Spirit of Friendship
Arthur Franklin Fuller describes the spirit of friendship in this short poem. You will find verses on how friends treat each other in good times and bad times.
What is it about a truly good friend that deserves celebration? For those people who have friends, that is true friends, that can be counted on only one
hand, then these are fortunate. So many times throughout our lives, we all have probably had many other people who say they are friends but this
is not usually the case. It is not the case because they have shown themselves to be selfish rather than unselfish.
Or, there are those so-called
friends who disappear just like the morning mist is burned off by the sun when difficulties arise that they don't want to become entangled in. Then,
there are those who have demonstrated time and time again that they are unfaithful just when you need them the most.
A true friend is not only a person who is with you when times are good when they can benefit from your company, or benefit in some way because of
your true friendship in good and bad times. These types of friends flee from you using every excuse possible about why they can't be there for you.
A true friend shows consistent admirable qualities like goodness, steadfastness, gentleness, unselfishness, faithfulness and kindness.
The old adage is so true; a friend indeed is one who sticks with you like glue on paper through thick and thin, good and bad, demanding and carefree, or
listening with an open mind devoid of judgemental thoughts and actions.
Famous Poems /
Spirit of Friendship
Poet: Arthur Franklin Fuller
Thou wert ever good and kind —
Therefore have I called thee Friend;
Thou hadst me often in thy mind —
No wound thy gentle tongue did send;
No selfish purpose taught thy ways —
No subtle greed e'er bribed thy heart;
In looking back I bless those days
And sore regret that friends must part.
Kinship is no guarantee,
Those whom birth hath placed close by
Will hold their interest pure and free
And seek thy good with single eye;
But thou wert faithful, noble soul,
And kindly just from year to year;
Thou heldst thine aims to higher goal
Than victories over Friendship's bier.
Sorrow came — thy comfort too;
Shame accused — yet thou didst trust;
My early efforts, crude, you knew,
Yet strengthened me with upward thrust;
No matter hid I from thy gaze —
A guide wert thou of firmest mien;
In every way thou'st earned fair praise —
A truer friend hath man ne'er seen.
Father mine, and mother dear —
Brother, sister, neighbor, wife —
In whomsoe'er these traits appear,
I see the sprite that sweetens life;
What though this trusting heart may break
From faithlessness of one loved friend,
Yet I will know and solace take
That time another sure will send.
Thou hast e'er been good and kind —
Therefore have I called thee Friend;
No fears or doubts assail my mind —
No loss or change I apprehend;
But though one friend should fickle be,
Or flail the heart with coldness new-
Thanks be to God I plainly see,
The Spirit of Friendship aye is true.
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