25 Quotes About God's Mercy
Be encouraged by these quotes about God's mercy. You could define mercy as not getting the punishment we deserve. In Christianity, God's mercy holds a central and profound significance. His mercy shows God's compassionate and forgiving ways towards humanity, even though we fall short of God's perfect standards. Several key aspects of God's mercy in Christianity include:
- Forgiveness: God's mercy is exemplified through His willingness to forgive the sins of repentant individuals.
- Salvation: Christians believe that God's mercy plays a crucial role in their salvation.
- Compassion: God's mercy is often associated with His compassion for humanity's suffering and struggles. The Bible shows over and over again God's compassion and willingness to help those in need.
- Unconditional Love: God's mercy is seen as an expression of His unconditional love for humanity. It transcends human limitations and extends to all, regardless of their past actions.
God's mercy gives us hope and encouragement. It is a fundamental aspect of God's character and is often emphasized in the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible.
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Quotes About God's Mercy
I am sure that God and His angels help many a straggler who does not know where the help comes from.
Bishop Phillips Brooks
God's Mercy Poems
Mercy gave the Prodigal Son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.
Max Lucado
Christian Poems
Let Mercy, too, procure us rest, the grandest of thy gifts confessed
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Grace, Mercy, Peace
Christian Quotes For Encouragement
From God's abundant love and tender mercy, unearned, unmerited, undeserved by me.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Gift Divine
Poems About God's Grace
Every creature of every kind, and the earth upon which we trod; were made by hands holy and divine, all the mercy of God.
J. J. Thorne, All Praise To God
Praise God Poems
God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections, admit our failures, and plead to God for clemency.
Jonathan Sacks
Forgiveness Poems
God's love for His children is full of mercy and grace He loves each and every one of us, the entire human race.
J. J. Thorne, All My Help From God
Poems About God's Blessings
In darkest hour, God's tender mercy saves, a beacon shining in redemption's embrace.
Catherine Pulsifer, Upon That Cross
Poems About The Cross
For all that God in mercy sends. For health and children, home and friends...for everything give thanks.
J. C. Barcus, Thanks For Everything
Thank You God Poems
Abram, Abram, what a great God you serve, rest in His mercy; let your faith never swerve.
Greta Zwaan, Abram - Gods Promise
God's Promises Poems
Jesus was a light in a world of darkness, a beacon of mercy and love so grand.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Light In A World Of Darkness
Poems About Miracles
Most of all, Father, I thank you for Your mercy and grace; for the atoning death of Our Lord Jesus Christ that I, a wretched sinner, may be saved from eternal separation from You.
Abundance Prayer
Your grace and mercy we do not deserve to show appreciation and thanks, You we do serve.
Catherine Pulsifer, Blessed Is The Lord
Poems About Worship
If ye would hear the Angels sing "Peace on earth and mercy mild" think of Him who was once a child, on Christmas Day in the morning.
Dora Greenwell, A Christmas Carol
Christian Christmas Poems
We celebrate the yuletide season...The world becomes a different place full of mercy and full of grace.
If we could keep those feelings all year long the world would be less wrong.
Catherine Pulsifer, Celebrate
Yuletide Poems

God is a God of compassion but also a God of wrath, His mercy will go to great limits as He draws you to the right path.
Greta Zwaan, God Never Commands
Poems About God
Wishing the joy, the faith and the love that God in his mercy sends down from above.
Gertrude Rosenkild, Wishing Love
Christmas Poems About Love
In humble manger, a baby lay, bringing hope to us on that sacred day, His birth a symbol, a wondrous sign, of grace and mercy, so divine.
Catherine Pulsifer, Christmas Eve, A Night of Grace
Christmas Eve Poems
As we journey through this Lenten season, let us reflect on Christ's divine reason. May His love and mercy fill our hearts anew, and guide us closer to Him in all we do.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Sacrifice
March Poems
Where mercy, love, and pity dwell. There God is dwelling too.
William Blake, The Divine Image
Poems About Peace
A church is not the place for perfect people to go....Forgiveness hangs in the air with Heaven's sweet scent, we plead and pray for mercy asking him never to relent.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Perfect People
Poems About Church
The world was made through love and mercy, each and everything we view; if we give God the praise of all. It will moralize me and you.
J. J. Thorne, Attend To Thine Alone
Friendship Poems
How near to God the souls of such have been, what mercy secret penitence may win - how do we know?
Unknown, How Do We Know
Judging Others Poems
Thy will be done I this is our cry in our repeated blows! For peace with Thee, God, most high, and grace with mercy flows.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Thy Will Be Done
In Loving Memory Poems
Into its lap the treasures of the year are gladly thrown: the royal golden-rod, fresh from the kind and gracious hand of God
H. A. Laveley, October
October poems
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