28 Quotes on Grandparents
Whether you are a new grandparent or a seasoned grandparent you will be able to relate to these quotes on Grandparents. Becoming a Grandparent is one of the greatest joys of life, watching grandchildren grow is so different than your own
children. There is a saying that goes like this, "Grandchildren complete life's circle of love." And only a grandparent can understand how true that saying is!
You may also enjoy these Grandparent Poems.
Quotes & Sayings /
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.
Alex Haley
Poems of Encouragement
For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation.
Psalm 100:5 (TLB)
Christian Poems
Grandparents are full of pride when that first baby does arrive
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandparents
Baby Poems

Grandchildren are a blessing from above.
Grandparents fill them with much love.
Author Unknown
Grandchildren Quotes
Being grandparents sufficiently removes us from the responsibilities so that we can be friends.
Allan Frome
Friendship Poems
Grandparents love to sing and play they are happy to see grandkids any day
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandparents
Poems About Grandchildren
There is nothing like a grandparents' love, an unbreakable bond, like stars above.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Grandparent's Love
Easy Poems to Memorize
Grandparents say "I love you more" as you leave and go out the door.
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandparents
Short Love Quotes
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.
Proverbs 16:31 (NIV)
Christian Quotes
Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers
Unknown, Grandparents Are
Poems About Family
Oh, how grandparents weave a magic spell, with creativity that no one can quell. Through their wrinkled hands and knowing eyes, unforgettable games and adventures arise.
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandparent's Magic
Poems About Creativity
Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.
Margaret Mead
Encouragement Quotes
Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. Their very special love sets them apart.
Unknown, Grandparents Are
Short Family Quotes
Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren the strength and wisdom that time and experience have given them.
Unknown, Grandparents Bestow
Experience Quotes
Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.
Joyce Allston
Poems About Children Growing Up

In this journey of life, we have learned things but nothing prepared us for what grandchildren bring. It is the BEST!
Catherine Pulsifer, Being A Grandparent
Life Journey Quotes
Grandparents are like sunshine in our lives, spreading warmth, love, and wisdom with every embrace.
Author Unknown
Sunshine Poems
We have treasures, not of money and gold not of silver or things that we sold - our grandparents are a treasure for sure because they love us and adore.
Catherine Pulsifer, Treasures
Wealth Quotes
Grandparents enjoy most the company of their grandchildren. For with them, they experience the miracle of being 10 again.
Meeta Ahluwalia
My Grandparents left a legacy in me - they helped shape who I would be
Catherine Pulsifer, In My Heart
Legacy Quotes
You're always are willing to lend a hand - you're always there and understand
Catherine Pulsifer, When I Feel Blue
Poems About Helping Others
On Grandparents Day, the second Sunday in September, we stand, to honor those who shaped us with their care, their love’s embrace, a timeless promise grand, in whispers of wisdom, they taught us to dare.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Second Sunday In September
September Poems
When those little hands grab mine I always long for more hands of time.
Byron Pulsifer, Grampa's Time
Grandpa Poems
Grandchildren are the crowning glory and ultimate delight of old age,
and parents are the pride of their children.
Proverbs 17:6 (VOICE)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible

Grandparents are the best kind of grownups.
Author Unknown
Funny Quotes About Life
With a new baby, there is always the expectations of grandparents who will surely spoil and dote on this little gift from God.
Catherine Pulsifer
Expectation Quotes
With our grandparents, we find a sanctuary of unconditional love, endless stories, and timeless lessons that make a difference in our lives.
Catherine Pulsifer
Make A Difference Quotes
Unconditional positive regard is rarely given by anyone except a grandparent.
Author Unknown
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