Service To Others
Service to others is a collection of short poems and thoughts written by William Arthur Ward. Inspirational words that encourage us to serve others. When you serve you may think the only
benefit is helping other people, however, serving others also will benefit you. Let these poems and thoughts encourage you to live a life of service.
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Service To Others - in Inspirational Poems
Service To Others
Poems & Thoughts by William Arthur Ward
The climate of our days is influenced
More by the condition of our temperament
Than by the of our surroundings;
More by the humility in our heart
Than by the humidity of air;
More by the happiness we create
Than by the fun we seek;
More by the service we give
Than by the service we receive;
More by the friends we make
Than by the people we meet;
More by the example we set
Than by the breaks we get.
If the room of your life is filled with the darkness of despair,
it need not remain so.
You have the power to kindle the flame of faith,
to light a candle of hope,
to turn on the lamp of love,
to pull back the curtains of fear,
to raise the windows of doubt,
to unlock the doors of defeat,
and to step out into the street of service.
God needs you to be His instrument of peace,
His channel of love,
And His avenue of service of others.
Water under the bridge of failure
Can be drained into bayous of bitterness
Or channeled into streams of service.
We are all surrounded by acres of unfinished goodness
We should cultivate and complete.
Thinking big enlarges your horizons;
Giving a big lifts your spirits;
Serving big expands your soul.
After we look up to God in prayers,
We should reach out to others in service.
Feelings of futility frequently flee when we
Lose ourselves in service to others.

When we invest our days in service to others,
We have no time for the blues.
Every stream has a source;
Every mountain has a base;
Every deed has a thought.
We were created
to expand our consciousness through prayer,
to extend our hands in service,
to express our thanks with joy,
to expand our energies with wisdom,
and to exemplify our love by deeds.
Blessed is the person who
confidently builds birdges of understanding, and
who generously lightens the loads of his fellow man.
How easy to put another in his place;
how difficult to put ourselves in his place.
The secret of abundant life is giving -
our will to God, and
our service to the needs of others.
Learn and grow all you can;
serve and befriend all you can;
enrich and inspire all you can.
God needs you to be His instrument of peace,
His channel of love, and
His avenue of service to others.
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