41 Saving Money Quotes
Let these saving money quotes give you ideas and thoughts on how to save. May they inspire you to save your pennies. For many of us it is difficult to save money for that rainy day.
Let these quotes remind you to spend your money but to also to save some.
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Anyone can travel cheaply and comfortably if that person knows the secrets to saving money on the road.
Matt Kepnes, How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
The act of saving money as a value in life is worthless unless its use expresses care for those in need.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.
T.T. Munger
Plant a garden, savie your money.
Kate Summers
"A penny saved is a dollar earned."
B. Franklin
Mistakes of life many of us make..the failure to establish the habit of saving money.
Unknown, Seven Mistakes of Life
But he saw too much, heard too much, felt too much here to save anything by the end of the year. An' the shabbiest wreck the Lord ever let live could get money from him if he had it to give.
Edgar A. Guest, The Man Who Couldn't Save
Planning for a vacation is a great opportunity to teach kids about the importance of saving as you explain why you’re saving money and encourage them to start saving as well.
Emma Buckley, Simple Family Vacation Planning
Balancing your money is the key to having enough.
Elizabeth Warren

"All days are not same. Save for a rainy day.
When you don't work, savings will work for you."
M.K. Soni
"Money in the bank is like toothpaste in the tube.
Easy to take out, hard to put back."
Earl Wilson
Do you want to enjoy it now and suffer later? Do you want to enjoy it later and suffer a little now? The choice is yours.
Philip Haapala, 101 Simple Ways to Save Money
" Saving money allows you to build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses."
Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.
Joe Biden
"Don't wash money down the drain!"
Naomi Knudsen
"Money grows on the tree of patience."

"Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can."
John Wesley
Let us save for the pleasure of giving, and not borrow at fifty per cent
Unknown, Living
"Can implementing the three R's - reduce, recycle, reuse, save you money?
If you only implemented the three R's in your kitchen, you would save money."
Catherine Pulsifer
Saving money is good. Saving dreams is not good.
Richie Norton
"The result of planning this way is to make the rounds of the stores
that offer the best sales by going a route that does not require doubling
back or criss-crossing the city.
This route planning not only saves time, it saves gas."
Byron Pulsifer
"By setting aside money regularly, you can work towards your dreams and aspirations, turning them into reality."
"So next time you are in the market for furniture, remember
to check the auctions. You may find you will save yourself a
lot of money, and also end up with a good quality piece of furniture!!"
Catherine Pulsifer
"Big money can be saved by buying toys and books
for Christmas and birthday gifts at yard sales."
Cyndi Roberts

"The best way to save money is not to lose it."
Les Williams
Budgeting is your financial blueprint so you can successfully save money.
Evangeline Felix, 52 Tips to Save Money in 52 Weeks
"So next time you are in a market for a new vehicle, you may want
to consider an older vehicle that has been leased, where the dealer
has the maintenance records, and it has only been driven by one owner.
Look around; those types of vehicles are out there!!
You could end up saving yourself a lot of money!!"
Catherine Pulsifer
"Saving money gives you financial independence and flexibility. It provides you with the freedom to make choices based on your preferences rather than financial constraints."
"Being frugal is looking at ways to save money by implementing
simple things: making rather than buying, purchasing second hand
rather than new, being creative."
Byron and Catherine Pulsifer
"So, if you want to save money, and you want to help reduce
the amount of cartridges going to landfill sites, you have a choice -
have your ink cartridges
refilled rather than buying a new one!"
Catherine Pulsifer
"Even a small thing like unplugging our coffee machine when
we are done saves us money as there is a clock on our coffee machine
and the clock takes electricity to run."
Catherine Pulsifer

"The individual most accountable for your future financial welfare, is the one you see in the mirror today."
Kemberly Wardlaw, The Hawk and the Mouse - Saving for Retirement
"So, what can you do to save money for those "knock around clothes"
that we all need from time to time? Simple. Go and shop at
second hand stores for what you need."
Byron Pulsifer
"Reduce Energy Consumption by buying efficient equipment
and turning it *off* when it's not in use. This can save you money
while you're helping the environment."
Donna Schwartz Mills from It's Easy to Be Green
Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more.
Jack Benny
"Saving money is a key aspect of financial well-being."
Saving and investing earlier will give your money more time to appreciate in value.
Roberta Ward, Save Money
"Hang your wash outside instead of using the dryer.
It will save you money, and the clothes smell fresh!"
Christine Louise Hohlbaum from 7 Tips for Thrifty Living

"The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket."
Kin Hubbard
"If you are stopped, turn the car off. Turning your car off will
reduce emissions, and may also save you money in gas."
Catherine Pulsifer
You must learn to save first and spend afterwards.
Catherine Pulsifer
John Poole
If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money, but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage.
Brigham Young
Small amounts saved daily add up to huge investments in the end.
Margo Vader, Check Mate
The principles of lean business planning include do only what you need, track and review often, expect change, develop accountability, and remember it’s planning, not accounting.
Tim Berry, Lean Business Planning
"Consider changing to fluorescent lighting in your house.
They use less energy last 10 times as long and produce less heat."
Cyndi Roberts from Small Ways to Save Big Bucks!

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