77 Quotes About Clouds
Be inspired by these quotes about clouds. As children, we look at the clouds and dream and imagine what the shapes are. As adults, we at times can feel there are heavy clouds above us.
But for every cloud, there is beauty and
in every cloud there is a silver lining you just have to look for it as a child looks for shapes.
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Better to hope, though the clouds hand low, and to keep the eyes still lifted; for the sweet blue sky will still peep through when the ominous clouds are rifted!
Unknown, Road Of Life
Poems About Clouds
Though the clouds are dark around us, and our pathway drear and lone, Oh! is it not sweet to say "Father in heaven, thy will be done?"
Lillian E. Curtis, Thy Will Be Done
I therefore turn my clouds about, and always wear them inside out, to show the silver lining.
Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler, The Inner Side
Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and when you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar
Edgar A. Guest
May you find the silver lining until the sun comes out again. Always remember, above the clouds the sun is still shining.
Catherine Pulsifer, Wish For The Coming Year
Be the sunshine on a cloudy day.
Christina Casino
Not in ourselves are all the shades that make our sky so bright; but, like the clouds at sunset hour, we shine with borrowed light.
Sarah B. Sawyer, Sunset
Poems About Sunset
A laugh is just like sunshine...it tips the peak of life with light and drives the clouds away.
Ripley Dunlap Saunders, A Laugh
Will your- anchor hold In the storms - of life? When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
William J. Kirkpatrick, We Have Anchor
Clouds do not really look like camels or sailing ships or castles in the sky. They are simply a natural process at work. So too, perhaps, are our lives.
Roger Ebert

When any cloud looks dark and dull, turn out the silver lining.
Unknown, Optimism
You are the silver lining of a cloudy day and I know whom can trust when clouds blow my way.
Unknown, Grandmother, You Are
Month after month of rain and clouds. Hug the light wherever you find it.
Marty Rubin
Suddenly, as when clouds or mists break and straight through, the blue sky appears
Po Chu-i, Pruning Trees
Tree Poems
For the clouds concealing blessings that we may not measure now
Agnes Maule Machar, A Thanksgiving Hymn
God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.
Martin Luther
While nature wakes from winter's sleep, and gentle clouds effusive weep, we join creation's grateful lays, and celebrate our Maker's praise.
Daniel S. Warner, Beautiful Spring
Black may be the clouds about you and your future may seem grim, but don’t let your nerve desert you; keep yourself in fighting trim.
Edgar A. Guest, See It Through
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore
Nor let the clouds of doubt draw near, your sky's glad sunshine murking; be brave, and fill your heart with cheer, and just go right on working.
Nixon Waterman, Go Right On Working
We live within the clouds of our minds waiting for the sun to shine with happiness.
Anthony T. Hincks
Be thankful for the beauty of the sky - rainbows and the clouds that float by - take a moment, stop and look it can change your outlook!
Catherine Pulsifer, Red, Yellow, Green And Blue
Rainbow Poems
When the clouds hang darkly o’er thee, be thou not discouraged
Henry Reed Conant
The sun begins to scatter the clouds that claimed the night, the glowing lights of colour make darkness take its flight.
Greta Zwaan, Sunrise
Sunrise Poems
Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; behind the clouds is the sun still shining
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Rainy Day
No clouds in my sky so blue. My heart is filled with joy that's true. My life is an open chapter to write.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Fresh Beginning
The sky is full of color to amaze, the clouds look like they are ablaze - we have before us a new day the dawn can bring hope, many say.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Dawn Comes
Famous Poems About Dawn

What is blue? the sky is blue where the clouds float thro'.
Christina Rossetti, Color
The clouds are at play in the azure space, and their shadows at play on the bright green vale; and here they stretch to the frolic chase,
and there they roll on the easy gale.
Unknown, Just A Mention Of the Seasons
Poems About The Seasons
God watches, and thou wilt have sun when clouds their perfect work have done.
Mary Frances Butts, Is It Raining, Little Flower?
Poems About Rain
Never lose hope. The darkest clouds precede the loveliest rain!
Avijeet Das
The Moon looks down and smiles on me....far-overhead. She hides her face behind a cloud on high,
Althea Randolph, The Moon Is Shy
Poems About The Moon
The sky above seems so vast even when it is overcast. The clouds float on by, oh, the wonder of the sky!
Catherine Pulsifer, The Wonder of The Sky
Poems About The Sky
The glory of the mighty God, where'er I gaze, my eyes behold; when Evening spreads her veil abroad, or morning clouds are tinged with gold.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Nature Full Of God
A drifting cloud makes skies more fair appear.
Douglas Malloch, Contrast
Nature Poems
Sometimes the rain keeps fallin' and the road seems mighty rough...somewhere peepin' thru the rain-clouds there's a little patch o' blue.
Unknown, Little Patch Of Blue
Dance with the clouds.
Adrienne Posey
We look o'er the dark clouds that hover around, to greet a ray of light visible afar, and tho' trials and troubles are dense and profound,
we would look for Hope's radiant star.
Lillian E Curtis
The day had been a calm and sunny day, and tinged with amber was the sky at even; the fleecy clouds at length had rolled away, and lay in furrows on the eastern heaven
John H. Bryant, Winter
Winter Poems
The clouds break - light thro' the darkness penetrates the gloom with its effulgence, and from on high soft Alleluias float like angels' whisperings -full of hope
Eloise A. Skimings, Easter
But when clouds begin to gather and when trouble rules the day your money doesn't lure a friend worth while to come your way.
Edgar A. Guest, Friendship Of The Good And True
The morning clouds are full of beauty, too, and dash their richest crimson o'er the scene
H. A. Laveley, October
And every sunbeam is a joy and treasure, and every cloud a solace and a balm.
Frederick George Scott, In The Woods

