68 Inspirational Quotes
A collection of inspirational quotes is not just for reading, they are for reflection and thought. Inspiring quotes that are recorded to encourage you and to motivate you to be all that you can be!
The beneficial aspect of these writings occurs
when a person digests, mulls over, thinks about, and then puts into
practice that which has been assimilated into one's psychic makeup.
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Inspirational Quotes
When others disappoint you, be encouraged by remembering that we all have strengths and weaknesses.
Victoria L. Adenson
Inspirational Poems
Honest men esteem and value nothing so much in this world as a real friend.
Pilpay, A Real Friend
Friendship Poems
God gives every bird its food, but he does not just throw
it in the nest.
Author Unknown
Christian Poems
The pattern for many leaders is to be exalted in life and forgotten after death. The pattern
for all who serve God - famous or obscure, respected or ignored - is that death is the door to glory.
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby
Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Quotes about Reading
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
Dr. Seuss
Graduation Poems
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Joseph Addison
Poems About Reading
To do something great, you must first become uncomfortable. Uncomfortable always comes before comfortable.
Mark Dudley, Morning Inspirations I
Quotes To Live By
The guidance you gave served as a beam of light - emerging from darkness into day so bright.
Catherine Pulsifer, Your Words Encouraged
Thank You Poems
In February's realm, we'll rise above the strife, discovering inspiration, breathing in life.
Catherine Pulsifer, February's Inspiration
Be grateful for these people in your life who will stand by you in the good and the strife.
Catherine Pulsifer, Perfect Family
Poems About Family
With each selfless act, you inspire us all, oh, thank you volunteers, for answering the call!
Catherine Pulsifer, Thank You Volunteers
Poems About Community
In worlds where differences often divide, literacy stands as a beacon of light, breaking down barriers, casting them aside, uniting souls in its illuminating might.
Catherine Pulsifer, Opportunities Thrive
Poems About Literacy
When you look at your life, is the majority of your time is spent
doing things you have to do or is the majority of your time is spent doing what you want to do?
Catherine Pulsifer
Inspirational Quotes by Women
We like the man who soars and sings with high and lofty inspiration; but he who sings of common things shall always share our admiration.
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Common Things
Hollyhock Poems
The older you get the more miracles you see in the changing of the seasons.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems For Women

May you also be inspired by nature and may its wisdom motivate you to take a trip to the outdoors and spend some time reconnecting with nature's beauty.
Cesar Iriarte, Nature's Wisdom
Garden Poems
Though life can take many turns...no matter what people tell us, our lives do really matter.
Catherine Pulsifer, Live With Purpose
Poems About Purpose
Your guidance inspired confidence and pride, for this, I am truly grateful for all the time you've tried.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Showed The Way
Teacher Appreciation Poem
Get all the good there is today, don't fret about tomorrow.
Unknown, Good In The Day
Be careful what you say. You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there.
Joel Osteen
Go with the flow; observe the change, while loving yourself
and all of your complexities.
Cat O'Connor, 30 Days Of Inspiration
Motivational Poems
I really do believe that God is love, one of deep affection and grace and forgiveness and inspiration.
William P. Young

But what separates the masters from the mediocre is their
attitude toward failure.
Jonathan Harnum, Practice Like This
Attitude Poems
Life is a never-ending parade of inspirational thoughts only if you choose to free your mind from self-defeating worry.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Poems About Life
Every day there's something new, I'll never tire - my garden supplies a wide selection that always inspires.
Catherine Pulsifer, What A Joy
Funny Garden Poems
Your tireless dedication inspires us, to be better people, to love, and to share.
Catherine Pulsifer, May God Bless You
Pastor Appreciation Poems
The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration.
Claude Monet
Nature Poems
You cannot overcome adversity by sticking your head in the
sand. Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Adversity Poems
If you give up and quit, you will always wonder "what if"
Take a deep breath and start again, let learning and failure be a friend.
Catherine Pulsifer, What If
Don't Quit Poem
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
Poems About Hope
Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… just be my friend.
Albert Camus

