40 Slow Down Quotes

Slow down quotes demonstrate the vital need to take life just a little bit easier. To slow down does not mean to languish in poor productivity or to adopt an attitude of completing tasks in a tortuous slow-motion methodology. Instead, to slow down simply means that there is much more to life than the constant frenzy of doing something with every minute of the day.

To enjoy life, to appreciate the beauty of what lies in front of you or all around you requires you to stop for a moment to absorb all aspects of life. This may mean that instead of spending hours in front of a television, you instead take a leisurely stroll through a park, a forest path, or beside a babbling brook. Maybe it means spending more quality time with your children rather than being a constant "go to" taxi cab to drive them to a host of activities outside of your family environment. You decide - after all, it is a choice you can control.

Quotes    /   slow down quotes

  1. Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.” Nicholas Sparks
    Inspirational Poems

  2. Working in the garden forces you to slow down as you can't rush growing. Kate Summers
    Garden Poems

  3. What would happen, what would be lost, if I stopped, or if I slowed down to a pace that felt less like a high-speed chase all day, every day?
  4. What am I trying to prove? What would happen, what would be lost, if I stopped, or if I slowed down to a pace that felt less like a high-speed chase all day, every day? Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect
    Poems of Encouragement

  5. There is something very special about the first few hours of the morning. Time seems to slow down and a deep sense of peace fills the air. Robin Sharma, Who Will Cry When You Die?
    Good Morning Poems

  6. So, o'er and o'er, the soul is soothed with every summer tune.
  7. So, o'er and o'er, the soul is soothed with every summer tune. Ellwood Haines Stokes, June
    Poems About The Seasons

  8. When your world moves too fast and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to each color of the sunset. Christy Ann Martine
    Sunset Quotes

  9. Leadership is not ‘diving catches and acts of heroism.’ Instead, it’s about something very different ... to give you the tools, strategies ... to develop a new style of leadership so that you can become the kind of person who can lead in a world that refuses to slow down. Jeb Brooks
    Leadership Quotes

  10. Take a deep breath. Put your cell phone away. Let your heart slow down. Let God take care of the world.
  11. Take a deep breath. Put your cell phone away. Let your heart slow down. Let God take care of the world. John Ortberg
    Christian Poems

  12. Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. Saint Francis de Sales
    Bible Verses about Peace Of Mind

  13. Yes, time to smell the roses, to learn to slow your pace, to find out why the Lord has blessed you so Greta Zwaan, Time Belongs To God
    Quotes About God's Blessings

  14. Pause the rush, savor life's nooks, unwind with a good book. Author Unknown
    Poems About Books

  15. The self-evolved leader has the ability to create the illusion of slowing things down at a micro level while everything around them continues to speed by. Dave McKeown, The Self-Evolved Leader
    Mentor Quotes

  16. Better the old slow way of striving, and counting small gains when the year is done, than to use our force and our strength in contriving, and to grasp for pleasure we have not won. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, The Fault Of Age
    New Year Poems

  17. Every day is a gift; to appreciate but only if you slow down long enough to enjoy what it offers.
  18. Every day is a gift; to appreciate but only if you slow down long enough to enjoy what it offers. Sam Fickinsen
    A New Day Poem

  19. Just slow down, take the time to see all that surrounds you, and the beauty. Kate Summers, A Time To Explore
    Poems On Adventure

  20. We run here and there doing things our parents wouldn't have dared. While advances are good we need to slow down, we should. Catherine Pulsifer, We Get So Busy
    Simplicity Poem

  21. From moving to the country to urban living, tiny homes to ethical consumption ... there is no one way of describing the external indicators of slow living, because there is no one way to live a slower, simpler life. Brooke McAlary, Slow
    Poems About Living A Simple Life

  22. Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily. St. Francis of Assisi
    St. Francis Prayer

  23. Speed associated with modern life is not the issue; it is that we have forgotten how to slow down, forsaking balance. Theodore W. Higgingsworth
    Balance Quotes

