78 Quotes on Heaven
Discover inspiring quotes on heaven that offer hope, faith, and eternal peace.
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Quotes on Heaven
Updated February 21, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Heaven is a place of peace, love, and eternal joy. It is the promise that brings comfort in times of sorrow and hope when we face life's challenges. These quotes on heaven remind us that this life is not the end—there is something greater, something more beautiful waiting for us.
May these words inspire you, encourage your faith, and remind you that heaven is real, a place where love never fades and joy never ends.
Love for ever dwells in heaven, — hope entereth not there.
Christina Rossetti, Love And Hope
Heaven Poems
Believing and trusting in Jesus, living as per Jesus words in the gospel is a sure way to reach Heaven.
Catherine Pulsifer
Christian Poems
Angel (Greek angelos, a messenger), one of those spiritual intelligences who are regarded as dwelling in heaven and
employed as the ministers or agents of God.
Author Unknown
Poems About Angels
Good friendships are a taste of heaven on earth.
Kate Summers
Friendship Poems
Heaven is not a fantasy tale. Heaven is real. A place where there is no more pain, no more tears.
Catherine Pulsifer
The way you store up treasure in Heaven is by investing in getting people there.
Rick Warren
God never promised challenges would be none but an external home when life is done.
Catherine Pulsifer, God With Us
God's Promises Poems
Bless'd are the peacemakers, tis the Lord who has spoken, for they shall inherit the kingdom of Heaven
Eloise A. Skimings, Silence

Tragically, many thousands of people will have no life in heaven because Christ has never become their personal Savior.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Poems About Life
Funny how it usually takes imminent death or tragedy to think about life in light of eternity, but that's what got me willing to explore.
John Burke
poetry about life and death
In Heaven, we will experience the fullness of God's love and glory; a place where we can worship Him forever.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Worship
Father Almighty, who hast made me man, and bade me look to Heaven, for Thou art there, accept my sacrifice and humble prayer.
Robert Southey
Short Prayers
The dew of heaven is like His grace. It steals in silence down; but where it lights, the favored place.
Keble, The Book Of Nature
May you be half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you're dead.
Irish Saying
Irish Blessing Quotes
Sky so blue it makes you wonder if it's heaven shining through
Robert W. Service, Heaven Shining Through
There is no heart so bleak and bare but heaven has sent some blessing there
Unknown, The True Thanksgiving
Quotes About God's Blessings

May you always have....faithful friends near you, and whenever you pray, heaven to hear you.
An Irish Wish for St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day Poems
In realms of faith, where heaven's whispers bloom, Christian imagination takes flight
Catherine Pulsifer, Realms Of Faith
But in our hearts, we know it's true, we'll see you again in heaven
Catherine Pulsifer, See You Again In Heaven
Poems Of Goodbye Death
The cross reminds us all to seek salvation's road, for in its shadow, we find heaven's abode.
Catherine Pulsifer, Heavens Abode
Poems About The Cross
The Sunday morning all of Heaven rejoiced, Alleluia! Christ’s work is done and God’s will is voiced.
Catherine Pulsifer, Sing Praises
He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven.
George Herbert
Forgiveness Quotes
And when our work on earth is ended, when the clods of the valley are sweet to our weary frame, take us home to Thyself.
Nathaniel S. Sage, In Our Weakness
Prayer For Strength
And daily, hourly, loving and giving in the poorest life makes heavenly living.
Rose Terry Cooke
Quotes about Giving
The Christmas morn dawned softly...the day was filled with gladness, the air with music rang as heaven's glad host assembled their praises to Him they sang.
Unknown, Christmas
Christmas Poems
Jesus is the way to heaven, and if you get there, you must trust in his almighty power - ever trust, trust, trust.
Emma I. Coston, Diligence
God's Garden Poem

I want to see you in Heaven someday - it will be a place we want to stay. But to get there you must believe and Jesus you will receive.
Catherine Pulsifer, See You In Heaven?
Poems About The Bible
Hope is a golden cord connecting us to heaven.
Author Unknown
Christian Quotes About Hope
Joy is the serious business of heaven.
C.S. Lewis
Christian Quotes About Joy
There is only one way to be certain that you are on your way to Heaven and that is through faith in Jesus.
John Stange
Faith In God Quotes
The Easter tide is near. May the comfort it imparts. Descend like the very peace of Heaven
Mary Bissell Waterman, Dear Friends
Easter Poems
Being a good person has nothing to do with it, because none of us could ever be good enough to earn our way into Heaven. Salvation is a gift, paid for by the blood of Christ, and available only to those who follow Him as the Way.
A Kilbourn
Our actions are our own; their consequences belong to Heaven.
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Prayer
But man alone, to bounteous Heaven, Thanksgiving's conscious strains can raise
Unknown, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Poems