May your morning be full of sunshine, may your day be free of clouds
A sliver light now tints the clouds above, glad promise of the morn that is to be
Unknown, He Lives Again
Whether clouds are dark or the sun does shine; so thou art e'er unfaltering true to me.
Lillian E. Curtis
The sun arising from his bed of rolling clouds imprints a burning kiss upon the virgin snows.
Drusilla Mary Child, Sunrise on The Mountains
For the cloudiest night has a hint of light somewhere in the shadows hiding. It is better by far to hunt for a star than the spot on the sun abiding.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, A Hint Of Life
May the quick, warm winds of spring sweep away all grimy clouds joy and happiness ever bring
May Angels Surround You
The clouds have silver lining, don't forget and though he's hidden, still the sun is shining
Anna Shipton, Facing The Future
The silver is the lining in the clouds of doubt...that you must look for as you go through life.
Unknown, Legend of the Butterfly
Sometimes there are clouds of gloom, but these are transient all; if the shower will make the roses bloom, oh! why lament its fall?
Charlotte Bronte, Life
Yet even though the clouds would sometimes sunlit moments hide my ever patient, faithful friend kept sure watch by my side.
John McLeod, The Ever Patient Faithful Friend
Say, "Peace, be still!" "Be of good cheer!' The cloud shall soon depart, if God and Christ are surely near, and gracious aid impart.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, The Voice Of God
And how I love to watch those clouds that seem to rise up from the sea.
M. E. B., Summer
Summer Poems
I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
Robert Bridges
Did the clouds drive you back? But see yonder their lining.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The smile that bubbles from a heart that loves it fellow-men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again.
Rolf Thelan, It's Worth A Million Dollars
We've had our clouds and sunshine. Our shadows and our light. But we've kept our love unsullied, our affection warm and bright.
Grinnell Willis, Anniversary
I place a smile upon my face and note the change that's taking place the clouds just seem to fade away
G. Luther Weibel, The Transformation
Whenever a snowflake leaves the sky it turns and turns to say "Good-by! Good-by, dear clouds, so cool and gray!"
Mary Mapes Dodge, Snowflakes
Poems About Snowflakes
No dark cloud of care my heart can ensnare. The Lord He guideth me.
Eloise A. Skimings, The Lord He Guideth Me
Beautiful days and balmy air, after the season of toil and care, silvery clouds flitting here and there; 'tis autumn!
Isaac W. Sanborn, Autumn
Twould be a joy could I behold the dappled fields of green and gold, or in the cool, sweet clover lie and watch the cloud-ships drifting by.
Nixon Waterman
Whoever says when clouds are in the sky, “Be patient, heart; light breaketh by and by,"
Elizabeth York Case, There Is No Unbelief
The pessimist's a cheerless man; to him the world's a place of anxious thoughts and clouds and gloom; smiles visit not his face.
Judge not! - though clouds of seeming guilt may dim thy brothers fame
Unknown, Judge Not
Misfortune's bruised your brow again; the clouds have poured their floods of rain...be glad for life and do not grumble!
David V. Bush
No painted scenes - since clouds can change their skies a hundred times a day to please my eyes.
William Henry Davies, A Plain Life
Feathery clouds, and long, still afternoons scarce a leaf stirring, and birdies’ soft croons, are coming in August.
Unknown, Beautiful Things
July's clouds, like fluffy daydreams, drift lazily overhead, carrying with them the promise of endless possibilities.
Author Unknown
Though clouds obscure the summer sky, yield not to dark despair; the glorious sun is just as nigh as when the skies were fair.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Never Yield To Sorrow
Blessings on the man who smiles....the man who smiles when the clouds lower, when fortune frowns, when the tides are adverse.
George L. Perin, Blessings On The Man
Though it rains like the rain of the flood, little man, and the clouds are forbidding and thick. You can make the sun shine in your soul, little man — do something for somebody, quick.
Unknown, Do Something
For who will notice that clouds are drear if pleasant faces are always near. And who will remember that skies are gray if he carries a happy heart all day?
Unknown, Drizzle
A smile thus bubbling from the heart of our friends or fellowmen, will drive the clouds of gloom away and bring the sunshine again.
D. W. Moore, It Doesn't Cost A Cent
Oh! To be a cloud blowing through the blue, shadowing the mountains.
Amy Lowell
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