Special Friend Poem

Share a special friend poem with the people in your life that you consider more than a friend, they are a person with whom you have a precious bond. Let these short poems remind you of how blessed you are to have them in your life.

You could consider a special friend, a best friend, whatever you call them treasure them as they are one of a kind! Share one of these inspiring poems with a person who is special to you! Never assume that they realize how much they mean to you - tell them!

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  1. Appreciate You
    Poet: Unknown

    It's the little things you do
    That brings pleasures day by day,
    Your friendly smiles, your handclasp
    In that "glad-to-know-you" way,
    It's the way you understand
    And know just what to do . . .
    Who wouldn't love and treasure
    A perfect friend like YOU!

  2. All friendships are special, but over life's journey, you will find special friends, cherish them!
    Best Friend Poems

  3. A Connection
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2013

    How special you are to me, my friend,
    You've always been there for me.
    I want to return the favor, my friend,
    So this friendship will always be.

    Let me tell you all that I love,
    About having you as a friend.
    For one, you are kind, considerate, and fun,
    Which you never have to defend.

    We like the same activities,
    And we have the same taste in many things.
    But our  favorite thing in the world to do
    Is sit around and chat about what tomorrow may bring.

    But most importantly the reason my friend,
    That I like to call you my best.
    Is because I feel a connection with you,
    And this makes me feel very blessed.

  4. Special friends we will always be. Friends forever you and me
    BFF Poems

  5. Over The Years
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Over the years, we've shared special times,
    Countless birthdays, laughter, and rhymes.
    The years have rolled on, oh how they fly,
    But our bond remains strong, you and I.

    Through every milestone, we're side by side,
    Our friendship grows deeper with each stride.
    Excitement fills my heart to no end,
    For you, my true friend, is a gift to defend.

  6. birthday poem for friend
    Birthday Poem For Friend

  7. For All Our Days
    Poet: Kate Summers, © 2020

    In today's world, it is hard to find
    A friend like you who is so kind
    No matter what I ask
    You're there up to the task.

    You never look for attention
    You're the one who always mentions
    Others in need
    And you do a good deed.

    When I see your smilin' face
    I know your heart is in the right place
    You also encourage with your words
    And people know that you have heard.

    I hope we are friends for all our days
    You, my friend, are special in every way!

  8. A friend is someone we enjoy spending time with, a special friend is one who we spend a lifetime with.
    meaningful friendship quotes

  9. Beloved Friend
    Poet: Lucy Larcom

    Try to guess what radiance now
    Is resting on that gentle brow,
    Lovelier than shone upon it here;
    What heavenly work thou hast begun,
    What new immortal friendships won,
    That makes the life unseen so dear.

    I do not think that any change
    Could ever thy sweet soul estrange
    From the familiar human ties;
    Thou art the same, though inmost heaven
    Its wisdom to thy thought has given,
    Its beauty kindled in thine eyes.

    The same to us, as warm, as true,
    Whatever beautiful or new
    With thy unhindered growth may blend:
    Here, as life broadens, love expands;
    How must it bloom in those free lands
    Where thou dost walk, beloved friend!

  10. in life, there are many special things, but you my friend are at the top of the list of special things
    Quotes For A Friend

  11. The Name Of Friend
    Poet: John Newton

    One there is, above all others,
    Well deserves the name of Friend;
    His is love beyond a brother's,
    Costly, free, and knows no end:
    They who once his kindness prove
    Find it everlasting love.

  12. A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. Emerson
    Famous Friendship Poems

  13. I Aspire
    Poet: J. S. Ogilvie

    Thy cheerful, gentle ways, I do admire:
    Thy future, to be happy, I greatly desire;
    Thy trusting confidence, may I require;
    Thy firm friend to be, will I aspire.

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We all have special people in our lives, we hope these poems reflect your feelings for your special person!

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