Sunsets are just little glimpses of the golden streets of heaven
Author Unknown
Thanksgiving day! Is not for sport and pleasure, but given as a life-time lease to lay up heavenly treasure.
Catharine Ryder, Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Wishes
The best we can hope for in this life is a knothole peek at the shining realities ahead. Yet a glimpse is enough. It’s enough to convince our hearts that whatever sufferings and sorrows currently assail us aren’t worthy of comparison to that which waits over the horizon.
Joni Eareckson Tada
Bible Verses about Hope In Hard Times
May Christ grant all the power to see, as at his name they bend the knee, the way to heaven!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Christmas Bells Are Ringing
Christmas Bells Poems
What comforts, Lord, to those are given, who seek in Thee their home and rest! They find on earth an opening heaven and in Thy peace are amply blest
Wolfgang Christoph Desslerr, Heaven On Earth
Poems About Peace
Like a birdling in its nest, come the smiles of those who love us from the far-off heavens above us, and our saddest songs are best.
G. W. Warder, Saddest Thoughts Make Sweetest Song

Be thankful for the gifts that bounteous Heaven bestows
Charles Mackay
Be Thankful Poems
In heaven, there may not even be a sky but for sure beauty will be multiplied.
Catherine Pulsifer, God's Painting
Poems About The Sky
And Heaven, in it’s glory, will be the more fair, when the spirit of mother shall find entrance there.
Kate Louise Wheeler, Mother
We are sad and mourn when we lose someone but we must always remember that in heaven there are no more tears.
Catherine Pulsifer
A Letter From Heaven
The happy heart is a gift from Heaven above all treasure or gold.
John Imrie, The Happy Heart
Love is growing old with you...a touch of heaven coming through I thank God every day for you!
We'll all look to Heaven as a right blessed home, we'll all do our best whilst on earth we shall roam
Caleb Davis Bradlee, God Bless All Churches
Poems About Church
I closed my eyes, and opened them to eternity.
Streets of gold were as far as my eyes could see.
Jason Kirk Bartley, Stroll in Heaven
Of earthly mine, how small your worth compared to heaven's diadems!
Clara McAlister Brooks, Jesus Alone
- Love - the best gift of Heaven.
Unknown, Gift Of Heaven
Poems About God's Love
Beautiful snow from the heaven above, pure as an angel, gentle as love!
Unknown, Beautiful Snow
Moms are guardian angels to us while they are on this earth..and when they go to heaven - they have that much more power to watch over us.
Author Unknown
The Moon is a silver pin-head vast that holds Heaven's tent-hangings fast.
William R. Alger
Poems About The Moon
When our treasure is in heaven, our hearts will follow. When our hearts are in heaven we will not worry about the things of this world.
Randy Smith
Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
Clouds and darkness surround us, yet Heaven is just, and the day of triumph will surely come, when justice and truth will be vindicated.
Mary Todd Lincoln
If it's possible to send a message from heaven, I'll get one to you.
Lurlene McDaniel
I live for ... the heaven that smiles above me and awaits my spirit too
George L. Banks, Why Do I Live
Living Life Poem
Good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.
Chalmers, Live For Something
Kindness Poems
Home is....where the blessings from above makes the home a heaven.
Unknown, Where Is Home?
Poems About Home

We look up and, through black clouds riven, we recognize the smile of Heaven.
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, Praise God
Poems About Gods Blessings
Courage, an independent spark from Heaven’s bright throne, by which the soul stands raised triumphant, high, alone.
George Farquhar, Courage
Courage Poems
A heavenly home of joy and love, none save Jesus he gives alone; He sacrificed his precious blood, to join us in his throne.
J. J. Thorne, The Savior's Love
Poems About Jesus
To the lost and dying, to the faint in heart; speak of lasting comfort, happiness, and love; point them to the Savior and to heaven above.
Clinton A. Herwick, Autumn
To my soul all grace is given. and all gloom afar is driven; walking in the light of heaven all is everlasting peace.
Daniel S. Warner, Everlasting Joy
Poems About Joy
I will see you in eternity and our love will continue on. A love that will go on in affinity like the breaking of the dawn.
Catherine Pulsifer, I Love You Today
I Love You Poems
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three things. He came to have my past forgiven, you get a purpose for living and a home in Heaven.
Rick Warren
Poems About Jesus Resurrection
But heart, in love and prayer look up beyond the awesome tree; the heaven of heavens is reft to-day
Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster, Good Friday
Good Friday Poem
Our reward shall greater be when we get to heaven, if to duty faithfully we have daily striven!
John Imrie
Poems About Faith
Some day happy little birds you will fly so high - until you reach the heaven of heaven and, to me, you'll sing good-bye.
Mary C. Plummer, Ye Happy Little Birds

While what is right in Heaven's sight is always sure to bless.
Unknown, It Never Pays
If long days to thee are given, try to love all, and keep the chain riven here on earth, and forever in heaven.
Eloise A. Skimings, Happy New Year To You
Our faces turned towards heaven lest we become hard and forget, as we love You, we shall gift each other with patience and love.
Patrick E. Loukes, Thanksgiving
On the cross, Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity, offering us eternal life.
Ravi Zacharias
Quotes About The Cross
"But where is Heaven?" some doubter still may ask; 'tis that fair place where mansions are prepared
Arthur Franklin Fuller
And if little children, coming fill their home with music sweet - is there more that Heaven could give them to make their happiness complete
Maria J Dodge, Life's Different Changes

Today before you complain about life–think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Unknown, Feeling Frustration
God is all around us all the time, and, that we all have a purpose. No matter where we are, we should be content for this time here on earth is but a fleeting moment when compared to our eternal dwelling place.
Byron Pulsifer
He who loves the tiny flower something knows of Heaven's power
John Imrie

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