42 Quotes About Second Chances
Be encouraged by these quotes about second chances. We all deserve a second chance at times. When we make a mistake, we can learn and have a second chance. When we fail we can start again
and have a second chance. No matter what we do there is always an opportunity for a second chance.
Never give up! there are chances and changes helping the hopeful a hundred to one
Martin Farquhar Tupper, Never Give Up!
Never Give Up Poem
Because this is what I believe - that second chances are stronger than secrets. You can let secrets go. But a second chance? You don't let that pass you by.
Daisy Whitney
Inspirational Poems
Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Defeat Quotes
There is always a second chance. If you make a mistake, be contrite and humble and God will give you a second chance.
Bishop Tudor Bismark
Christian Poems
In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.
Alice Walker
Garden Poems
- Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
Walter Anderson
Poems of Encouragement
Middle age is never too late for a second chance at life - seize the opportunity and make it count!
Catherine Pulsifer
Middle Age Poems
Pray don't find fault with the man who limps or stumbles along the road, unless you have worn the shoes he wears or struggled beneath his load.
John Murray, Judge Gently
Poems About Helping Others
Each Today we must feel we have not another chance, every thought, word and deed we must live to enhance
Unknown, Yesterdays
Poems For Teenagers
Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.
Joyce Allston
Quotes on Grandparents
We long to "do it over," but we cannot try, - for every dream's a rover and our dream's gone by!
Berton Braley, The Failures
Poems About Dreams
...we yearn for yesterday, for what was or what might have been. But as we are yearning, the present is becoming the past, so the past is nothing but our yearning for second chances.
Dean Koontz, Brother Odd
Positive Poems
Easter is very important to me, it's a second chance.
Reba McEntire
Easter Poems

Every moment of your life is a second chance.
Rick Price
Poems About Life
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
Oprah Winfrey
New Year Poems
A mistake is not the end of the world....pick up the pieces, try again, don't let one thing stop you.
Catherine Pulsifer, Not The End
Poems About Mistakes
Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey
Pat Conroy
Poems About Travel
If we can allow ourselves to see, that maybe a failure is our key, our next attempt may have a better chance at.
Julie Hebert, Life's Failures
Poems About Failure

Love is with a tender heart....It forgives others of their wrongs. and washes them away.
J. J. Thorne
Love Is
God must have known that grandparents would need a chance or two. For many little happy things, we hadn't time to do.
Unknown, Granted A Wish
Poems About Grandchildren
And through God's great act of mercy, forgiving our failures and sin, can we pass through that door of salvation, through Christ we're allowed to come in.
Greta Zwaan, Preparing For Heaven
Heaven Poems

Tomorrow when I awaken, the slate will be clean, and a new day will stretch before me. God's mercies are new every morning.
Lori Hatcher
God's Mercy Poems
No care is so trying, no failure so great, that you can't find a new chance to battle with fate.
David V. Bush
Opportunity Poem
No chance? Why the world is just eager for things that you ought to create.
Berton Braley
Opportunity Quotes
New beginnings bring new possibilities. A chance to this time get it right.
Lynn M. McHale
Quotes About New Beginnings
The thing about roads is sometimes you happen upon them again. Sometimes you get another chance to travel down the same path.
Jill Santopolo, The Light We Lost
Follow Your Own Path Poems

That is what life is about. We do not get redos, but we do get second chances.
Jeffrey Fry, Distilled Thoughts
Short Inspirational Quotes
Second chances do come your way. Like trains, they arrive and depart regularly. Recognizing the ones that matter is the trick.
Jill A. Davis
Cute Quotes
Becoming a grandparent is a second chance. For you have a chance to put to use all the things you learned the first time around and may have made mistakes on. It’s all love and no discipline.
Joyce Brothers
Quotes on Grandparents
I have become convinced that God thoroughly enjoys fixing and saving things that are broken. That means that no matter how hurt and defeated you feel, no matter how badly you have been damaged,
God can repair you. God can give anyone a second chance.
Melody Carlson, Damaged
Inspirational God Quotes

Maybe that’s why there are grandkids, a second chance to get it right.
Terri Haynes Roach, A Special Gift
Grandma Poems
Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.
Desmond Tutu
Forgiveness Quotes
And if Fate knocks you down with a shattering blow -it may be your big chance in disguise -
If you stand up and meet it with courage and faith,looking onward with bright, fearless eyes . . .
Patience Strong, Opportunities
Think On These Things
Each day is a special and splendid opportunity to do what we have been designed to do; it is another chance to make changes for the better for our fellow humankind.
Byron Pulsifer
Life Is Too Short Quotes

We have a chance to start all over with each new day and make it the best we can make it.
Joyce O’Bryant
Good Morning Quotes
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.
Mary Pickford
Mistake Quotes
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.
Brian Tracy
Quotes About Luck
Remember that when someone says “No," this isn’t the end of your career. It just means that now, you have a chance to create a different kind of opportunity for yourself.
Alexandra Franzen, You're Going to Survive
Opportunity Quotes

A new year to offers a chance to start fresh, to move into new things.
Catherine Pulsifer
New Year Quotes
We fear failure so much that we often decide to do nothing instead of risk failing. But if you don't take chances in life, you'll never live up to your full potential.
from the book, Crap
Failure Quotes
To make another dream come true - every day life offers you a chance to try again.
Patience Strong, Try Again
Grandparents, ... repeatedly told us how grateful they were to have the chance to raise and develop a very special relationship with their grandchildren, detailing their appreciation for the numerous benefits they got out of raising them.
Rachel E. Dunifon, You've Always Been There for Me
Grandchildren Quotes
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