34 Short Love Poems
A collection of short love poems to express affection, emotions, and devotion.

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Short Love Poems
Updated Jan 31, 2025 by Catherine Pulsifer
Love is one of life’s most beautiful gifts, and sometimes, the simplest words carry the deepest meaning. This collection of short love poems is here to help you express those heartfelt feelings—whether it’s a moment of new passion or a steady love that has grown over time.
These poems are written to touch hearts, spark a smile, or bring comfort when you want to show someone just how much they mean to you. Love poems have a way of saying what’s often hard to put into words. Share one today to make someone feel special, because when love is expressed, it brings joy that lasts beyond the moment. Let these poems be a way to brighten your relationship and remind your loved ones just how cherished they are.
And I . . .
Poet: Furnley Maurice
Though love has gentle hands and warm,
If arrowed grief goes skirmishing,
Then, even love may not perform
The one impossible thing.
And I have tramped through grasses deep.
Seen dawn move from her cloudy lair,
Have watched the bluebells stir from sleep, -
And I have prayed one prayer:
And I have wandered the bush ways
In drowse and damp where soft fogs swing
Across the spurs their floating greys -
And I have said one thing:
And I have dipped in roadside wells
Amid the flash of golden fish.
Have pondered there on wands and spells -
And I have made one wish:
And I have gone by towns where beats
The chimney fume against the spire;
Amid the crushing tramp of streets -
I have had one desire:
That I might bring you pillowed peace.
That I might bid all day 'tis come fair.
Make you a little glad, and ease
The burdens that you bear.
Dreams Do Come True
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Dreams really do came true,
I realized this when I met you.
In your presence, I find peace,
Fulfilling each hope and release.
Thank you for bringing joy through,
I'm grateful for your love so true.
My Blessings
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When things are quiet at the end of the day
I reflect on all the blessings sent my way.
At the top of my blessings is the love that you show
And my love for you continues to grow.
No one could bring me as much joy as you do
Together, forever, I love you!
Find more poems to express your love:
Poems About Being In Love
True Love Poems
I Love You More Poems
A Love Song
Poet: Nixon Waterman
It's a dull, dark day when you're away,
A bright one when you're near.
For gladdest skies are in your eyes.
Your smile is shine and cheer.
Your face is like a garden fair
Where radiant roses bloom
And all the flowers rich and rare
Have spilled their sweet perfume.
I know not if our dream most fond
The last long sleep survives;
I know not what may lie beyond
The story of our lives;
But all the human joys that thrill
In ecstasy divine
Would be but sorry grief until
I held your hand in mine.
Commitment Poems
I Love You For Many Reasons
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
You always make me happy
You are so special to me.
I love you for many reasons
Through each and every season.
In the good times and in the bad
With you, I am more happy than sad.
You accept me completely for me
Someone else I don't have to be.
Your love is truly a treasure
And I love you beyond measure.
I will always care
And our love may we always share.
Love poems for that someone special in your life:
Love Poems For Her
Love Poems For Him
Love Poems For Husband
Wife Poem
Soulmate Poems
Once We Have Loved
Poet: Margaret E. Sangster
Once we have loved we never lose.
That is not love which can forget,
Through loss and loneliness and grief
This gem is as its coronet,
That true love never can forget.
That is not faith which drops its hold.
Once we have trusted, in our clasp
Forever lies life's changeless gold,
Nor withers in our loosened grasp;
True faith through all time keeps its clasp.
Best Love Poems
Love's Exchanges
Poet: J. B. Selkirk
You praise my beauty, grace and art,
O Love; but you are much to blame;
In every line you leave a smart,
That makes me bow my head in shame.
Whatever the world may choose to say,
I look not for such words from you;
I'd throw them from my heart away,
If you could even prove them true.
World's praise is but a passing mood,
That shifts about with the occasion;
It serves as oft for envy's food,
As that of honest admiration.
In your regard, I set no store
On what, by way of form or feature,
I hold in common, less or more,
With every other human creature.
If Love be blind, as it is said.
What can he know of outward graces?
I care not for the love that's led
A facile slave of pretty faces.
I would not have my love depend
On beauty, were I ten times fairer.
If beauty knew no change or end,
Life asks for something deeper, rarer
Something that sets the world aside,
Beyond the touch of time or season.
If only love for love abide,
I do not want another reason.
Poet: Adelaide Anne Procteit
It is not because your heart is mine — mine only
Mine alone;
It is not because you chose me, weak and lonely,
For your own;
Not because the earth is fairer, and the skies
Spread above you
Are more radiant for the shining of your eyes —
That I love you!
