Quotes About Peace Page 2
Page 2 of quotes about peace
Healing doesn’t always come dressed in a body form,
Often it’s just peace of mind, a calming of life’s storm.
Greta Zwaan, Don't Doubt God
Spiritual Awakening Poems
And peace and wonderful gladness, are the answers unto prayer.
Unknown, The Peoples Prayer
God's Mercy Poems
God needs you to be His instrument of peace, His channel of love, and His avenue of service of others.
William Arthur Ward
Service To Others
His suffering set me free, His death has made me whole, His resurrection opened up the door. I now claim heaven's peace
Greta Zwaan, How To Know Joy
Follow Jesus
Christmas is more than a time of tinsel, trees, and toys; it is a season of preparation, prayers, and peace.
William Arthur Ward
Christmas Is and Can Be
These are the things I prize and hold of dearest worth: light of the sapphire skies, peace of the silent hills...
Henry vanDyke
These Are The Gifts
On hope's broken wing my spirit once fell......My soul then, in prayer, sought peace with its God
Mary C. Ryan
On Hope's Broken Wing
Harsh condemning, fierce contemning, is of little Christian use, one soft word of kindly peace is worth a torrent of abuse.
Joseph Hobbins, You Ask Me How I Live
Words To Live By
Think peace, sublime and sweet, and you that peace will meet.
David V. Bush, Think Right
Think On These Things
God...enrich our mind, inspire our heart, and unto each and all impart true peace, this day!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Anniversary Poem
The Golden Wedding
If you want a thing bad enough ....give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it
Berton Braley
The Will To Win
If all would abide by their conscience it would make a happy band, peace and good will in our homes - freedom and liberty to every man.
J.J. Thorne, Conscious Labor
Never Say I Can't
A mountain brook is also our source of life, of appreciation, and of nature that is pleasing to our senses, and a God-given force to quiet our spirit.
Byron Pulsifer
The Mountain Brook
Let peace and harmony abide, with love each other greeting.
John Imrie
A Christmas Carol
So sweet the hour, so calm the time, I feel it more than half a crime, when Nature sleeps and stars are mute
Edgar Allan Poe, Serenade
Love is not getting, but giving...it is goodness and honor,
and peace and pure living
Henry vanDyke, Love Is
See the Cross! Before it bending,
joys of pardon sweetly roll; Blessed Cross, whose peace unending.
Ellwood Haines Stokes, Rest In Thee
A spirit of peace is felt by all unfortunately it doesn't take long to fall
Why can't this feeling carry on to the new year a feeling of goodwill and of cheer.
Catherine Pulsifer, We Often See
Christmas Time Is
Have Faith in God....Hath He not said, I give my children peace?Believe his word.
James Mudge, Some Rules Of Life
How to Live Your Best Life

Within his ever-peaceful breast no angry feelings rise:
Contentment is his constant guest, and every want supplies.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, The Good Man
Showing Kindness To Others
Sow peace, and reap its harvest bright;
H. Bonar, A Good Life
Poems About The Good Life
Plant three rows of peas:
Peace of mind - peace of heart - peace of soul
Unknown, Plant For A Good Life
Plant Your Own Garden Poem
The earth appears quite full of peace! The sheaves are gathered in! The barns are full, a great increase God grants us all to win.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Autumn
Spring, Summer, Autumn Poems
God hath not promised skies always blue...joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
Annie Johnson Flint, What God Hath Promised
The Promises of God
You'll find more fulfillment, more peace in your heart,
when you willingly give what you share.
Greta Zwaan, If You Can't Find Joy
Poems about Gods Blessings
...bitter days shall cease
In warmth and light and peace;
That winter yields to spring
Celia Thaxter, Saturday Before Easter
Easter Carol
promise yourself...To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
Christy Larson, Promise Yourself
A Life Well Lived Poems
And I recall a sunlit day when all the world was mine
The peace of mind experienced to walk the sea-shore-line
John McLeod, The Ever Patient Faithful Friend
Faithful Friends
Show me the way to that calm, perfect peace
Which springs from an inward consciousness of right
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Good will to all is peace to all,
Honesty tries all debts to pay.
J. J. Thorne, Thought and Meditation
The Heart's Repose
May peace and plenty find you, may pain and grief depart; and may you leave behind you the little cares that smart;
Edgar A. Guest, A New Year's Song
Famous New Year Poems
We will focus on the good, and all the loving people.
It's time we honor those, and life will be more peaceful!
Catherine Pulsifer, No More Unhappy People
Don't Let People Bring You Down
There are times when we all need to escape the busyness of the city and enjoy the peace of the country, the peace of nature surrounding us.
Far From The Madding Crowd

