82 Quotes About Being Happy
Let these quotes give you thoughts about what being happy means. Wise words from people who have been happy and who have been unhappy. You will find suggestions on what you can do to be happy. We hope you find wisdom and encouragement
about being happy in these words.
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Quotes About Being Happy
"This is important: fear is the enemy of happiness."
Cara Stein, How To Be Happy
Poems About Being Happy
There is one thing that makes me happy, and this I always indulge. A big piece of cake and yummy cookies too, now watch as my stomach will bulge!
Julie Hebert, Sweets!
Funny Poems About Life
If you want to be happy....keep thinking of others and never be sad.
Mabel Wilton, Be Happy
Cheer Up Quotes
A friend... makes the world we live in a better and happier place.
Unknown, A Friend Is Someone
Friendship Poems
Oh Santa, I hope you haven't forgotten my plea...but if by chance my letter went astray, I will be happy with whatever gift you say!
Catherine Pulsifer, My Letter
Funny Santa Claus Poems
So Christian when you're called above it will not matter where - you will be happy there
Guy Hootman, Contentment
Christian Poems
Keep a good conscience and you will be happy.
Thomas A Kempis, Conscience
Inspirational Poems
Therefore, one of the secrets of living a happy life at any age is to
remain satisfied with what you have or make others feel so.
Lindsay J. Hallie, Happiness: Discover Happiness at Every Age...

Be bold, be happy, be confident - you are not meant to lament.
Byron Pulsifer, Trouble But Not Defeat
Poems Of Encouragement
If you wish to be happy for ever and ever, make a garden.
Chinese Proverb
Garden Poems
Ever mayst thou happy be, life holds precious gifts for thee
Eloise A. Skimings, Happy Be
Money won’t buy happiness profound, nor love, that makes our hearts resound. A smile, a touch, these have their own decree, more precious than any wealth could ever be!
Catherine Pulsifer, Money Won't Buy
Poems About Happiness
Giving opens your heart to feel true bliss - share the love and happiness, a feeling you don't want to miss.
Catherine Pulsifer, Make A Difference
Giving Poems
You turned ordinary moments into times of happiness. When I am with you I feel so much bliss.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Miracle
So when a rainbow you do see thank God and happy be!
Catherine Pulsifer, When You See A Rainbow
Rainbow Poems
The secret of inner peace is contentement; consciously holding happy thoughts.
J. Donald Walters, Secrets of Inner Peace
Think of all the hearts made happy by the love that Christ has brought
C. C. Hassler, Heaven's Nearer
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.
Amelia Burr
poetry about life and death
Pie makes everybody happy.
Laurie Halse Anderson
Funny Thanksgiving Poems
If ever wife was happy in a man, compare with me, ye women, if you can. I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold.
Anne Bradstreet, To My Dear and Loving Husband
Valentines Day Poems
If God looked directly into your eyes and said, "I command that you be happy in the world as long as you live," What would you do?
Richard Bach, Messiah's Handbook
Have you ever seen someone so happy, you couldn't help but smile just to watch him or her?
Cara Stein, How To Be Happy
Smile Poems
You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.
Julia Roberts
Birthday Poems For Her
To be wise we must first learn to be happy: for those who can finally issue forth from self by the portal of happiness, know infinitely wider freedom than those who pass through the gate of sadness.
Maurice Materlinck
If you trust in God, the grass on the other side becomes a lot less green. You can find happiness wherever you are.
K. J. Bryen
... grasping for outside things to make you happy won't last for long. Doing the inside work and being comfortable and confident in your own skin gives you an ageless light that shines outward.
Lorraine Massey, Silver Hair
Just for Today I will be happy... Happiness is from within; it is not a matter of externals.
Sybil F. Patridge, Just For Today I Will
Just For Today Poems
I think the key to life is just being a happy person, and happiness will bring you success.
Diego Val
Poems About Life
Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.
Franz Schubert
Wife Poem
The sunsets and the smiles of children's laughter. The friends that show us kindness, and the joy of a family dinner. In these simple moments lies the key to happiness,
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Ignore
Little Things Poems
A wish that every day for you will be happy from the start and may you always have good luck and a song within your heart.
Irish Blessing
Irish Blessing Quotes
If you wish to be happy, cultivate that society which elevates and ennobles
Unknown, Choose Your Companions Well
Community is a sign that love is possible in a materialistic world where people so often either ignore or fight each other. It is a sign that we don't need a lot of money to be happy--in fact, the opposite.
Jean Vanier
The happiest moment of my life was probably when my daughter was born.
David Duchovny
Follow through with what you say - be happy, be cheerful each and every day
Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Wisdom For The New Graduate
Graduation Poems
To add your gift to the world’s good cheer, is to have and to give a Happy New Year.
Unknown, How To Be Happy This New Year
New Year Poems
You don't need more money or more success to be happy.
Alex Uwajeh, The Power of Positive Affirmations
Oh! the blessed and wise little children, what sensible things they say - and we might be as happy as they are
Helen Hunt Jackson, Wise Little Children
Poems about Children
Let nothing distract us from being happy, let nothing else determine our fate, but ourselves.
Olehile Fischer Thataone
Fate Quotes
We're all meant to be happy - not too foolish or too staid; and the right dose to be taken is some sunshine mixed with shade!
Stanley Dark, Sunshine and Shade
Optimistic Poems
"Being happy is not what you have, but what you think," said Grandmother.
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma Poems
Just celebrate who you are and be happy with you are. Take all the ups and downs together, as you're only human.
Calum Scott
Jesus was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again.
George Whitefield