It is not because the world's perplexed meaning
Grows more clear;
And the Parapets of Heaven, with angels leaning,
Seem more near;
And Nature sings of praise with all her voices
Since yours spoke.
Since within my silent heart, that now rejoices,
Love awoke!
Nay, not even because your hand holds heart and life;
At your will
Soothing, hushing all its discord, making strife
Calm and still;
Teaching Trust to fold her wings, nor ever roam
From her nest;
Teaching Love that her securest, safest home
Must be Rest.
But because this human Love, though true and sweet —
Yours, and mine —
Has been sent by Love more tender, more complete
More divine;
That it leads our hearts to rest at last in Heaven,
Far above you;
Do I take you as a gift that God has given —
And I love you!
Gentle The Love
Poet: John McLeod, © 1989
Gentle the love that flows from caring hands,
Friendship is a flower that grows and understands
That gentle love will ever light the way
Towards enchantment's ever brightening day.
For Love is a song that lights the darkest place
And shines eternal,
Blessed with joy and grace!
Where Love Resides….
Poet: Jaymac, © 1989
Where Love resides
You'll find the sunlight clear
Golden and warm
To guild each passing year
Where Love resides
You'll find a rainbow too
Soft colours that enhance
And Hope renew
Where Love resides
There is no 'Time' as such
Gentle and true
Its own eternal touch
Love has such sunlight
Where no falsehood hides
Eternal colours true
Where Love resides!
What Is Love Poem
Many Kinds Of Love
Poet: Henry VanDyke
There are many kinds of love,
Ss many kinds of light,
And every kind of love
Makes a glory in the night.
There is love that stirs the heart,
And love that gives it rest,
But the love that leads life upward
Is the noblest and the best.
Different kinds of love poems:
Christian Poems About Love
A Mother's Love Poem
Poems About Life and Love
I Will Never Forget
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The day we met I will never forget
You had such a loving positive mindset.
No one has ever made me so happy and content
On a scale of 1 to 100, you are 199 percent.
You make me smile, you make me laugh
My love for you I could never cut in half.
I will love you for the rest of my life.
I am so blessed to be your wife.
Funny Love Poems
My Life Is Great With You
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2011
How amazing life can be,
Especially when I look at thee.
I sometimes wake up, to contemplate thought,
Of how this life came to me.
I am so grateful for all that I have,
I just find myself wondering out loud.
But its time that this stops, and I forget these thoughts,
As these thoughts are no longer allowed.
What I have is so amazing,
Doesn't mean I didn't create 'em.
I am the one who is blessed, and hope for so much more,
To my life that I hope you'll be in.
Our life together is wonderful and great,
And I hope you will always be my mate.
Yes, my life is quite great, but you're also first-rate,
To me, you're the reason for fate.
Love Poems for Special Occasions:
Valentines Day Poems
Short Valentines Day Poems
Wedding Poems
Birthday Love Poems
New Year Love Poems
Roses are Red Birthday Poems
Poet: Kate Summers
I love you to the moon and back
That is true and that's a fact
You can never love me more
Because you I do adore.
I love you more that is true
With you, I am never blue.
You love me, I love you
My dreams you were an answer to.
Together we face what life will bring
My love for you is more than a feeling
It is how I act, what I do
I will love you forever that is true.
I Love You Poems
Where Is That Love?
Poet: John McLeod, © 1989
Where is that love we all search for
The 'gold' at rainbow's end?
To walk in dreams that distant shore
Seeking a timeless Friend. . .
Beyond the measuring is where
All Dreams and Hopes reside,
Across the moments outwith Time
Joy's river deep and wide.
Where is that love we all search for
And see to understand,
When will we find that secret door
To Happiness's Land?
Sudden to find at journey's end
Within, so clear and true,
The Love we sough, the gentle Friend
Awaits for you!
A Heart For Every One
Poet: Charles Swain
Oh, there's a heart for every one.
If every one could find it;
Then up and seek, ere youth is gone,
Whatever the toil, ne'er mind it;
For if you chance to meet at last
With that one heart, intended
To be a blessing unsurpassed,
Till life itself is ended,
How would you prize the labor done,
How grieve if you resigned it
For there's a heart for every one,
If every one could find it!
Two hearts are made, the angels say,
To suit each other dearly;
But each one takes a different way, —
A way not found so clearly!
Yet though we seek, and seek for years.
The pains are worth the taking,
For what the life of home endears
Like hearts of angel's making?
