86 Relax Quotes
A collection of relax quotes to remind you to take the time to relax and enjoy
life. Relaxation and rest is need by everyone!
To relax is not always what it may seem. Sometimes it means to go on a holiday
and forget everything that lays behind.
Sometimes, it is getting down to work and stopping unnecessary tasks that lead to the feeling of
being overwhelmed. And sometimes it is just sitting and reading a book or listening
to music, taking time to recharge your batteries!
Famous Quotes about Relaxing
To relax or unwind is something that everyone needs to do. Read these famous words said by people
of all professions.
Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.
Chinese Proverb
Wise words passed down for generations.
When care is pressing you down a bit -
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Edgar A. Guest
Don't Quit Poem
Wise words passed down for generations.
- When care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must,
but don't you quit.
Edgar A. Guest, Don't Quit
Short Inspirational Quotes
When faced with challenges, stop, take it easy, but then keep going.
Reading a good book, or a novel can be a relaxing pastime, it can take you to another place.
Catherine Pulsifer, Find A Nook
Quotes about Reading
Every house where Love abides, and Friendship is a guest, is surely home, and home-sweet-home: for there the heart can rest.
Henry VanDyke, A Home
Poems About Home
If I could live again my life, in the next - ...I'll be more relaxed
Jorge Luis Borges, If I Could
Poems About Mistakes
- When you spend 40 hours a week slaving at your job, you deserve to have some time to
get away from the rat race, relax, and enjoy your family.
Barry B. Velasquez, Vacation Planning
Morning Motivation
Balancing your life is a key to success and part of that balance is taking time to
slow down and enjoy life with those you love.
Relax and enjoy your vacation - don't pack so much in every day that you end up coming back exhausted. A vacation should be a time to recharge!
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Vacation
Rest and be thankful.
William Wordsworth
Be Thankful Quotes
- Life is too short not to enjoy it!
Catherine Pulsifer
Enjoy Life Quotes
Life passes quickly, don't spend all your time working!
...relax daily - have fun, laugh and take time to be silly.
Catherine Pulsifer
Stress Relief Kit
If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.
Quotes About Quitting
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
John Lubbock
Quotes About Clouds
Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders
When Feeling Down Quotes
God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which he must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.
A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Poems of Encouragement
Relax and trust in God, He is in control.
Reading a good book, or a novel can be a relaxing pastime, it can take you to another place
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Books
- No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to
relax for at least five minutes every hour, you'd be more productive.
Dr. Joyce Brothers
We all have stress and demands but for 5 minutes just take it easy - it will amaze you the difference it will make.
We look forward to relaxation as we go on our vacation.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Reason To Celebrate
Month Poems
There's many a rest on the road of life, if we only would stop to take it
Unknown, The Golden Side
Waiting For Life To Begin
Listen to relaxing music - Music can have a powerful effect on your state.
I'm sure there have been times when you heard a piece of music and suddenly you felt great.
Matt Clarkson
Music can help you unwind.
What is a garden....To some, a haven where they find forgetfulness and peace of mind...
Reginald Arkell, What Is A Garden?
Garden Poems
- "Have a variety of interests.
These interests relax the mind and lessen tension on the
nervous system.
People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest."
George Matthew Allen
Hobbies and other interests can calm your mind.
Rest will be sweeter if thou art a-weary, and after night cometh the morning cheery
Anna Shipton, Facing The Future
Poems About Regret
It's a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.
Paulo Coelho, The Pilgrimage
Sometimes just doing something totally different can help us make a decision.
Close your eyes and take a bow, you did your best the day is done
Kate Summers, Wishing You
Good Night Poems
- "Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from
one kind of labor by taking up another."
Anatole France
Short Quotes
Acknowledge and facing fear is the first step to send fear down the doorstep. Relax your mind and your body focus your thoughts on the jolly.
Catherine Pulsifer, Overcome Your Fears
Poems About Fear
- We want you to take time to relax,Having fun should be in there as well.
Julie Hebert, Graduating High School
High School Graduation
Old friends, a sacred calm for you.
Unknown, Old True Friends
Best Friend Poems
A friendly smile will make others feel at ease - people feel relaxed when it is you they see.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Friendly Smile
A Friendly Beaming Smile
- It sounds crazy, but being alone is one of the most effective relaxation techniques when
stressed and
Being allowed to experience time is one of the basic spiritual needs of a person.
