63 Inspirational Morning Messages
Be encouraged and motivated by these inspirational morning messages. We can all use a bit of inspiration as we start each day. It can focus our mind on possibilities, on being the best we can be throughout the morning and for the whole day.
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Inspirational Morning Messages
Good morning to you, may your dreams come true
May success be with you in all you do
May your hopes and dreams be realized today
But don't give up if things go array.
For those who stick to it will find
Success will find them, so keep a positive mind.
Good Morning Poems
No frown ever made a heart glad; no complaint ever made a dark day bright
George L. Perin, Throughout The Year
Inspirational Poems
"Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
Dr. Seuss
Poems Of Encouragement
As I arise each morning, I thank God that your endearing friendship has enabled me to be a person worth knowing.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
Friendship Poems
Oh, how I delight upon the morning sun as it dances through the colored leaves of my garden to help invigorate my new day.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Garden Poems
Remember this, God is never an absentee Father. He is always with you no matter what happens; He is always supporting you and loving you throughout each minute of each day.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Christian Poems
It's a dull, dark day when you're away, a bright one when you're near. For gladdest skies are in your eyes your smile is shine and cheer.
Nixon Waterman, A Love Song
Short Love Poems
Taking a few minutes to read a motivational book (the best book is the Bible) can start your day on a positive note.
Sam Fickinsen
Poems About Books
"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
Author Unknown
Positive Poems
Because I love you, dear,- because my heart sings all day long, a song of love, a new sweet song, I find I love the whole world more.
Unknown, I Love You Dear
Valentines Day Poems
Even coffee needs a pep talk to wake up as awesome as you do!
Funny Good Morning Quotes
Start this day by taking a walk and noticing the beauty of nature that surrounds you.
Kate Summers
Good Morning Quotes
We must live life, taking things in stride - helping each other, stoping any divide
Catherine Pulsifer, Struggles Come Your Way
Poems About Life
What aspirations do you have this day
Go forward with confidence I do say
No matter what challenges you face along the way
You can overcome and be successful today.
Morning Motivation
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day,
Waldo Emerson, Every Day
Embrace the day and all it brings, shine God's light, and His praises do sing.
Catherine Pulsifer, God Smiles Upon Us
Poems About God
Just pull yourself together as you hum a little song, but pick your feet up, honey, and go travelling along.
Unknown, The Journey
Life Journey Poem
"Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt
I Believe Poems
Go forward; God allures thee to deeper depths away; go forward; on before thee glory unfolds its day.
Ellwood Haines Stokes, Go Forward
A New Day Poem
Today marks a brand new chance
To work on your goals and advance
Don't give up, keep moving towards
Completing your goals, oh, what a reward.
Don't Quit Poem
If only we would make a list - a new one every day- of all the blessings we receive as we go on our way... you'd be surprised to find, how many lovely little things would crowd into your mind....
Patience Strong, Blessings
So here hath been dawning another blue day! Oh, mayst thou not let it slip useless away!
Famous Poems About Dawn
Sometimes, the growth of new spring flowers is just like our lives. We need to allow ourselves to blossom out from under the past doom and gloom to which we have succumbed.
Byron Pulsifer
Hollyhocks Poems
"Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission."
Zig Ziglar
The Weaver Poem

A new morning, a new day
May it be filled with happiness in every way.
May sunshine follow you throughout this day
A good, good moring to you, I do say!
Sunshine Poems
What I know for sure is that every sunrise is like a new page, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all its glory.
Oprah Winfrey
Sunrise Poems
Like stars thine eyes shine and dance with glee, in joy may they sparkle evermore.
Unknown, Turning Over The New Leaf
New Year Poems
Beating winds or shining sun, pouring rain or gentle dew, may the blossom of thy life still unfold and grow in you.
Unknown, In My Heart
Romantic Poems
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Poems About Failure
Short Prayers
"Every person is a book, each year a chapter."
Mark Twain
Poems About Books
Rise and shine, for God's mercies are new every morning. Let His love guide your day.
Christian Good Morning Quotes
"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent."
Norman Ralph Augustine
Motivational Poems
On this day spread some cheer
To those who are dear, and to your peers
Brighten the room when you walk in
Your attitude will allow you a win.
Poems About Happiness
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
Anne Frank

"Light tomorrow with today."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Good Morning Quotes For Her
If your life is unselfish, if for others you live, for not what you get, but how much you can give
Unknown, It Will Show In Your Face
A Life Well Lived Poem
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."
Og Mandino
Don't hit that snooze button on your clock
If you do, your time will be docked
Set your goals for the day
And then moved forward in every way.
Poems About Time
"You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities.
Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive,
effective, unstoppable determination."
Ralph Marston
Poems About Frustration
A Summer Morning
"The truth is that often we're so focused on what we are doing that we lose sight of where we are going."
Bradley Trevor Greive
Poems About Goals
"Success will be never ending and failure will never be final for people who have the capacity to dream."
Robert H. Schuller, Success is Never Ending Failure is Never Final
Success Poem
"If there is one secret above all other secrets on how to achieve anything we desire in life, it lies in one word .
. . Imagination."
David Allen
Graduation Sayings
"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
Stephen Covey

Yesterday is over leave it behind
Start this day by being kind.
Give a smile or two
Be happy, not blue.
Smile Poems
"Creativity is the ability to take what exists and change it into something
new through unique responsive acts. It puts imagination into action."
Shaun McNiff, Imagination in Action
Creativity Quotes
"You do not have faith because things are going well. They are going well because you have faith."
Emmet Fox
Poems About Faith
"One of the reasons why they are able to accomplish so much in their lives is because they are constantly improving themselves and their knowledge."
Matthew West, Find Your Perfect Morning Routine
Wisdom Poems

"Dedicating yourself to God does miracles in this world."
Lisa Adams, Spirituality - Peace Of Mind
Do what you can to help those in need; be a blessing by word and by deed; let "Living for Others" be ever your creed
Charles E. Orr, Living For Others
Poems About Helping Others
"All progress takes place outside the comfort zone."
Michael John Bobak
Poems About Change
Just For Today Poems
"A greater life requires you to find your greatness ... greatness is about becoming the greatest version of yourself."
Vex King, Good Vibes, Good Life
The Good Life
"Life is short and everyday matters. Make the most of it."
Rakesh Babani, Live In The Moment
Life Is Too Short
"The choice is yours; to accept the wings to rise and fly or choose to crawl or remain static."
Israelmore Ayivor, You Can Rise
Life Choices
The sun is rising, the day begun
The morning is here with certain
You are given this day
Do not waste it away!
Sunshine Poems
Today is a new page in the book of life. Upon it, and upon it alone, you can write a record of your accomplishments. But once turned, it is gone forever.
Author Unknown
Poems About New Beginnings

Do what we say, earn all the praise, Get what we may, and persevere always.
Charles Francis Glass, Persevere Always
Poems About Perseverance
Know that the blessings you bestow on others will heal the walking wounded and help your own rivers flow with abundance and joy.
Eleze "Lisa" Thomas-McMillan, Living Fulfilled...The Infectious Joy Of Serving Others
Abundance Poem
Which side of the bed did you sleep in last night?...Is the face that you carry a dolorous sight, or is there a bright smile adorning?
David V. Bush
So much the clouds o'erspread the sky, so many hopes and comforts die, and we can all some cheer impart to soothe a dull and careworn heart.
W. C. Martin, The Service Of Smiles
Today. . . Forego a grudge. Forgive an enemy.
Author Unknown, Today
Forgiveness Poems
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