Then haste, and guard the treasure now.
When fondly you've enshrined it.
For there's a heart for every one,
If every one could find it.
Life Seems To Thee
Poet: Charles Fenno Hoffman
Life seems to thee more earnest, dearest!
And is it not the same with me?
Why, sweet, each shadow that thou fearest
To me becomes reality —
A thought — a pang to mar my gladness,
And cloud my brow with tender sadness —
And all of loving thee!
The jest from which thou often turnest
Is only love's fond thoughtful guile,
And comes from heart in love most earnest
When it would make thee smile —
Is but the stream's bright circles breaking
Beneath thy blessed tear-drops — waking
Love's dimples there the while.
Romantic Poems
Poet: J. B. Selkirk
Within my lady's eyes I find the whole
Of love's sweet moods reflected perfectly.
The rapturous rest, the deep felicity,
That silent sweet serenity of soul
Love only knows when it has reached its goal.
With nothing left to think of, hear, or see,
That does not answer to the master-key,
Nor falls within love's golden aureole.
Could anything that heaven itself could give her
Make those still eyes of hers more heavenly fair?
Lo I as I look at them, like summer air
That wakens into flame a sleeping river,
Laughter has taken them with light so rare
It would content me well to look for ever.
Poet Unknown
When fortune with a smiling face
Strews roses on our way,
When shall we stop to pick them up?
Today, my love, today!
But should she frown with face of care
And speak of coming sorrow,
When shall we grieve, if grieve we must?
Tomorrow, love, tomorrow!
If those who've wronged us own their fault.
And kindly pity, pray
When shall we listen and forgive?
Today, my love, today!
But if stern justice urge rebuke.
And warmth from memory borrow,
When shall we chide, if chide we must?
Tomorrow, love, tomorrow!
I Sat With Her Hand In Mind
Poet: J. B. Selkirk
I sat with her hand in mine,
Last night when the sun went down;
Our hearts were full of love's light divine,
The light of life and the crown;
My soul spoke only to hers,
And the listening heavens above,
While up through her eyes for ever
Answered the speechless river
Of her love.
No word between us arose -
Wherefore at all the need?
For what are words to the heart that knows
It loves, and is loved indeed?
But I swear in my heart for her.
To the listening heavens above.
While up through her eyes for ever
Answered the speechless river
Of her love.
She Loves Me
Poet: Charles Harpur
She loves me! From her own bliss-breathing lips
The live confession came, like rich perfume
From crimson petals bursting into bloom!
And still my heart at the remembrance skips
Like a young lion, and my tongue, too, trips
As drunk with joy! while every object seen
In life's diurnal round wears in its mien
A clear assurance that no doubts eclipse.
And if the common things of nature now
Are like old faces flushed with new delight,
Much more the consciousness of that rich vow
Deepens the beauteous, and refines the bright.
While throned I seem on love's divinest height
'Mid all the glories glowing round its brow.
Long Distance Relationships Poems
I Love Thee More
Poet Unknown
Each day, beloved, I think I love thee more
Than any day that we have ever known,
But less than that which is to come.
What will it matter then, in after years,
The furrowed cheek, or ever-whitening hair,
If always Love grows stronger, more serene!
Think in our hearts what precious memories live,
Not one of mine which is not also thine,
Binding the old bonds closer every day,
Weaving new links in Life's bright golden chain!
We shall grow old and weak, with feeble steps,
But closer every day, our clasping hands,
Since every day, beloved, I love thee more
Than any day that we have ever known,
Yet less than that which is to come.
Give Away
Poet: Louis Ginsberg
Love that is hoarded moulds at last
Until we know some day
The only thing we ever have
Is what we give away.
A Conceit
Poet: Mortimer Collins
Oh, touch that rosebud! it will bloom
My lady fair!
A passionate red in dim green gloom,
A joy, a splendor, a perfume
That sleeps in air.
You touched my heart; it gave a thrill
Just like a rose
That opens at a lady's will;
Its bloom is always yours, until
You bid it close.
To My Love Poems
Come Back Soon
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When you are away, I miss you so
It's like part of me is missing, I know
Counting the hours until you're back home
Can't wait to see your smile, not just over the phone.
The house feels empty, without your embrace
Your laughter and warmth, my heart does chase
Come back soon, for I long for your presence
Without you here, there's an undeniable absence.
Poems about missing the one you love:
I Miss You Poems
Goodbye Love Poems
Goodbye Poems for Lovers
Right And Wrong
Poet: George MacDonald
Alas! how hardly things go right!
