78 Quotes About God's Love

Be inspired by these quotes about God's love. It is a love that is incomprehensible to us, it is more encompassing than unconditional love, it is a love that is stronger than we can imagine.

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  1. The nature of God’s love is unchangeable. Ours alternates all to readily. If it is our habit to love God with our own affection we shall turn cold towards Him whenever we are unhappy.   Watchman Nee
    Poems about God's Love

  2. God did not put us here to live in constant fear. He wants us to know how much He loves us so.   Catherine Pulsifer, God's Adventure
    Christian poems

  3. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.   John 3:16 (NIV)
    Poems about The Bible

  4. In God’s mercy and grace, He forgives us and still loves us despite ourselves. Jeanette Duby
    Quotes About God's Mercy

  5. God's love, a balm, soothes wounds deep within, a guiding light amid the trials life tends to spin. Catherine Pulsifer, In Faith
    Faith In God Poems

  6. Friendship is a reflection of God's love, a guiding light that brightens our days and brings us closer to Him.   Author Unknown
    Friendship Poems

  7. For God is Love, and Love is understanding, and Faith the key that opens ever door!
  8. For God is Love, and Love is understanding, and Faith the key that opens ever door!   John McLeod, Faith Opens The Door
    poems about faith

  9. Christmas is the gift of love. God sent his Son from above.   Catherine Pulsifer, What Is Christmas?
    What Is Christmas Poems

  10. As a father, we have so many limitations and short comings - we are not perfect. But GOD is! He is the perfect Father! And he loves you so extravagantly - you will never be able to understand.   Andrew Wright, Christian: How God Blows Me Away!
    inspirational poems

  11. When you’re tired and confused, God’s love will see you through,   John F. Zurn, Every Day and in this Moment

  12. Behold Gods grandeur, power, and great infinite grace; His love for us so deep and far beyond our space.   Catherine Pulsifer, God Is Almighty
    Poems About Prayer

  13. The message of Christmas is the message of God's love for us. He loved us so much that He sent His Son to be born into this world, to live among us, and to die for us. That is the greatest love story ever told.   Billy Graham
    Christmas Poems

  14. God's love is the same forever, if the skies are bright or dim   Marianne Farningham, True Gladness

  15. May God watch over all you do.
    He had a purpose just for you.
    His love surrounds you, that is so true.   Catherine Pulsifer, Birthdays Blessing
    Irish blessing quotes

  16. The sacred love that radiates from our Lord each day, His grace and mercy too deep for mere words to lay.   Catherine Pulsifer, Express The Thanks I Have
    Poems About Worship

  17. But God wants to provide so much more for us. He loves us and out of His perfect love for us He wants to bless us. Kristin N.Spencer, The Truth About Godly Confidence

  18. God offers us the very best, His perfect plan for our life which includes His Son, love, forgiveness, and peace.
  19. God offers us the very best, His perfect plan for our life which includes His Son, love, forgiveness, and peace.   Michele Ellison
    forgiveness poems

  20. When love believes and grace accepts, I praise my Lord and Savior.   John Zurn, My Lord and Savior
    Praise God Poems

  21. God sent his only Son - no gift could ever compare. This gift of love truly shows just how much God does care. Catherine Pulsifer, That Christmas Star
    The Christmas Star Poem

  22. Each flake ...landing softly, they blanket earth in purity, signs of God's love, falling page by sacred page.   Catherine Pulsifer, Signs Of God's Love

  23. The cross reveals the depth of God's love for us - nothing can separate us from it.   Christine Caine
    Poems About The Cross

  24. In the heat of conflict, remember that God's love has the power to extinguish even the fiercest flames of anger.   Max Lucado
    Poems About Conflict

  25. Gods' Grace - from God's abundant love and tender mercy, unearned, unmerited, undeserved by me.   Catherine Pulsifer, A Gift Divine
    Poems About God's Grace

  26. Dad walks in Christ's example, with grace and kindness true, a living testament of God's love shining through.   Catherine Pulsifer, A Steadfast Figure, My Dad

  27. A precious child, a gift from above, adopted into a family with love. God's plan and purpose will unfold   Catherine Pulsifer, A Gift From Above