Strong does not mean to be overbearing, or to discard
or ignore the feelings of others. But, it does mean to stand
up for what is proper and right no matter the odds or circumstances.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Poems About Strength
Stars may burn out nor mountain walls endure - but God is true; His promises are sure to those who seek.
M. G. Plantz, God Is True
Poems About Faith
As welcome as sunshine in every place is the beaming approach of a good-natured face
Unknown, Sunshine
Sunshine Poems
They'll forgive you for failing the pennant to win, but never for less-than-the-best-that-you-can.
Strickland Gillilan, Unpardonable
Be The Best Quotes
I think probably honesty is the biggest quality I look for in a relationship. Being exactly who you are with the other person.
Gabriella Wilde
Quotes on Honesty
Many friends that travelled with me reached Heaven's portal long ago...they are waiting at the door;
waiting only for my coming - the beloved ones gone before.
H. M. Reasoner, Friends That Travelled With Me
Heaven Poems
- Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day.
Irish Blessing
Never give up! It is wiser and better always to hope than once to despair
Martin Farquhar Tupper, Never Give Up!
Never Give Up Quotes
I have a motto for the new year. ... It is this: "True greatness consists of being great in little things."
E. A. R. Shepherd, My Mottoes
New Year Poems

Laughter lowers stress level, which hinders the brain from functioning better.
Philip Vang
Poems About Stress
It is not God's Will that You be Discouraged - It's God's will that you have Courage to Overcome every situation in life.
Charles and Frances Hunter
Inspirational God Quotes
In that Book of Life, God's Album, may your name be penned with care
William Van Vorst, God's Album
Poems About God
The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too.
Vincent van Gogh
Ocean Poems
- In the mist there is clearing; it is within this small opening that opportunity becomes known.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Opportunity Poem
Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways; He is the only way.
A. W. Tozer
Poems About Jesus
For the lives of men are so inclined that no matter how far we roam, no distance can sever the ties that bind our hearts to love of home
Alex Tuer, A Dream of Home
Poems About Home
When you're reading more, you're learning more.
Jacob Reimer, Entrepreneurship: Rich Habits - 33 Daily Habits of the Rich & Wealthy!
Poems On Life Lessons
You hurt yourself more when you don't forgive and close the door. Let it go, don't despair forgive others and clear the air.
Catherine Pulsifer, Forgive Others
Forgiveness Poems
Still somewhere the sun is sending forth great rays of brilliant light illuminating souls that once were filled with dreadful night
James Henry Thomas, Somewhere
Courage isn't that brave act like running
into a burning building to rescue a mother and child,
or by jumping into a raging river
to save a stranger. Courage is
the ability to meet the continuous challenges of each
day without losing hope.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Courage Poems
God gives us all some small, sweet way, to set the world rejoicing.
Author Unknown
Poems About Joy

The beginning of the day is not a
time for fear but, instead, it is a time for action. Why?
Because action is always the antidote for fear.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Be kind and patient without eliminating one of the other.
Byron R. Pulsifer
The key to success, happiness, and abundance all sit within you.
Michael Austin Jacobs
Abundance Quotes

Another easy way of helping yourself embrace the positive things in life is by trying to find something good in each day.
Dylan j Cameron
Positive Poems
Make kindness a habit today, spread love and kindness in every way
Catherine Pulsifer, A Habit To Embrace
Kindness Poems
On the veteran's honored brow. God keep them long amid home and friends
C. C. Hassler, Veteran's
Veterans Poem
The truth is that you have phenomenal power to become well and stay well.
J. B. Owen, Ignite Your Health and Wellness
Wellness Quotes
Goals force you to push yourself.
Sean Lysaght, Personal Success
Yet to fear retirement is to fear life. People all too often fear retirement because they focus on what they are giving up instead of what they are gaining.
Ernie Zelinski, How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
Retirement Poems
The roads that I travel, what have I to fear?
What a coward I'd be
If I tried not to see
The roses of hope and the sunshine of cheer.
Edgar A. Guest, Roses and Sunshine
Inspiration to act against all odds for the betterment of
others is a bold act of defiance.
Byron R. Pulsifer
...this wayside flower - to live its happy hour of balmy air, of sunshine, and of dew - a sinless face held upward to the blue
Ina D. Coolbrith, A Fancy
October is the treasurer of the year, and all the months pay bounty to her store
Paul Laurence Dunbar, October
October Poems
It is a truism that no one is immune from making mistakes; even you.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Happiness is not a product of what you get or take; it is a direct result of what and how you give to others be that service, caring, compassion or inspirationally.
Byron Pulsifer
Poems About Happiness
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