Spring Greeting Poem

A poem celebrating spring’s renewal, bringing hope, warmth, and nature’s rebirth.

Lo! the winter now is past; Spring comes riding in at last

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Updated February 8, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Spring has a way of touching our hearts, filling them with hope and joy. In James Henry Thomas's poem, Spring Greeting, we’re reminded of the beauty and renewal that this season brings. After winter’s long hold, spring arrives like a breath of fresh air, lifting our spirits and bringing new beginnings. The gentle warmth, the budding trees, and the lively birds all come together to create a symphony of growth and harmony.

Let this poem inspire you to embrace the changes in life, just as nature does—knowing that even after the coldest seasons, brighter days will always follow.

Spring Greeting

Poet: James Henry Thomas

Lo! the winter now is past;
Spring comes riding in at last,
With her healthful, balmy breeze,
Greeting birds and budding trees.

List! I hear her gay "Ha! ha!"
Ringing through the meadows far,
Getting everything in tune.
Budding trees for shade in June.

She has tuned the atmosphere
With her season of the year;
Light and gracefully she steps.
Winning everything she helps.

Winter tried to keep her 'way.
Till the near approach of May;
But the sun's hot rays forbade —
And have many glad hearts made.

E'en the ground-hog has come out
Of his burrow with a shout,
For his shadow failed to show,
As it did six weeks ago.

Gentle Spring, why lingered thou?
Thou delayed the farmers' plow;
'T is upon thee we depend
For a happy harvest end.

Breathe thou now upon the earth,
And she will give gentle birth
To more smiling buds and flowers,
Making glad these hearts of ours.

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