  28. In God's embrace, abundance overflows, His love, a river that ceaselessly flows.   Catherine Pulsifer, Abundance Overflows

  29. Miracles are not just about fixing problems, but about revealing God's love and grace.   Rick Warren
    Poems About Miracles

  30. What I might think good is a hindrance to those not acquainted with grace. I’m keeping Your love in perspective; in reality, seeking Your face.   Greta Zwaan, Tell The Truth
    Spiritual Poems

  31. God makes no mistakes nor plans deranged, His love remains strong throughout the way.   Catherine Pulsifer, He's Always There

  32. As you take this step, into a new chapter remember that God is your ever after. With His love, you can do anything He will be with you, as you spread your wings.   Catherine Pulsifer, May God Bless You
    Graduation Christian Poems

  33. For in Gods hands we are secure, and His love is forever pure, He gives us the strength to rise, and the courage to reach the skies.   Catherine Pulsifer, Find Resilience In God

  34. Ye victor bells of Easter Day...Ringl Ring! with strong accord - the mighty strain of love and pain, the rising of the Lord!   R. R. Chope, Ye Happy Bells of Easter Day
    Easter Bells

  35. The highest act of love is the giving of the best gift, and, if necessary, at the greatest cost, to the least deserving. That's what God did. At the loss of His Son's life to the totally undeserving, God gave the best gift - the display of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.   John Piper
    Easter poems

  36. On Christmas Eve, a star did shine, God's love for us, divine and kind, He sent His Son, a gift so rare, to show us love beyond compare.   Catherine Pulsifer, On Christmas Eve
    Christmas Eve Poems

  37. Think of relationship challenges as a chance for others to witness God's love in action. With His help, you can sow seeds of love, joy, and peace that will yield a rich harvest for your own life as well as for the other person.   Charles Stanley

  38. O happy home, blessed home! Made sacred by God's love   James Henry Thomas, A Happy Home

  39. To know God’s love is indeed heaven on earth.   J. I. Packer
    heaven poems

  40. God's love is over all! In measure broader than the broadest sea.
  41. God's love is over all! In measure broader than the broadest sea.   Ellwood Haines Stokes

  42. Love is a gift from God above - we are to share and show love   Catherine Pulsifer, Love Is
    What Is Love Poem

  43. No matter what trials we must face, God's love and guidance sustain our pace.   Catherine Pulsifer, God's Will Be Done

  44. Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail-his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.   David Wilkerson
    poems about hope

  45. Hope is the knowledge that we are loved by God and that He has a plan for our lives.   Rick Warren
    Christian Quotes About Hope

  46. And we always have the unfailing love and that is from God above.   Catherine Pulsifer, Love Comes Back To You
    Poems about Life and Love

  47. October was designed, a month ordained by God, with purpose intertwined. Amidst autumn's embrace, His glory comes alive, revealing His love through nature's vibrant dive.   Catherine Pulsifer, October's Design
    October Poems

  48. Jesus did not come to make God's love possible, but to make God's love visible.   Author Unknown
    poems about Jesus

  49. The story of Christmas is the story of God's relentless love for us.   Max Lucado
    Christian Christmas Poems

  50. We shall see how all God's plans were right and how what seemed reproof was love most true   Mary Louise Riley Smith, Sometime
    poems about God

  51. The miracle of Christ-love now I give to you, to illuminate your Christmas and all the whole year through.   Zelma S. Dennis, The Christmas Miracle
    Christmas Poems About Love

  52. Now thank we all our God...hath blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.   Martin Rinkart, Thank God
    Happy Thanksgiving quotes

  53. The Bible teaches us to love each other as GOD loves us. GOD does not put conditions on his love for us, so why do we put conditions on our love for each other?
  54. The Bible teaches us to love each other as GOD loves us. GOD does not put conditions on his love for us, so why do we put conditions on our love for each other?  Joanna C Smith, Sister Chronicles
    Bible Verses

  55. When life gets tough, remember that you are loved by a God who will never leave you or forsake you.   Author Unknown
    Poems About Life Struggles