- Life is all too short for strife, peace and love are golden; for they serve to lengthen life
John Imrie, The Golden Rule
Our capable God holds the reigns of your life, but you make your destiny sure,
He offers you all when you reach out to Him, a peace that will always endure.
Greta Zwaan, Our Capable God
God Will Provide
Let me not follow the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path.
Max Ehrmann
A Prayer
God gives to me strength from above and fills me full of peace and love!
Nancy Napier, God's Gifts
Easy Poems for Kids
The gold is fading from the west, the peaceful worlds is wrapped in rest
the little stars their candles light.
Nixon Waterman
Good Night
...somewhere the seas are calm o'er which some ship is sailing; some bosom's resting peacefully, no sighing neither wailing.
James Henry Thomas, Somewhere
Heaven then would prove to be eternal peace and bliss and satisfaction — ever-unfolding consciousness.
Arthur Franklin Fuller, At The Foot Of The Rainbow
Where Is Heaven
Peace and harmony is the river, that honesty and love ascends,
J. J. Thorne
Hopes Of Joy
Somebody's work bore joy and peace, surely his life shall never cease
John R. Clements, Somebody
Do Not Wait Until Tomorrow
And as the daylight fades to dusk, I watch as sunsets gleams,
and pray God sends to every home joy - peace - and happy dreams.
Patience Strong, Roofs
Lord, we ask that You grant each Church staff member, those you have called to serve either as volunteers or paid,
to grant them your peace and strength as they work to advance your Kingdom here on earth.
Prayer For The Church
When some sorrow, like a mighty river, flows through your life with peace-destroying power....say to your heart each trying hour:
“This, too, shall pass away."
Lanta Wilson Smith
This Too, Shall Pass Away
Christmas joy is reflected in the birth of Jesus. God's gift to the world that brings joy and peace to all people.
Christmas Joy
Soon shall thy journey end in perfect peace and love, where angels shall attend and welcome thee above
John Imrie, Stand Thou The Test!
Trust In God Poems
We don’t seek recognition, but service to mankind, it’s there we find fulfillment, it’s there sweet peace we’ll find.
Greta Zwaan, Life Is Fragile
Do I Care Enough
Grace, mercy, peace, Father, send.
As we, thy humble children, bend
Caleb Davis Bradlee
Grace, Mercy, Peace
Simple rule and safest guiding, inward peace and inward might...trust in God and do the right.
Norman McLeod, Trust In God, And Do The Right
Quotes About Trusting God
I now claim heaven's peace, I have no cause for fear, I'll live and reign with Christ forever more.
Greta Zwaan, How To Know Joy
Poems about Following Jesus
In the city of peace, that is paved with pure gold;
the half of whose loveliness has never been told
Mary C. Ryan
In The City Of Peace
Doubt feels uncertain in moments of peace
John F. Zurn, The Kingdom Of Doubt
Easy Poems
Take the Bible - love the Bible - All its precepts treasure up.....
Joy in sorrow, health in sickness, Peace and pleasure, pure delight.
Daniel C. Colesworthy
Read The Bible
Quotes About Peace Page 1

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