52 Son Quotes
A heartfelt collection of quotes celebrating the love, pride, and joy of sons.

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Son Quotes
Updated February 4, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
A son brings a lifetime of joy and purpose. From their playful childhood to their proud accomplishments, they fill our hearts with love and lessons. We watch them grow, stumble, and succeed—all while feeling an unbreakable bond. These quotes capture the pride and encouragement every parent feels. Let them inspire you to celebrate the moments—both big and small—that make having a son a true blessing.
No matter where you go or what you do we will always love you.
And you will always be our little boy who to our life has brought so much joy!
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Little Boy
Son Poems
The way to make thy son rich is to fill his mind with rest before his trunk with riches
George Herbert, Wealth Without Contentment
Poems About Contentment
To a son who's always so fun. it's hard to believe you're getting older, but don't worry you’ve still got a long run.
Julie Hebert, Another Year Olders
Birthday Poems to My Son
To my wonderful son on his graduation day, always remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. Congratulations and all our love and support for your future endeavors.
C. A. Lynch
Graduation Poems
But in the end (as in childbirth) you don’t remember the pain.
You remember the joy of being a parent, of worrying and sacrificing for that remarkable son or daughter you love with all your soul.
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
Poems About Family
"My son,
when you were born, you brought me happiness,
as you grew, you made me laugh and brought me joy,
now you are a man, and you make me proud!"
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Happiness
Congratulations son, you worked hard, you persevered - be proud of what you have achieved
Catherine Pulsifer, Congratulations Son!
Graduation Poems For Son
But in our hearts you will always be our little boy, our family.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Day You Were Born
Short Family Quotes
The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, "When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad."
Billy Graham
Dad Poems
"Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged."
Louisa May Alcott
Mothers Day Messages

"Giving your son a skill is better than giving him one thousand pieces of gold."
Chinese Proverb
A son is rough and tough but a daughter can be a puff
Catherine Pulsifer, Sons and Daughters
Poems About Daughter
Who leaves a sturdy son on earth...has monuments that long endure.
Edgar A. Guest, Living Monuments
Poems About Parent
If you have a son, his life, and its unfolding events, are always of keen interest to you no matter how big or small.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Poems About Life
"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong."
Charles Wadsworth

Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.
Author Unknown
Poems of Encouragement
Honor and duties are many and vast; pursue your way noble daughter and son, you may succeed at last.
J.J. Thorne, You May Succeed At Last
Success Poems
Our son, our hope and our pride, in him all the dreams of our future abide
Edgar A. Guest, Our Son
Father Son Poems
God blessed us with a gift so rare,
A son like you, beyond compare.
Heartfelt Valentine Poems and Messages for Son
Watching the young man you have become - we feel a mix of emotions so wild - joy, pride, and sentiment all in one!
Catherine Pulsifer, First Day Of School
Graduation Poems From Parents
"Don't criticize what you don't understand, son.
You never walked in that man's shoes."
Elvis Presley
Quotes to Live By
- Son, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart!
Author Unknown
Inspirational Poems
I know I'm not the first mother who's found it hard to let go, who's yearned for change only to resist it when it comes, who's found it painful at times to accept the fact that my sons are pulling away, moving out into lives of their own. Nor will I be the last.
Katrina Kenison
Poems About Change
Happy birthday, Son of mine...may the beauty of your journey be one you'll always meet!
Catherine Pulsifer, Happy 21st Birthday Son
21st Birthday Poems
Focused, dedicated and the simple expression of interest in what a son is doing means more than any monetary gift
Byron Pulsifer
A Boy and His Dad
"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons,
they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes."
Walter Schirra Sr
Attitude Quotes

"It is truly a gift to have a son like you who grows more
precious with the years!"
Author Unknown
Positive Quotes
Now, my son, is life for you, and I wish you joy of it ....simpler joys: the natural growth
of your childhood and your youth, courage, innocence and truth
Thomas MacDonagh, Wishes For My Son
You want to protect them and take away their aches but growing up we all go through just love them and all they do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Cherish The Days
Baby Shower Poems
"May good fortune be with you and may your guiding light be strong."
from the song, Forever Young
"When you teach your son, you teach your son's son."
The Talmud

When a son is born, a father realizes his legacy.
Kate Summers
Fathers Day Poems
"View life as a continuous learning experience."
Denis Waitley
Experience Quotes
"What was silent in the father speaks in the son,
and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Thought Provoking
Mothers play such an important role in their son's lives and the bond they share is unlike any other bond.
Catherine Pulsifer
Mothers Day Poem From Son
There may be richer fellowship than that of son and dad, but if there is, I know it not
Edgar A. Guest
Only A Dad
"The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally
guilty with the son who neglects them."

"My son,
S pecial - you are my son,
O ptimism - may you always have it
N ever - forget how much we love you."
Catherine Pulsifer
Short Love Quotes
The reason for the season is to give our thanks to God for giving us the precious gift of His only Son.
Judith Wibberley
Inspirational Christmas Messages

As the saying goes my Son, "you will outgrow my lap, but never my heart." No matter what your age, you will always
be my little boy.
Ann Lynch
Discipline is vital when raising kids. Surprisingly, all children need and wish to have boundaries set for them.
Joseph R. Parker, Raising Sons
Children Quotes
Families and society need strong, successful, spirited sons who become strong, successful, spirited men.
As mothers, we have the ability to make the difference.
Catherine Musco Garcia-Prats, Good Sons Don't Just Happen

We wish for you a Happy Birthday we love you and just want to say
Be happy, be joyful and all the rest you our son, are the best.
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems
Boys are a force to be reckoned with. They are, by turns, danger-seeking, thrill-seeking and pleasure-seeking.
Rachel Toalson, This Life With Boys

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction;
pay attention and gain understanding.
Proverbs 4:1 (NIV)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible
A father never gives up on a son, not really, no matter how poorly he behaves at times or how many stupid decisions he makes.
Aleksandra Layland, Far Haven
Son keep your attitude positive no matter what happens in life. Always look for the good!
Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Poems
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong.
Charles Wadsworth
Smile Quotes
Words can never express my love for my daughter and son.
Catherine Pulsifer

Now here are you, my baby, son of my son, so fair,
The hope of all our household, of all our line the heir.
Margaret E. Sangster, Grandmother's Baby
With doubt and dismay you are smitten. You think there's no chance for you, son? Why, the best books haven't been written, the best race hasn't been run...
Berton Braley
"Never cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him,
for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved;
the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again
be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle.
Soren Kierkegaard
Hope Quotes

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