  56. Joy is the overflow of God's love in the human heart.   Author Unknown
    Christian Quotes About Joy

  57. With grateful hearts, we witness the grace, in every season, God's love we embrace.   Catherine Pulsifer, The Hand Of God
    Poems About the Change of Seasons

  58. Miracles are the signs of God's power and love. They remind us that He is always with us and that nothing is impossible for Him.   Joyce Meyer
    Quotes About Miracles

  59. The cross is the ultimate display of God's radical love for humanity.   A.W. Tozer
    Quotes About The Cross

  60. Begin your day with gratitude, and watch how God works wonders.  
    Christian Good Morning Quotes

  61. Through ups and downs, we've journeyed far, yet God's love always remains our guiding star.   Catherine Pulsifer, God's Plan

  62. You can see the love of God in every flower made - design with such detail beauty in every blade.  
    Catherine Pulsifer, Love Of God In A Flower

  63. I love to say, he is here now, blessing us each and all - ready to catch the faintest vow, always within our call.   Caleb Davis Bradlee
    poems about God's blessings

  64. Love navigates the arrows slung by the evil one so that we all hold true to the love of God given to all of us regardless of the fact that we may never have loved God first   Byron Pulsifer

  65. God gives all love and knowledge, a conscience to teach the way
  66. God gives all love and knowledge, a conscience to teach the way   J. J. Thorne, Sister and Brotherhood
    poems about brotherhood

  67. Dear restless heart, be still; don't fret and worry so; God hath a thousand ways His love and help to show.   Edith Willis Linn, Restless Heart
    poems about worry

  68. All perfect gifts are from above, and all our blessings show the amplitude of God's dear love   Laura Lee Randall, Thanksgiving Song

  69. God's love hath in us wealth unheaped - only by giving it is reaped   Unknown, Be Always Giving

  70. December is a time to reflect on the immense love of God, who sent His Son to be born as a humble baby, bringing hope and salvation to all.   Author Unknown
    December Quotes

  71. From Genesis to Revelation God speaks to us about himself, his ways, his love, his desire to have a relationship with us, his desire for us to live our lives in the way he intends which always leads to our blessing. Margaret Weston, How Do I Know God?

  72. Just a stainless, glistening snowflake, just a bit of God’s own love, caught and crystalized in whiteness,wafted from the heavens above.   Harriet Louise Jerome, A Snowflake
    poems aout the seasons

  73. The stars that shine brightly at night...stars placed there from God above to show us even in the darkness His forever love.
  74. The stars that shine brightly at night...stars placed there from God above to show us even in the darkness His forever love. Kate Summers, Shine Brightly
    poems about stars

  75. God's love is like a river, constantly flowing, always giving, and never-ending.   Author Unknown
    Christian Quotes For Encouragement

  76. God's capacity to forgive is as great as His love.   Author Unknown
    Forgiveness Quotes

  77. The Bible is a love letter from God to us.   Billy Graham
    Quotes About The Bible

  78. Easter is the ultimate celebration of God's love for us. It is a reminder that even in our darkest moments, we are never alone, and that God's love is always with us.   Author Unknown
    Easter Quotes

  79. I am dependably rescued from the pain of uncertainty by the grace of God, calming my anxiety. As I meditate on God’s certain love that replaces my ruminations on the uncertainty of life, my anxiety recedes. Dr. Leonard Matheson
    Quotes About Anxiety

  80. Where'er I be, His love I see; for He is ever near. Where space extends. His praises swell, for God is everywhere.   Mary C. Ryan

  81. And yet, amidst man’s selfish ways, God’s love is overwhelming; He gently draws the soul of man through faith, yet not compelling. Greta Zwaan, The Sower Becomes The Seed
    God cares for you

  82. So the gentle God above, in His mercy and His love,in the frailest of his creatures will find something that's of worth.   Edgar a. Guest, September
    September poems

  83. The love of God toward you is like the Amazon River flowing down to water a single daisy.   F.B. Meyer

  84. Our little things are all big to God's love; our big things are all small to His power.   Billy Graham

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Poems About God's Love

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