27 Quotes About Anxiety
Be inspired by these quotes about anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling we all experience over the course of our lifetime. But allowing the feeling to take over our lives has serious consequences.
Focus on moving beyond by taking action, and by focusing your thoughts on positive aspects. We hope these quotes encourage you and give you thoughts to think about when you are feeling anxious.
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Quotes About Anxiety
Anxiety's storm may briefly sweep,
Yet within, focus on a calm that runs deep.
Poems About Anxiety
In worry's grasp, stress takes root, anxiety thrives, a poisonous shoot. The burden heavy, the mind conforms, neglecting health in these worrisome storms.
Catherine Pulsifer, In Worry's Grasp
Worry Poems
Worrying excessively about what others think can generate stress and anxiety. Focusing on self-acceptance and maintaining a positive self-image can reduce this source of stress.
Catherine Pulsifer, Managing Stress
Poems About Stress
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.
Henry Ward Beecher
I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth diminishing your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.
Steve Maraboli
Poems About Health
In the shadow of anxiety's embrace,
Sunlit resilience finds its space.
When you’re fighting depression, anxiety, or fear, don’t sit around thinking about how you’re never going to get better. In the middle of the battle, you have to say, “Lord, thank You that greater joy is coming.
Joel Osteen, Your Greater Is Coming
Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression
Grenville Kleiser
A fear can bring anxiety impeding our purpose in society. And the distress we may feel may be in our mind and not real.
Poems About Fear

Anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far.
Jodi Picoult
Funny Poems
Gratitude breeds optimism, enthusiasm, resilience, happiness, and overall satisfaction which can decrease anxiety and depression.
Beth Bunchman
Gratitude Poems
If you really want to change things and live a more relaxed and stress-free life, it starts with your mindset, and with the little things that you do on a daily basis that all perpetuate that vicious cycle of anxiety and stress.
Nathalie Thompson
Attitude Poems
Like whispers on a gentle breeze,
Anxiety fades when courage frees.
Thoughts that are powered by fear will cause feelings of anxiety, anger or frustration, which will manifest into your life and create negative or bad experiences.
Joe Hinchliffe
I believe, along with many other people, including medical doctors, that humour and laughter are one of the quickest escape routes out of states of anxiety and stress.
Colin G Smith

An hour of anxiety cannot change my circumstances, but a minute of prayer can alter everything.
Al Byrant
Anxiety is actually caused by stress – stress that can be related to your work, family, everyday problems in the world, or it can actually be a medical condition.
Jack Brady
Stress Quotes
Anxiety brings anger. Anger destroys our health and friendly atmosphere in our home.
Dalai Lama
Health Quotes
In the heart's garden, anxious bloom,
Patience tends, dispelling gloom.
Anxiety is such a simple but costly trap to fall into. All your additional worry and stress make the problem worse, fueling more anxiety and creating a vicious cycle or loop.
Barry McDonagh
Worry Quotes
By stepping out of your comfort zone, you begin to feel comfortable with the one thing that was once so unfamiliar it gave you anxiety.
Brian Cagneey
Stress Relief Quotes
Each one of us, at some time or another, have experienced fear and anxiety. This fear may not be only what is real but can also be what is perceived to be real.
Catherine Pulsifer
Overwhelmed Quotes

A home should be a stockade, a refuge from the flaming arrows of anxiety, tension and worry.
Wilfred Peterson
There are ways to move beyond, over and through these negative feelings of despair, fear and anxiety. For example, the Bible verses can tell us how to respond to aspects of fear and anxiety in our life - these Bible verses come from God, our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
In the dance of worry, a fleeting fear,
But courage whispers, "You're stronger, my dear".
Better a little in peace and with right, than much with anxiety and strife.
Danish Proverb
A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety.
Bertrand Russell
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