The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.
Douglas Wood
Be Thankful Quotes
People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.
Anton Chekov
Winter Poems
You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.
Julia Roberts
I Love You Poems
I love you because ....to make me good, and more than any fate to make me happy.
Roy Croft, Love
Best Love Poems
Ah, are you happy in your work? If not you ought to be; the man who loves the work he does, works on most cheerily.
David V. Bush, Find Your Work - Then Leap
Poems About Work
Happy I will be the day you come back - when you return to me
Kate Summers, Things I Miss
I Miss You Poems
Once I was happy; salvation was mine; heaven seemed round me with glory divine
C. W. Naylor, The Backslider
Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.
Franz Schubert
Birthday Poems for Wife
The people who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness... keep them around.
Steve Maraboli
If every one were wise and sweet and every one were jolly...oh, what a happy world 'twould be
Emma C. Dowd, If And Perhaps
If Poems
If you wish for the happy years and the love of a friend who sees your tears, and the world's respect and an honored name....you must think of others in all you do -you must think of them first, and last of you.
Edgar A. Guest, Selfishness
For our life is what we make it; joy abounds in happy faces; pleasure lives in rosy places
Unknown, Battle Every Day
So as you sit and watch the clouds pass by be happy don't waste the days with sighs, focus on the positive shapes and find the good today, leave the past behind.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Clouds Float By
Quotes About Clouds
Poetry can be happy or sad - it can make us feel gloomy or glad.
Catherine Pulsifer, Poetry Can
Poems About Poetry
The purpose of our lives is to be happy, but happiness comes from the journey, not the destination.
Author Unknown
Quotes About Purpose
Smiles are so cheap, why not willingly give...they brighten the face and hearts happy make.
Julia Bias, Smiles Give

A person that always feels entitled will never be happy.
Harvey Volson, Self-Esteem Mega Makeover
I was happy anywhere I could see the ocean.
Ai Yazawa
Ocean Quotes
With freedom, books, flowers, and the Moon, who could not be happy?
Oscar Wilde
I don't think the job of the church is to make people happy. I think it's to make them holy.
Chuck Colson
Quotes About Church
You'll find, wherever you roam, that marble floors and gilded walls can never make a home.
Henry VanDyke, A Home
Poems About Home
What adventure will you take next....a voyage, a trip whatever it might be remember life is meant to be happy.
Kate Summers, Perplexed
Poems On Adventure
I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret,
Roderick Haig Brown
Poems About Fishing
How little it costs, if we give it a thought to make happy some heart each day
Unknown, A Kind Word
No surplus clothes - since every simple beast can teach me to be happy with the least.
William Henry Davies, A Plain Life
Poems About Living A Simple Life

Every person has the power to make others happy.
William Arthur Ward, Trails You Leave
You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.
Paul Rice, You Are My Sunshine
Sunshine Poems
If you always rely on other people to make you happy,
you're always going to be dependent upon praise and approval
from other people.
Pat Quinn, How to Parent a Genius: Raising Kids that are Smart, Successful, Nice and Happy!
The gladdest moment in human life is a departure into unknown lands
Sir Richard Burton
Poems About Travel
You decide to be happy or sad, you decide to forgive or be mad
Life is full of decisions for you, it is all up to you to choose!
Catherine Pulsifer, It Is All Up To YOU
Choose to be happy - each and every day we make the choice to be happy or not. Others see this in our actions and our attitudes and it can be a positive influence to those around us.
Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Attitude Poems
Give a man health and a course to steer, and he’ll never stop to trouble about whether he’s happy or not.
George Bernard Shaw
Poems About Health
One of the treasured blessings is the people around us which create happy feelings
Catherine Pulsifer, God Sends Us Blessings
But I haven't a million dollars, and I haven't a Cadillac car; so I guess I'll just be happy with things the way they are.
Linda Markey, If I Had A Million Dollars
My conscience is my crown, contented thoughts my rest; my heart is happy in itself
Robert Southwell, Content And Rich
Poems About Contentment
Do what you love, it will make you happy.
Catherine Pulsifer, Follow Your Dream
Follow Your Own Path Poems
I am proudest and I'm gladdest in that easy, old and greasy suit that I go fishing in.
Edgar A. Guest, The Fishing Outfit
If you can think about worries, you can think about happiness. If you can think about problems, you can think about solutions.
Shadonna Richards
Poems About Trouble
A positive attitude toward life may help ward off sicknesses.
Psychology Professor Sheldon Cohen
found that relaxed, happy people are less prone to catch colds than
unhappy, anxious people.
Patricia Wagner
Attitude Quotes
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