Inspirational Quotes Page 2
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Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes Page 2
There is no defeat except for those who give up.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Inspirational Poems
An Oak tree is a daily reminder that great things often have small beginnings.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The Oak Tree Poem
The eager, willing hand must be inspired to do its ordered part by thoughtful mind where sturdy faith has planned
Frank W. Lynn, Service
Giving Poems
Oprah Winfrey ... is arguably the world's most powerful woman that inspired the world to believe that you can
become anything you want, if you only believe in yourself.
Gifford Thomas, The Inspirational Leader
Believe Quotes
Life goes through a series of changing.
Jane John-Nwankwo, How to Become a Better Wife
Positive Quotes About Change
A better life rarely just happens. We have to choose change, choose a better life.
Maya Green
Poems About Change
Not knowing how things will turn out is what keeps life intriguing
and fuels hope.
Janet Springer, Unbreakable Willpower
True peace comes from living a life in alignment with one's inspired vision. This peace comes from orienting our hearts in such a way that external factors (people, norms, events)
no longer dictate the direction of our internal path.
Benjamin P. Hardy, Slipstream Time Hacking
Desiderata Poem
- Allow positive thoughts to shape your life.
Christopher Michaels
Life Choices Poems
Your friendship we have prized indeed, in hours of joy and times of need
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Prized Friendship
It's better sometime to be blind to the faults of some poor fellow being than to view them with visions unkind.
Unknown, It's Better
I want to be able as days go by, always to look myself straight in the eye; I don't want to stand with the setting sun and hate myself for the things I've done.
Edgar A. Guest
The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
William James
Legacy Poems
Butterflies bend with the wind, it's true.
Still they get where they want to go.
They arrive by persistence through their own insistence...
Author Unknown, Legend of the Butterfly
Be the moon and inspire people, even when you're far from full.
K. Tolnoe
Moon Quotes
When certain steps don't work out don't sit and pout
Remember how far you have come from the first baby step to what now you've become.
Catherine Pulsifer, Baby Steps
Self Doubt Quotes

Knowledge is power for the individual who holds it.
Dave Coplin, Business Reimagined
Knowledge Quotes
Improvement is not in the eyes of the beholder - its' fruits become evident in behaviors and actions. And you will motivate others when they see your results.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Improvement Quotes
...the two kinds of people on earth that I mean are the people who lift, and the people who lean
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Two Kinds Of People
For the love of God is broader than the measure of mankind
F. W. Faber, Love Of God
Poems About God's Love
If we shift our time-management and life-management
paradigms from balance to rhythm, we can bring our lives into
harmony with the rhythms of the natural world—and resolve the
necessary guilt we feel over trying, but failing, to keep
everything in balance.
Bruce B. Miller
Balance Quotes
For dogs are very special friends...they bring a joy, a healing power that shines out far and wide.....the ever patient, faithful friends to keep watch by your side!
John McLeod, The Ever Patient Faithful Friend
To embark on a new direction is risky and dangerous.
You never know whether you can make it.
Edward Dunedin
Risk Quotes
Be an inspiration to others. Design your life on how you want to be remembered.
Robert Rivers, Happiness Is Possible
Short Quotes
Those who truly lead are able to create a following of people who act not because they were swayed, but because they were inspired.
Simon Sinek, Start with Why

Stop blaming the external world, and focus on yourself. What can you do to make things better?
AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch
Blame Quotes
A gift of benevolence secures gratitude and leaves our hearts o.k..
J. J. Thorne
If your faith is tested and you can’t run as you used to do,
If you can’t walk, limp along.
If you can’t limp, crawl
and if you can’t crawl, roll....
You can choose to look beautiful or battered in
suffering – choose the former.
Eastwood Anaba
Inspirational leadership addresses people's inner motivators, values, and emotions. It is a key ingredient in building great organizations,
and it is the most effective leadership approach when organizations need to massively change and improve.
Claudio Feser, When Execution Isn't Enough: Decoding Inspirational Leadership
Leadership Quotes
Instead of feeling discouraged, people should feel inspired
and challenged after being with you.
Lindsay J. Hallie, Happiness: Discover Happiness at Every Age... At Every Stage of Life
You can't convince anyone to do anything unless you believe wholeheartedly in what you are doing, or what you are saying, or what you are selling.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Motivational Sales Quotes
Hide not the thoughts that God puts in your heart, and ever be glad thy strength to impart.
Caleb Davis Bradlee
Any children granted us, we’ve come to understand more fully, are gifts of God, no matter how they are given.
Ray Guarendi, Adoption
Adoption Quotes
If you're not stubborn, you'll give up on experiments too
soon. And if you're not flexible, you'll pound your head against the
wall and you won't see a different solution to a problem you're
trying to solve.
Jeff Bezos
To be brave, you overcome fear and listen to the small voice
inside you to do what’s right, regardless of what others say. To be
brave doesn’t mean you’ll never be afraid, but it does mean facing
your fears.
Michael Stutman

Faith is like a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.
Scandinavian Proverb
We have many mentors in our life, like my Grandma, she taught, inspired, and encouraged me more than I could have ever learn in a book. Become a mentor to someone!
Kate Summers
Mentor Quotes
Teams aren’t about sameness ... Instead they’re about unlocking what is unique about each of us, in the service of something shared. A team, at its finest, insists on the unique contribution of each of its members ...
Marcus Buckingham, Nine Lies About Work
Teamwork Quotes
There are people in our lives who inspire and encourage us. You, Mom, are at the top of the list.
Kate Summers
It's a good old world we're livin' in with all its pain an' sorrow; a world where friends are givin' in to cheer us till tomorrow.
Edgar A. Guest, A Good World
Inspirational Friendship Poems
Life will have its ups and downs, along with smiles and frowns. But as you journey on the road ahead follow your heart, be not led.
Catherine Pulsifer Only The Beginning
A New Chapter In Life Poem

Self-confidence has the ability to inspire, while arrogance is an incredible turn-off.
Charles Lamont, Power of Self Confidence
Short Inspirational Quotes
O germ! O fount! O word of love! O thought at random cast! Ye were but little at the first, but mighty at the last.
Charles MacKay, Small Beginnings
Little Things Poems
A lot of people aren't inspired by other people's success. Instead, they are overwhelmed and threatened by it. Jealousy and negativity kick in, and Hate rears its ugly head.
Dan Norris, Create Or Hate
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