Janett Menzel, About the Art of Being Alone & Single
Taking a vacation for a few days or weeks can allow each member of the family to relax and release all the tension they have been experiencing for the past weeks or months.
Emma Buckley, Simple Family Vacation Planning
Short Family Quotes
"When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing -
just sitting and looking at the sea, or watching the wind blowing the tree limbs,
or waves rippling on a pond, a flickering candle or children playing in the park?"
Ralph Marston
Live In The Moment Quotes
A good question to reflect upon!
Nowadays, meditation has become a broad term that is associated with relaxation, relieving stress, building internal energy, and deepening inner peace, love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and patience.
Laura Boyle, Confidence
Stress Relief
Quotes about Rest and Relaxation
When you take time to rest from your day to day activities that is also a form of relaxation. We all need to slow down at times and make time to rest and relax.
Take rest;
a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
Quotes to Live By
Gardening is how I relax. It's another form of creating and playing with colors.
Oscar de la Renta
God's Garden Poem
Seek relaxation for mind and body among a set of people who hold broad views of living.
Unknown, Choose Your Companions Well
Poems For Teenagers
Oh, how I love to steal away and spend an hour in silent musing just when the rosy smile of day in twilight shades its light is losing!
Mrs. M. J. E. Crawford, Summer Twilight
Summer Poems
"Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform
soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax."
Dianne Hales
Positive Thoughts
God doesn’t tell us to rest for His own good - He tells us to rest for our own good.
Christina Vinson, God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep
Quotes About Peace
It’s (fishing is) a great way to relax, to tune into the soul-soothing rhythms of the wind and waves.
Wade Bourne, Basic Fishing
We should learn how to relax. I know it is easier said than done. We have to
find ways for a better balance in our physical, intellectual and spiritual life so
we can live longer.
Rosalinda Morgan, Stop and Smell the Roses
And how great is it to have a day of the week that is universally recognized as a day to sit back, relax, and recharge?
Aaron P. Taylor, Be Thankful
Life Quotes
I will dream of summer days no more study, just full of play.
Catherine Pulsifer, Summer Comes
Poems About School
"Create a collection of music to help you relax and feel good.
Make a tape of those songs that make you smile to help you unwind."
Matt Clarkson
Home is a place where we feel safe, and comfortable. A place to relax and recharge.
Catherine Pulsifer
n life we will have failures, always wishing we had waivers,
To take back what we've just done. so take some time, to sit and unwind,
Julie Hebert, Life's Failures
Poems About Failure
Deep relaxation works on three levels - physical, mental, and spiritual - and is the most natural way to re-energize body and mind.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Yoga
Spiritual Poems
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
William S. Burroughs
Deep Quotes about Life
When you are calmly engaged in a favorite hobby, the mind relaxes; the subconscious mind is quietly working away, and behold, a solution or idea simply seems to surface to an issue you are having.
Byron Pulsifer
The pace of our lives can cause strain; we need to condition our thinking to eliminate unnecessary stress and allow time for relaxation.
Catherine Pulsifer
Thoughts On Stress
We all need that time to relax, to "re-charge our batteries", as the saying
goes. When was the last time you took time out of your day to relax, and not
feel guilty about it?
David Lang, Stop and smell the roses
Quotes about Relaxing and Enjoying Life
Life is too short not to enjoy it! You need to take time off work and destress, or chill out as they say.
You can find magic wherever you look.
Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.
Dr. Seuss
The curse of this, our modern way, is rushing through life's passing day
Arthur Franklin Fuller
The Vacation Problem
Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life!
Catherine Pulsifer
Retirement Poems
There is a calmness found when walking beside the ocean, sitting watching the tides come and go.
Catherine Pulsifer
Ocean Poems
Have you forgotten how to relax? Here in the United States most of us work too much without taking enough leisure time.
This is unfortunate because taking time off improves our health, our relationships,and our thinking.
Sage Wilcox, The 2-Hour Vacation
Whatever heaven is like, I hope it includes a lake full of crappie and a creaky old johnboat so we can relive those early days of fishing together.
Wade Bourne, Basic Fishing
Heaven Poems
"Simplicity...a relaxing way of life, where complications don't exist unless
we complicate it."