  24. Slow down and let life be, or go for it and choose to keep going to make a difference in other people's lives.
  25. Slow down and let life be, or go for it and choose to keep going to make a difference in other people's lives. Byron R. Pulsifer
    Short Inspirational Quotes

  26. So, in our efforts to do something great ... we actually end up undermining ourselves. So what we need to do is slow down, take some deep breaths and approach the work a little differently. It will make improvising more enjoyable, and us more effective as players. Ryan Millar, Take it Easy
    Work Quotes

  27. Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly. Khaled Hosseini
    Moon Quotes

  28. So try to slow and take each day, only one at a time. Julie Hebert, Your Life
    Poems About Life

  29. Pause, while on through life we hasten, to think of others and to try some other hearts to lighten Maria J Dodge
    Year End Poem

  30. We need a slow thinking movement. We have a crisis of thought. Empathy needs to resurface. Dan Pontefract, Open to Think: Slow Down
    Kindness Quotes

  31. bb
  32. Adjust your focus from near-term actions to the longer-term, strategic view. Be more proactive than reactive. Slow down to learn from past successes and failures. Liz Bywater, Slow Down to Speed Up
    Learning Quotes

  33. So, slow down a mite, smell the roses He grows, remember that God’s in control,
    Let time take its course, walk close with your Lord, His love will nurture your soul. Greta Zwaan, Time
    Spiritual Awakening Poems

  34. Pause a moment, tread lightly, speak soft and low, and breathe gently Lillian E. Curtis
    Poems About New Year's Eve

  35. ... I discovered interesting patterns of thought in mindfulness practice or in interactions with people.... the value of slowing down in our busy modern lives, as well as the art of maintaining good relationships and cultivating self-compassion. Haemin Sunim, The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
    A Life Well Lived Poem

  36.  We all want to slow time and make the most of every tick of the second hand ... Deep breath. Don’t miss this moment. Slow down.
  37. We all want to slow time and make the most of every tick of the second hand ... Deep breath. Don’t miss this moment. Slow down. Nichole Nordeman, Slow Down
    Live In The Moment Quotes

  38. ... rushing for the bus is no time to consider that we might actually get there just as well by slowing down – not just slowing down our physical movements, but especially a mind that is racing in overdrive trying to get things done. Eknath Easwaran, Take Your Time
    Positive Thoughts

  39. So slow yourself down, and pay attention, this day will soon be in the past. Julie Hebert, From One Mother To Another
    For Mom

  40. The roadway to achieving a goal is often filled with potholes. But, obstacles do not give you a licence to slow down. Potholes, instead, give you an opportunity to test your level of commitment and perseverance. Robert R. Rivers
    Goals Quotes

  41. I learned how to slow down. I planted a small garden with five roses. I now have about 70 roses and I literally have time to smell the roses.
  42. I learned how to slow down. I planted a small garden with five roses. I now have about 70 roses and I literally have time to smell the roses. Rosalinda Morgan, Stop and Smell the Roses
    Roses Quotes

  43. Time spent caring for your emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual health is never wasted. It is a necessary and God-honoring practice—one we would do well to stop and consider. Lysa Terkeurst
    Take Care of Yourself Quotes

  44. It’s kind of surprising ... to engage in self-reflection, move beyond my superficial thoughts, and connect to the sacred. I guess you could say that it helped me slow down and wake up to what’s most important. Nicolas Cole, Slow Down, Wake Up
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  45. Slow down. Kick Back. Relax.
  46. Slow down. Kick Back. Relax. Nova Scotia Tourism
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  47. Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. John De Paola
    50th Birthday Poems

  48. At last the tedious day is at an end - the long cool shadows hush the world to calm Arthur Franklin Fuller, Twilight

  49. We humans have short memories. In our haste, we forget that we have been created as rhythmic beings, reflecting our deep connection to the entire creation. Curt Thompson, MD
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