, Advice For Going Forward
    Graduation Poems

  7. Your birthday will come whether you are prepared or not, it is the one thing that you cannot procrastinate about! Catherine Pulsifer
    Funny Birthday Poems

  8. The best way to help others is to start right away - don't wait until tomorrow. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Helping Others

  9. Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
  10. Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.  Author Unknown
    Opportunity Poems

  11. Procrastination is the thief of time; year after year it steals, till all are fled. Edward Young, Be Wise Today
    Wisdom Poems

  12. Procrastination plagues our lives, it strains the mortal soul. Catherine Pulsifer, Strain of Procrastination
    Poems About Stress

  13. A task put aside today is a future in dismay. A much bigger burden once procrastination plays Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Be Frustrated
    Poems About Frustration

  14. I have a degree in procrastination, and I graduated at the top of my class... eventually. Author Unknown
    Funny Graduation Poems

  15. Success can be found when due diligence is applied but procrastination never yields the prize that is required. Catherine Pulsifer, Doesn't Suit Me
    Weekly Poems

  16. When there is a hill to climb, don't think that waiting will make it smaller. Author Unknown
    Weekly Quotes

  17. Procrastination is the fear of success...
  18. "Procrastination is the fear of success... Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll philosophy.'" Denis Waitley
     Attitude Quotes

  19. “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt
    Decision Quotes

  20. "Procrastination can lead to undue stress! Do it, finish it, and have less stress in your life!" Catherine Pulsifer
    Stress Relief Quotes

  21. ... the reason for a study plan is to abstain from postponing examining and assignments until the latest possible time. Scott Darley, Time Planning Tools and Techniques
    Planning Quotes

  22. When nothing is done, nothing is won! Israelmore Ayivor
    Quotes On Winning

  23. "The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." Dawson Trotman
    Time Quotes

  24. Procrastination is the thief of time.
  25. Procrastination is the thief of time. Edward Young
    Challenges Quotes

  26. One thing that has always worked for me, concerning procrastination, is to tell myself that, however long I may want to delay doing tasks, I will still need to do them. Nick Bell, Organize Yourself Starting Today!
    Overwhelmed Quotes

  27. The vision that you chanced to see was life's best opportunity; and this the lesson it would teach. Neglected, 'tis beyond thy reach." Unknown, Opportunity
    Opportunity Poems

  28. There are good solutions for overcoming procrastination that we can  organize around an awareness-and-action problem-solving framework. William J. Knaus, Do it now!
    Positive Quotes

  29. Do not put it off to-day, thinking to-morrow will do.
  30. Do not put it off to-day, thinking to-morrow will do. David J. Cable
    Make Hay While The Sun Shines

  31. A life of procrastination will bring no peace that inefficiency hinders success to cease. Catherine Pulsifer, Our Choices
    Life Choices Poems

  32. "Even if you're on the right track - you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers
    Humorous Quotes

  33. Apologize - Don't let time pass by, don't wait until tomorrow say it today Be sincere, from your heart in every way Catherine Pulsifer
    Apology Poems

  34. "Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!" Donald Gardner
    Smile Quotes

  35. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible.
  36. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible. George H. Lorimer
    Defeat Quotes

  37. "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
    Quotes to Live By

  38. If you've any task to do, let me whisper, friend, to you, do it.
    Mary Mapes Dodge, Resolution

  39. Well, many of us go through life with the brakes on. The brakes of fear, the brakes of procrastination, the brakes of unworthiness, the brakes of negative thinking. These prevent us from giving all that we have to give and sharing all that we have to share. Les Brown
    Inspirational Quotes

  40. In delay there lies no plenty.
  41. In delay there lies no plenty. William Shakespeare
    Abundance Quotes

  42. "Stop talking. Start walking." L.M. Heroux
    Motivational Quotes

  43. Be decisive. Instead of putting tasks off until later, decide what to do at the moment. Andrew Mood, Stop Overthinking
    Food For Thought

  44. I found the task that I had dreaded so was not so difficult when once begun Margaret E. Bruner, The Task
    Easy Poems

  45. "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." Napoleon Hill
    Choices Quotes

  46. You create your own stress when you procrastinate.
  47. You create your own stress when you procrastinate. Catherine Pulsifer
    Stress Quotes

  48. "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." Don Marquis
    Poems about Life

  49. "Don't wait for extraordinary circumstance to do good; try to use ordinary situations." Charles Richter
    Kindness Quotes

  50. To be always intending to make a new and better life but never to find time to set about it is as...to put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you're dead. Og Mandino
    Life Quotes

  51. Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count." Dr. Robert Anthony
    Truth Quotes

  52. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
  53. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Sally Berger
    Innovation Quotes

  54. A lot of people talk a good story and have many wishes but that is the end of it; they never take the action needed. Byron Pulsifer

  55. The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action. Alexander Graham Bell
    The Secret Of Success

  56. "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today." Wayne Dyer
    Difficult Times Quotes

  57. When there is a hill to climb,  don't think that waiting will make it smaller.
  58. "When there is a hill to climb, don't think that waiting will make it smaller." Author Unknown
    Thought Provoking

  59. "Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started." David Allen
    Work Quotes

  60. "Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness; no laziness; no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Lord Chesterfield
    Enjoy Life Quotes

  61. We should to our duty haste and our moments not delay J. J. Thorne
    To-morrow We May Be Placed

  62. There are two fatal errors that keep great projects from coming to life:
    1) Not finishing
    2) Not starting Buddha
    Start Where You Stand

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