76 Quotes About Jesus
A collection of inspiring quotes reflecting Jesus' love, wisdom, and guidance.

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Quotes About Jesus
Updated February 21, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Jesus—His name alone brings peace, hope, and love. He is the Son of God, our Savior, our guide, and our greatest source of strength. Throughout history, His teachings have shaped lives, offering wisdom, comfort, and the promise of eternal life.
These quotes about Jesus serve as reminders of His love, His sacrifice, and the joy of following Him. Whether you are seeking encouragement, faith, or simply a moment of reflection, may these words uplift your heart and draw you closer to Him.
Let the words of great thinkers, preachers, and poets remind you that Jesus is always near—guiding, loving, and calling us to walk in His light.
Jesus never mistreated anyone just because they mistreated Him. He confronted them in a spirit of gentleness and then continued to love them.
Joyce Meyer
Poems about Jesus
Christians wait and trust in God, while in this vile world you plod. In your troubles and despair, blessed Jesus is even there.
J. J. Thorne, Trust In Jesus
Christian Poems
Christmas a special time of year when the world stops and the birth of Jesus is celebrated
Catherine Pulsifer
Christmas Poems
Easter is perhaps the most important day in the ministry of Jesus. While His birth and the ministry of miracles are amazing, the day Jesus rose is the base of the Christian faith.
Catherine Pulsifer
Easter Poems

God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.
Inspirational Poems
...folks would see Jesus in me, and not turn their backs to the gospel, for that alone sets man free.
Greta Zwaan, Tell The Truth
Spiritual Poems
Jesus Christ, the Savior, the King of Kings will be with you always, through all things.
Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Your Eyes
Graduation Christian Poems
Upon the cross, a symbol worn with grace, Jesus endured, His suffering embraced.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Cross
Poems About God's Grace
The world was lorn, but Christ is born to change our sadness into glory.
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Christmas Carol
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you."
Billy Graham
Jesus Quotes About Love
If we'll contemplate our future, that our time's not in our hands, we would look again at Jesus, be persuaded by His plans.
Greta Zwaan, The Things God Has Done
Poems About God

If you're a Christian you can't have an "I'm better than" attitude toward anyone because everybody is somebody for whom Jesus died.
Andy Stanley
Christian Quotes
Let us give thanks to God for the gift of His Son, Jesus, who has given us hope and joy.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Worship
Jesus Christ is risen today, - our triumphant holy day, - who did once upon the cross suffer to redeem our loss.
Old Latin Hymn, Risen Today
He Is Risen Poems
Yesterday, today, forever,
Jesus Christ is still the same.
Frances Ridley Havergal, This Same Jesus
That baby born on the night to the world brought new light. Thank you Jesus we praise you
Catherine Pulsifer, Came To Save All
Christmas Poems About Jesus
Thank you for sending Jesus to save us all. Without Him in our lives how we would fall.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Heart
Thank You God Poems
Following Jesus is not about instant gratification, it's about eternal salvation.
Author Unknown
Christian Quotes For Encouragement
Within those holy places where the angels veil their faces In awe and adoration in the presence of the King.
Author Unknown
Poems About Angels
Jesus was a light in a world of darkness, a beacon of mercy and love so grand. He walked on water, healing the sick,
performing miracles with His mighty hand.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Light In A World Of Darkness
Poems About Miracles
We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Prayer
The risen life of Jesus is the nourishment and strengthening and blessing and life of a Christian.
Alexander MacLaren
Easter Quotes
Back to the blessed old Bible, Saints of Jehovah, rejoice; Jesus is calling his people back to the land of their choice.
D. O. Teasley, Back To The Blessed Old Bible
Poems About The Bible

Jesus took the tree of death so you could have the tree of life.
Tim Keller
Where do you go for peace if you don't have God in your life, if you're not connected on a moment-by-moment basis? Jesus Christ has an incredible offer for you. He says, "If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 CEV).
Rick Warren
Bible Verses about Peace Of Mind
When folks reject what you stand for, the message that falls on deaf ears, the personal message of Jesus that caused Him the taunts and the jeers.
Greta Zwaan, It's Not About You
Poems about Faith
The promise of redemption shown, the Son of God amongst us, a truth at last made known.
Catherine Pulsifer, He Is Risen Alleluia
It is possible for you to do all things through Christ strengthening you, even to overleap the highest walls, to break bows of steel in pieces, and wade through the deepest fords in your way.
Ralph Erskine
Prayer For Strength
We remember on Christmas Eve many years ago - the birth of Jesus and that star all aglow.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Night Before Christmas We Remember
With his arms outstretched, nailed to the cross, Jesus was saying, “This is how valuable you are to me. I love you this much! I’d rather die than live without you.” You are priceless.
Rick Warren
I love to say, he is here now, blessing us each and all - ready to catch the faintest vow, always within our call.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, I Love To Think of Jesus
Quotes About God's Blessings
Jesus bids be joyful ever; He himself the wondrous Giver, flows within, a constant river, and my spirit must rejoice.
Daniel S. Warner, Everlasting Joy
Poems About Joy
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 (NIV)
Motivational Quotes from The Bible

