37 Solution Quotes
A collection of solution quotes. May these quotes inspire and encourage you to find great solutions to issues. May you always find an answer or a resolution to issues you are faced with.
Don't ever feel a solution is not available, sometimes you just have to stretch your mind, be creative at looking at the issue you are facing - the answer is there!
When your mental processes are focused more on solutions than focused on the problem, the seemingly insurmountable issue becomes an opportunity and not an unbearable yoke of defeat.
Byron Pulsifer, HIlls Ahead
Inspirational Poems
Gardeners share solutions to challenges they face.
Catherine Pulsifer
Garden Poems
- "There is always a way to go if you look for it."
Ernest A. Fitzgerald
Poems Of Encouragement
"There is a positive solution to everything. Don't give up."
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't Quit Poem
"When the solution is simple, God is answering."
Albert Einstein
Trust In God Poems
"Nothing complicated - we look for the easy solution to complicated tasks."
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems about Life
But when you never give up you find solutions popping up
Catherine Pulsifer, If You Give Up
Never Give Up Poem

With confidence, you can take on the world. It is potent. It is essential.
Matthew Myss, Self Esteem Workbook
Poems About Life Changes
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins
to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow
Funny Poems About Life
So look at the issue and a solution do find - don't let the issue play on your mind.
Catherine Pulsifer, Nothing Will Ever Last
This Too Shall Pass Poems

For every concern in life, there is a way.
Byron Pulsifer
Adopting a beneficial, happy, solution-oriented posture in your life will also, fortunately, encourage those in your own family as well as those people who associate with you.
Byron Pulsifer
Solitude Poem
"I have worked with people who overreact to situations and get easily
ruffled about the most trivial issues. Unfortunately, these people don't focus
on the solutions. They only focus on the problem, which makes a solution
much harder to find. And, there is a positive solution to everything."
Catherine Pulsifer
Problem Solving Quotes

Executives who get there and stay suggest solutions when they present the problems.
Malcolm Forbes
Motivational Quotes
The things that haven't been done before, those are the things to try
Edgar A. Guest, The Things That Haven't Been Done Before
Positive Poems
"Most people are more comfortable with old problems than
with new solutions."
Charles Brower
Adversity Quotes
"But, rather than moan and complain, look beyond the issue and
strive for the solution. In each problem lies an opportunity
to make better, to resolve, or to commence positive change."
Byron Pulsifer

"As soon as we stop worrying, a solution pops up."
David DeNotaris
Worry Quotes
Be solution oriented not a problem complainer - rather than waste time moaning about the problem, keep everyone's focus on finding the solution
Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Attitude Poems
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers,
who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a
solution everybody can understand."
General Colin Powell
Leadership Quotes
Jesus Christ is not a problem; He is the solution to every problem for life, for death, and for eternity.
Harry Ironside
Quotes About Jesus
Just for today focus on the possible solution to any problems that arise. Once you start focusing today, you will find it easier tomorrow and the next day.
Sam Fickinsen
Just For Today Poems

"That each obstacle encountered is just waiting for a solution to help you further your goal."
Byron Pulsifer
"Be grateful for what you have even though it may not be the
best you want, be thankful for your freedom to change,
to learn, to progress, to do more and have more by looking
for solutions rather than only seeing problems."
Byron Pulsifer
Happy Thanksgiving Quotes
Christ told his disciples not to be anxious about tomorrow, but he never said not to consider tomorrow. Intelligent problem solving demands careful consideration of the future effects of present solutions.
R. C. Sproul
Bible Verses about Anxiety and Fear
"When you worry, you are not focused on solutions.
You are allowing unproductive negative thinking to overrule
your positive thinking."
Catherine Pulsifer
Attitude Quotes

"Off the rack solutions, like bargain basement dresses, never fit anyone."
Francoise Giroud
Deep optimism is aware of problems but recognizes the solutions
William Arthur Ward, Deep Optimism
"I have learned to focus my energies on solutions, not
on the challenge itself. So often, I have seen people waste energy
by moaning and groaning about a problem. Yet, if they just realigned
their attitude and focused on the solution or on the opportunity,
the challenge would not seem as big as they think it is."
Catherine Pulsifer
Challenges Quotes
"My philosophy on life has always been that when faced
with an obstacle that seems insurmountable there is always
a solution if you want it bad enough."
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Journey Poems

"Focus on the solution, not on the problem."
Jim Rohn
"Banish tension and concern and worry with laughter at
your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward
the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously."
Og Mandino
"Develop a calm inner voice that reinforces an "I can" attitude
that sees failures as lessons learned, that sees obstacles in life
as an opportunity to develop solutions, and that allows you to
calmly repel personal attacks or harsh words as if coming from
someone who is only projecting their own inadequacies."
Byron Pulsifer
Failure Quotes

"Look for unconventional solutions every time you meet a challenge."
John C. Maxwell, The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player
Innovation Quotes
Complaining about a problem or issue or circumstance without a solution is the same as whining.
Byron Pulsifer
"Are there challenges with working at home?
You bet, but like all challenges we have found solutions."
Catherine and Byron Pulsifer
"This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more
solutions than it applies."
Ralph Nader
More Quotes for Encouragement and Motivation
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