Simplicity Poem
Find a simplicity poem that reinforces living a less complicated life. Hopefully, the verses will remind you to turn off the gadgets, to turn off the TV, to have days where you just enjoy the simple things in life.
Some people couldn't imagine what it would be like without all of our modern conveniences, however, it is good for the soul to just
keep things simple at times. I am not saying that we should do away with the progress that we have made, what I am saying is that there are
times when we should just see the beauty in the simple everyday things. We hope you enjoy the wisdom in these simplicity poems.
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Poems About Life
Simplicity Poem
Simpler Ways
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2015
Making do with less,
Is something we should all do,
Corporations and associations,
Make us fear we need new.
But life way back was much simpler,
Yet people were just as happy,
They had everything their lives did need,
They weren't nearly quite as sappy.
People today feel they need to conform,
Or coward out of sight,
A life without the newest toy,
Would obviously be a horrible fright!
On the contrary people,
This stuff is clouding our minds,
Remember what it was like to be outdoors,
Our hair blowing in the winds?
The games outdoors give more than just fun,
You get exercise, nature and friends,
Computer, video and tablet games,
Lock you up with no clear end.
TV's and movies are always great fun,
But do nothing but desensitize your brain,
Sure you may learn a thing here or there,
But eventually, you will be left drained.
So turn it all off, put it away,
Remember the simpler ways,
Life before was great and fun,
Before all this unnecessary haze.
Poems About Living A Simple Life
A Hundred Years Ago
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A hundred years ago, life was simpler,
No rush and no stress, a laid-back demeanor.
The world not taken for granted, days without worry,
No fancy tech that's so clever and always in a hurry.
Life as it should be, time taken to care.
Neighbors assisting one another in times of despair,
Kids playing games with old-time glee.
Family values, the only way things could be.

Simple Things Poem
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Technology clutter is such a mess!
We were told that paper would get less,
But all the cables that we possess,
Gives us a home that looks like a mess.
We long for simpler days with just basic tools,
Beyond the digital world and all the pull.
Yet cables keep tripping us as we move about
There is such clutter we just want to shout.
Embrace your freedom, let go of the technology hold
Back to simple is worth its weight in gold.
Once you let go of technology that no longer brings joy
You get rid of the clutter and all the noise.
Simplicity Quotes
Poet: John McLeod
Is removing the
Masks of Life that
Puzzle and
Limit our progress
In the journey towards
Inner peace and the
Tranquility all
Yearn for.
Perhaps, than simply
Letters on a page.
It holds a message
Clear, no
Incongruity to confuse
The senses now or
Letting Go Poem
We Get So Busy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
At times, we get so busy
It can truly make you dizzy.
We put so much pressure and stress
We don't even have time to get dressed.
We run here and there
Doing things our parents wouldn't have dared
While advances are good
We need to slow down, we should.
So many things seem important to be done
We don't leave enough time for fun
We do so much each day
We want success in every way.
But then a major shock comes
And for us, we seem overwhelmed
It makes us stop and look at life
We question our purpose and is there afterlife.
When we find enjoyment in the simple things
We come to realize all that life can bring
Life goes by way to fast
We must enjoy and make it last.
Simplicity and simple things may seem
Like only a far-fetched dream.
But you have the power to control
By resetting your daily goals.
Take the time to slow down a bit
Before your health takes a hit
Uncomplicate your life today
You will find you'll be happier every day!

Living Life Poem
Simple Vacations
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
To earn the dollars we work so hard
To take trips to places afar
We work all year to go for two weeks
To see the mountain and the creeks.
And those two weeks seem to go so fast
We wish for more time so vacation would last
We go back to work and start again
Saving money for a vacation to spend.
But if we stopped and enjoyed our surroundings
We would find beauty resounding
As in our backyards, there are so many things
But we don't stop and see the beauty they bring.
It can simplify your life so much
If you take the time as such
To discover the beauty that abounds
By discovering the things that surround.
And the best part is the cost is less
Which can truly reduce your stress
You can enjoy it every day
You don't have to go far away.
So take a look at your goals
Simplify and take control
Find simple things that you can do
It'll uncomplicate your life too!

Poems About Vacation
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Life's no problem deep and vast,
Life's no creature with a past.
Some would have you think it so,
Full of mystery, weal and woe,
Wondering why we mourn or smile,
Why we work and rest a while,
Why we're born and why we die.
Why we laugh and why we cry.
Life is not a problem play,
Left unanswered day to day;
Life is ours and we are here
Molding it in fashions queer.
We the mysteries create,
We are conjurers with fate;
Life is simple, man complex.
We produce the things that vex.
Life's a thing of beauty rare,
Left for us to make more fair;
Ours to do with as we will,
Mold in error, mold in skill,
Shape in sadness, shape in cheer, -
Build in hope or build in fear;
Viewed from any way we take it,
Life is really what we make it.
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Leading a simpler life is easier than you think. Bringing a bit more simplicity to our lives can have such
a positive impact on the quality of our life and on our happiness. We hope these poems have encouraged you and that you have found a simplicity poem
that you will share with others.
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