'Tis hard to watch on a summer's night,
For the sigh will come, and the kiss will stay,
And the summer's night is a winter's day.
Alas! how easily things go wrong!
A sigh too much or a kiss too long,
And there comes a mist and a weeping rain,
And life is never the same again.
And yet how easily things go right,
If the sigh and the kiss of the summer's night
Come deep from the soul in the stronger ray
That is born in the light of the winter's day.
And things can never go badly wrong
If the heart be true and the love be strong;
For the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain.
Will be changed by the love into sunshine again.
Love And Hope
Poet: Christina Rossetti
Love for ever dwells in heaven, —
Hope entereth not there.
To despairing man Love's given, —
Hope dwells not with despair.
Love reigneth high, and reigneth low, and reigneth everywhere.
In the inmost heart Love dwelleth, —
It may not quenched be;
E'en when the life-blood welleth,
Its fond effects we see
In the name that leaves the lips the last — fades last from memory.
And when we shall awaken,
Ascending to the sky.
Though Hope shall have forsaken.
Sweet Love shall never die:
For perfect Love and perfect bliss shall be our lot on high.
More famous love poems that have stood the test of time:
Famous Love Poems
Finding Love Poems
An Incantation
Poet: Marguerite Wilkinson
O strong sun of heaven, harm not my love,
Sear him not with your flame, blind him not with your beauty,
Shine for his pleasure!
O gray rains of heaven, harm not my love.
Drown not in your torrent the song of his heart.
Lave and caress him!
O swift winds of heaven, harm not my love.
Bruise not nor buffet him with your rough humor,
Sing you his prowess!
O mighty triad, strong ones of heaven.
Sun, rain and wind, be gentle, I charge you;
For your mad mood of wrath have me, I am ready —
But spare him, my lover, most proud and most dear —
O sun, rain and wind, strong ones of heaven!
Love Poetry
So Beautiful You Are Indeed
Poet: Irene Rutherford McLeod
So beautiful you are, indeed,
That I am troubled when you come.
And though I crave you for my need.
Your nearness strikes me blind and dumb.
And when you bring your lips to mine
My spirit trembles and escapes.
And you and I are turned divine.
Bereft of our familiar shapes.
And fearfully we tread cold space.
Naked of flesh and winged with flame,
. . . Until we find us face to face,
Each calling on the other's name!
You Say There Is No Love
Poet: Grace Fallow Norton
You say there is no love, my love,
Unless it lasts for aye!
Oh, folly, there are interludes
Better than the play.
You say lest it endure, sweet love.
It is not love for aye?
Oh, blind! Eternity can be
All in one little day.
Find romantic love poems to share:
Do You Love Me Poems
I Wanna Grow Old With You Poems
Poems About The Power Of Love
Love Me Little - Love Me Long
Poet: Unknown
Love me little, love me long,
Is the burden of my song,
Love that is too hot and strong
Burneth soon to waste.
Still I would not have thee cold,
Not too backward or too bold;
Love that lasteth till 'tis old
Fadeth not in haste.
If thou lovest me too much,
It will not prove as true as touch;
Love me little, more than such,
For I fear the end.
I am with little well content,
And a little from thee sent
Is enough, with true intent,
To be steadfast friend.
Say thou lovest me while thou live,
I to thee my love will give,
Never dreaming to decieve
While that life endures:
Nay, and after death, in sooth,
I to thee will keep my truth,
As now, when in my May of youth,
This my love assures.
Constant love is moderate ever,
And it will through life persever;
Give me that, with true endeavour
I will it restore.
A suit of durance let it be,
For all weathers; that for me,
For the land or for the sea,
Lasting evermore.
Winter's cold or summer's heat,
Autumn's tempests on it beat,
It can never know defeat,
Never can rebel
Such the love that I would gain.
Such the love, I tell thee plain,
Thou must give, or woo in vain;
So to thee farewell.
Love Is Not Easy
The Girl I Love
Poet: M. Archibald
A wish for the girl I love -
God love her!
A song for the eyes of tender shine,
And the fragrant mouth that melts on mine,
And the shimmering tresses uncontrolled
That clasp her neck with tendril gold;
The blossom-mouth and the dainty chin,
And the little dimple out and in
The girl I love -
God bless her!
Love Is Not ...
And I . . .
Poet: Unknown
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it;
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to heed it;
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
But though my beauty meets no eye it still doth glow;
Though my truth meets no ear it still doth shine.
But when my love meets no heart it can only break.
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