Catherine Pulsifer
The weekend is a time to relax not work - turn off all your gadgets and enjoy life!
Byron Pulsifer
Positive Quotes
"If you were to take one week and calculate your percentage for:
Time spent relaxing;
what would your ratio be? Would you say you had a balanced life?
Catherine Pulsifer
"Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension
and letting the natural order of life flow through one's being."
Donald Curtis
Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
H. Jackson Brown Jr., Life's Little Instruction Book
Life Is Too Short
Take the time to do a hobby you enjoy doing or, taking a walk, or just reading a book, whatever it is that will help you relax
Catherine Pulsifer, Poems About Stress
Positive Poems
What is this life if, full of zest we have no time to sit and rest?
Unknown, Give Us A Rest
Poems About The Good Life
The ending of a year holidays for all-
A time of busyness and a time to relax.
Julie Hebert
Christmas Time Is
Just for Today I will have a quiet half hour, all by myself, and relax.
Sybil F. Patridge, Just For Today I Will
Just For Today
Every morning awake to accomplish something, should be on your mind.
So choose your thought for the day, and do it and then unwind.
Julie Hebert, Your Life
Good Morning Poems
There may never be a good time to take it easy. However, if you
don't practice this healthy life-style, you will most likely suffer mentally and
Rosy Lee Anderson
"To help have less stress, take time to relax."
Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Live Less Stressed
Life Journey Quotes
We already have the capacity to deal with challenges. But we need a calm mind to draw on the resources locked up within.
Eknath Easwaran, Strength in the Storm
"Listen to soothing music. Pick some relaxing music devoid
of lyrics. It could be sounds of ocean waves, or birds singing.
Relaxation tapes or CDs can be found at most drug stores or big
box consumer stores."
Byron Pulsifer

A new day to achieve my dreams and goals or a day to relax and just take a stroll.
Catherine Pulsifer, When I Awake
A New Day
We wonder why we are stressed, anxious, and guilt-ridden. It’s
because we’re out of step. Our lives don’t feel right because we are
not living in sync with our surroundings and with our natural rhythms.
Bruce B. Miller
Inspirational Quotes About Life and Struggles
Have you ever stopped and just listened to the wind in the trees? It can sound so relaxing - gentle, like the waves on the ocean or it can sound fierce like a storm approaching.
Catherine Pulsifer
Wind In The Trees
Giggling starts as a ripple and may expand into a deep belly laugh. It's truly therapeutic, relaxing, and calming. With a little laughter you're free to enjoy the absurd."
Judy Ford
Funny Relaxing Quotes
Take time to read these funny quotes. May they bring a smile to your face. Have a break and enjoy a smile with these quotations.
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
Sydney J. Harris
- Who says I am lazy, I am just relaxing.
Author Unknown
Cute Quotes
The thought of laying on a grassy riverside under the shade
of a leafy tree and absorbing the beauty of the day is more calming than
retreating to any large backyard in the city.
Kate Summers
For some people, the only time they relax is when they are asleep. I wish,
however, that they wouldn't "relax" so much at work.
H. H. Hopalotomus
Motivational Poems
I'm a fan of relaxing, and when I get tired of relaxing I like to do nothing.
Jim Gaffigan
Cute Quotes For Instagram
Bed and laziness are good friends, they often like to hang out late at noon.
Alain Bremond-Torrent
"If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed
himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become
unstable without knowing it."
Happiness Quotes
Slow down. Kick Back. Relax.
Nova Scotia Tourism
Poems about Life
When you get rid of your fear of failure, your tensions about succeeding... you can be yourself. Relaxed. You'll no longer be driving with your brakes on.
Anthony De Mello
You don't always need a holiday to relax. If you get rid of the clutter in both
your work and home environment, you will find a much more relaxing
atmosphere where the mind
is less busy trying to absorb the meaning or significance of
every object that has no relevance.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Sometimes, to relax is the
simple act of taking a few solitary minutes away from a busy schedule to find
a quiet spot for a cup of coffee away from the noise and bustle
that surrounds you.
Whatever which way you choose to relax, ensure that it becomes part of your everyday routine.
May these relax quotes remind you and encourage you to take the
time to sit back and unwind.
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