7 He Is Risen Poems
Be inspired by these He is risen poems that declare that Christ is risen! Short poems but full of praise and worship reminding us Christ died for us but on that first Easter morn the tomb was empty.
We sing anthems of praise on this wondrous day, declaring Christ has conquered death.
Poems of hope, thanksgiving, and praise for the miracle of what happened that Easter morning.
Easter Poems
Poet: Hezekiah Butterworth
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hear the angel say;
Never word so glorious,
Burst upon the day!
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hear the church repeat,
As her bannered armies
Follow Jesus' feet.
Risen, Christ is risen!
Hail the morning bright,
Children of the promise,
Children of the light.
Let our anthems say;
For our sake the Saviour
Rose this wondrous day.
Ours the hopes eternal
Of his empty tomb;
Ours regained the Eden
Of immortal bloom.
Tenants for a moment
Of abodes of clay,
Heirs of habitations
That shall ne'er decay,
In his resurrection
Life is but a breath,
We his feet shall follow
Through the gates of death.
Shines the wondrous morning
Hail him, — Jesus! Jesus!
Conqueror of death!

Poems About Jesus Resurrection
Easter Poem
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
Christ has risen, earth rejoice,
Utter forth a glorious voice
To God, the King!
And we shall rise, the truth is grand,
spread it wide throughout the land,
And praises sing!
Christ has risen, and death no more
Can bind us to the earthly shore,
And chain the soul!
But time will yield itself a slave,
And an eternal mercy crave,
And lose control!
Christ has risen, and so shall all
Who at his feet, repentant, fall,
Arise to peace!
And in that world of light above,
Where God and Christ will reign in love,
All care shall cease!
Christ has risen, and death has fled,
And God a mighty grace will shed
On all who pray!
Awake, each soul, and seek the light,
And bless the Lord for thoughts so bright,
This Easter day!

Christian Poems
An Easter Reveille
Poet: John R. Slater
First Trumpet:
Souls in the east, awake.
Make ready to meet the dawn.
The sun of God is rising,
The bridegroom from his chamber,
Rejoicing as a strong man
To run his race.
He is risen.
Second Trumpet:
Souls in the north, awake.
Souls of the dead, remember,
He goeth before you into Galilee.
Is he here? Is he there?
He is everywhere;
He is risen.
Third Trumpet:
Souls in the south, awake.
Winter is dead, Spring lives.
Purple and gold the crocus comes.
The beauty of the world returns;
He is risen.
Fourth Trumpet:
Souls in the west, awake.
Souls of the years to come,
Christ guide you on your way
Into this world, and out again.
He knows the way to come and go -
Comes with a star, goes with a cross,
And comes again with a triumph;
He is risen.
All Four Trumpets:
Awake, all souls that sleep.
Across the year but once or twice
Can men hear angels calling.
Heed that first trumpet, nor await the last.
The resurrection moment soon is past.
Life calls again, to all that would be living,
He is risen.

Good Friday Poems
He Is Risen Alleluia
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
He is risen alleluia!
The promise of redemption shown,
The Son of God amongst us,
A truth at last made known.
Our hope came alive when He rose,
A divine victory unfolding!
Our King ascended in power and grace,
Let all the angels sing Alleluia!

Eastertide Poem
The Risen Lord
Poet: R. M. Offord
Lo, a risen Lord we sing, Alleluia!
Once he died, love's offering, Alleluia!
See him death's dark terrors brave,
Dying, dying souls to save,
Us to rescue from the grave, Alleluia!
Short within the tomb his stay, Alleluia!
Death no more can hold its prey, Alleluia!
Lo, he bled to meet our need,
Rose his precious blood to plead,
Still for us doth intercede, Alleluia!
His the death, but ours the life, Alleluia!
Ours the victory, his the strife, Alleluia!
Now by all the griefs he bore
Now by all the shame he wore,
We are his forevermore, Alleluia!
Lo, a risen life we bring, Alleluia!
This our love's glad offering, Alleluia!
Souls redeemed and hearts renewed
Wills to his sweet will subdued;
These shall speak our gratitude, Alleluia!
Easter Bells
Poet: Frederic L. Hosmer
They came, bringing spices at the break of the day
With hearts heavy-laden and sore,
And lo, from the tomb was the stone rolled away,
An angel sat there by the door!
"Why seek ye the living 'mid emblems of death?
Not here, He is risen," the shining one saith.
O type through the ages and symbol of faith,
Whose spirit is true evermore;
The hearts we have cherished we lose not in death,
The grave over love hath no power.
There sitteth the angel, there speaketh the word -
"Not here, they are risen," in silence is heard.
O ye who still watch in the valley of tears
O ye who still watch in the valley of tears
And wait for the night to go by,
Lift, lift up your eyes, on the mountains appears
The day-spring of God from on high!
And wait for the night to go by,
He turneth the shadows of night into day; -
"Not here, they are risen," His shining ones say.
Easter Quotes
Risen Today
An Old Latin Hymn
Jesus Christ is risen today, -
Our triumphant holy day, -
Who did once upon the cross
Suffer to redeem our loss.
Hymns of praise then let us sing
Unto Christ our heavenly King,
Who endured the cross and grave,
Sinners to redeem and save.
But the pains which He endured
Our salvation have procured;
Now above the sky He's King,
Where the angels ever sing, -
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We hope these poems uplift your spirit and remind you of that miraculous day that Jesus rose from the dead!
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