Jesus is the light that helps us see the way, each step taken leads to fulfilling His plan
Catherine Pulsifer, God Has A Plan
Jesus Christ, God's only Son, came at last our woe to smite, all our sins away hath done, done away Death's power and right.
Martin Luther, In The Bonds of Death
Legend of the Dogwood Tree Poem
I shall know why, when time is over, and I have ceased to wonder why; Christ will explain each separate anguish
in the fair schoolroom of the sky.
Emily Dickinson, I Shall Know Why, When Time Is Over
Christ taught fathers and mothers to pray, and how good, pure and kind they should be
Crocket McElroy, Christmas Day
Christian Christmas Poems
When in the new Jerusalem, we'll walk the golden street, and sing the praises of our Lord, or sit at Jesus' feet.
Emma V. Sweeten, Rest In Heaven
Heaven Poems
The secular would only teaches us how to manage worry through therapy and medication. Jesus promises us that through Him we can eliminate it.
Randy Smith
Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
One star shines brighter than the rest; it is the one I like the best. It marks the place of Jesus' birth,
of angel song and peace on earth.
Minnie Klemme, Just Where I Am
The Christmas Star Poem
Jesus is the hope of the world and the local church is the vehicle of expressing that hope to the world.
Andy Stanley
Quotes About Church
Thank God for a church triumphant...for the kingdom that Jesus founded does triumph o'er every foe.
Daniel S. Warner, The Church Triumphant
Poems About Church
If you had a thousand crowns you should put them all on the head of Christ! And if you had a thousand tongues they should all sing his praise, for he is worthy!
William Tiptaft
Worship Quotes
Then I encountered Jesus and found a peace unlike any other a peace that passes all understanding - a peace within my heart!
Catherine Pulsifer, Looking For Peace
Poems About Peace
For nothing counts with God, except His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who is completely pure and holy before Him. Where He is, there God looks and has His pleasure.
Martin Luther
Inspirational God Quotes

A rule I have had for years is: to treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend. His is not a creed, a mere doctrine, but it is He Himself we have.
Dwight L. Moody
I believe that Jesus was my heavenly Father's best-beloved Son; and that I shall be well beloved, as he was, if I become like him.
Octavius Brooks Frothingham, A Child's Creed
I Believe Poems
Thanksgiving - giving thanks in everything - prepares the way that God might show us his fullest salvation in Christ.
Ann Voskamp
Thanksgiving Poems
To holy people the very name of Jesus is a name to feed upon, a name to transport. His name can raise the dead and transfigure and beautify the living.
John Henry Newman
Jesus is the way to heaven, and if you get there, you must trust in his almighty power - ever trust, trust, trust.
Emma I. Coston, Diligence
God's Garden Poem
Jesus did not die to give us a religion. He died so that through faith in Him we could have an intimate relationship with God. Our worst day with God is still better than our best day without Him.
Joyce Meyer
Faith Quotes
Let ev'ry tongue Thy praise proclaim, let ev'ry knee bow at Thy name, for Jesus Thou art still the same In Majesty.
Eloise A. Skimings, Hymn
Faith In God Poems
The name Emmanuel takes in the whole mystery. Jesus is "God with us." He had a nature like our own in all things, sin only excepted. But though Jesus was "with us" in human flesh and blood, He was at the same time very God.
J. C. Ryle
While we now know that three days later that Jesus rose from the dead, Good Friday is a day of reflection and a day that we now give thanks for what Jesus did for us all.
Catherine Pulsifer
Good Friday Poem

We must show our Christian colors if we are to be true to Jesus Christ.
C. S. Lewis
Without Christ there is no hope.
Charles Spurgeon
Bible Verses about Hope In Hard Times
The Christian mom doesn’t love Jesus instead of loving her children; she loves Jesus by loving her children.
Jen Wilkin
Poems About Mothers
Upon that cross, love's emblem strong and pure, where Jesus, selfless, bore our sins' cruel weight,
His sacrificial act, salvation's cure, for humankind, a gift of infinite fate.
Catherine Pulsifer, Upon That Cross
Poems About The Cross
We early learn how Jesus bought a pardon full, for each and all who listen to his pleading call.
C. E. Lund, Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells Poems
There is no love like the love of Jesus, never to fade or fall
W. E. Littlewood, The Heart Of God
Journey With Jesus Poems
I want to be like Jesus, so lowly and so meek; for no one marked an angry word, whoever heard him speak.
W. Meynell Whittemore, Like Jesus
Poems about Following Jesus
If you knew Jesus was coming tomorrow, what would you do today? Then do it!
Max Lucado
When you think of all the things Jesus did how could you not love him!
Catherine Pulsifer
Only those who have given their lives to Jesus Christ in full repentance and open declaration of their faith and trust can ever experience the peace that transcends all understanding
Byron Pulsifer
Let this motto be upon your whole ministry: "Christ is all."
Cotton Mather
Life Mottos
Joy is not found in our circumstances but in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Author Unknown
Christian Quotes About Joy
How people must have felt when Jesus died. But we all know that Jesus resurrection was part of God's plan.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Jesus Resurrection
There was no identity crisis in the life of Jesus Christ. He knew who He was. He knew where He had come from, and why he was here. And he knew where He was going. And when you are that liberated, then you can serve.
Howard Hendricks

Christ literally walked in our shoes and entered into our affliction. Those who will not help others until they are destitute reveal that Christ's love has not yet turned them into the sympathetic persons the Gospel should make them.
Tim Keller
At the cross, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, securing our salvation.
Charles Stanley
Quotes About The Cross
The kingdom of God on earth today, those professing faith in Christ Jesus is larger than any other kingdom or government on this earth.
Brian Hardin
The sad truth is that there are millions who do not know Jesus; never have happiness or peace while they dwell on this earth.
Catherine Pulsifer
When the trials seem too great and you've nowhere you can turn, Jesus opens up the avenue of prayer.
Greta Zwaan, Jesus, A Friend
The Promises of God
The stories of Jesus being born have been passed down through the Bible and by people for centuries. They first started with eyewitnesses to Jesus's birth!
Catherine Pulsifer
Tell yourself right now and throughout today, that it’s okay to draw away from the maddening crowd. Jesus did; so can you.
Charles Swindol
Let Jesus be your cleansing power, let Him fulfill your dreams, once you have been born again, you need plan no more schemes.
Greta Zwaan

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