6 Poems About Jesus Resurrection
A collection of poems celebrating the joy and miracle of Jesus' resurrection.
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Poems About Jesus Resurrection
Updated February 18, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
The resurrection of Jesus is the heart of our faith—a moment of divine victory over death, bringing hope that stretches beyond time. Imagine the sorrow of those who followed Him, their hearts heavy with grief as they believed all was lost. But on that blessed morning, when the stone was rolled away, the world was forever changed.
This collection of poems reflects on that wondrous event—the disbelief, the awe, the joy that filled the hearts of those who saw the risen Christ.
Over 2,000 years later, we still rejoice, singing praises just as they did on that first Easter morning. May these words remind us of God’s unfailing love
and the promise that through Jesus, we, too, have life everlasting. Alleluia—He is risen!
The Day Of Resurrection
Poet: John of Damascus
The day of resurrection!
Earth, tell it out abroad;
The passover of gladness,
The passover of God.
From death to life eternal,
From this world to the sky,
Our Christ hath brought us over
With hymns of victory.
Our hearts be pure from evil,
That we may see aright
The Lord in rays eternal
Of resurrection light,
And, list'ning to His accents,
May hear, so calm and plain,
His own "All hail!" and, hearing,
May raise the victor strain.
Now let the heav'ns be joyful,
Let earth her song begin,
Let the round world keep triumph
And all that is therein;
Invisible and visible,
Their notes let all things blend;
For Christ the Lord hath risen -
Our Joy that hath no end.
Eastertide Poem
The Resurrection
Poet: John Gilland Brunini
Awake and praise, O dwellers in the dust!
The dew of this new everlasting spring
Is singing on the garden hill, the trust
Of death is broken; now will seas disclose
Their dead, earth's slain will rise again.
For He
Who has not known corruption is not here — He goes
Before to Galilee.
Awake, and see
The sepulcher unsealed, the stone rolled back,
The winding sheets still reeled, the angels limned in light.
O Mary, Mary and Salome, seek
Him not among the dead, the heavy night
Of Adam's guilt is fled, the Temple is rebuilt,
The stone rejected of the builders now is made
The corner stone.
Rejoice, rejoice, this is the day!
O Magdalen, who knew not where they laid
Your Lord, discard your spices, gather bay,
The Victim has become the Victor! He,
The Way, the Truth, the Life, is risen! O behold!
The Shepherd glorified has shown His sheep to fold!
The Morning Broke
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The morning broke, so still, so dim,
Their hearts were filled with grief for Him.
The Savior gone, laid in the tomb,
A world now lost in heavy gloom.
But then the stone was rolled away,
The grave stood empty on that day!
An angel spoke, "Oh, do not fear,
He is not dead—He is not here!"
A miracle, so bold, so bright,
From death to life, from dark to light!
The risen Christ, our hope, our way,
Brings joy and love to all today.
So lift your voice in songs of praise,
For Christ is Lord through endless days!
The grave is lost, He reigns above,
Forever shining in God’s love!
Good Friday Poem
Soft The Solemn Dawn-Light Gray
Poet: Jennie Harrison
Soft the solemn dawn-light gray
Broke upon the world that day:
Day of days, whose light divine
Thro' th' unsealed grave doth shine!
While the world, with Mary, stood
Seeking for the promised good,
Lo! 'twas theirs! "The Lord is risen!"
Spake the Angel-guard from heaven.
Still, when God's sure Word doth bring
That sweet life from death, in Spring,
To His Church the Angel voice
Speaking, bids each soul rejoice.
"Very early," oh, my soul,
Ere the day's full glories roll,
At His Altar, bending low.
There the Lord's memorial show.
Then, with risen birds and flowers,
Thou may'st hail the Easter hours;
And, with all the Host of Heaven,
Join in singing - Christ is risen! -
Yea, the Lord is risen indeed!
Man from chains of death is freed!
Weeping ones, smile o'er your graves!
Christ is by your side. Who saves!
Bring sweet Easter blossoms fair!
Fill God's Church with off 'rings rare!
Here Life's Risen Master stands,
Blessing us with pierced Hands!
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Christ, who died, the world to save,
Christ is risen from the grave!
Christ is risen from the grave!
He Is Risen Poems
Poet: Unknown Soldier, killed in World War I
If it be all for naught, for nothingness
At last, why does God make the world so fair?
Why spill this golden splendor out across
The western hills, and light the silver lamp
Of eve? Why give me eyes to see, and soul
To love so strong and deep? Then, with a pang
This brightness stabs me through, and wakes within
Rebellious voice to cry against all death?
Why set this hunger for eternity
To gnaw my heartstrings through, if death ends all?
If death ends all, then evil must be good,
Wrong must be right, and beauty ugliness.
God is a Judas who betrays his Son,
And with a kiss, damns all the world to hell, -
If Christ rose not again.
To His Glory
Poet: Unknown
Lo, in all our sorrow here,
Often deep repining,
Through all doubt and darksome fear
Easter sun is shining -
Wherefore now on things above
Set we our affection -
Know the power of Jesus' Love
By His Resurrection!
Gladsome birds, fresh breezes tell
With the sunny weather
That dear Creed we love so well,
"All things rise together," -
So the angels joyfully
Taught the wondrous story, -
"Christ is risen! To Galilee
Go and preach His Glory!
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