Spring, Summer, Autumn Poems
Be inspired by these poems, one for the seasons of spring, summer, and autumn written by Caleb Davis Bradlee. Reading the verses can bring memories of each season.
Famous Poems About The Season
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
The Spring has come, the blessed Spring,
With secrets rich and deep;
Glad tidings does it ever bring,
Grand truths for all to keep.
The Spring has come, the blessed Spring,
And all around is birth!
Whilst nature seems with joy to ring
About the fruitful earth.
The Spring has come, the blessfed Spring,
Our hearts with praise are glad;
We'll fly, like birds, with speedy wing,
From all things sharp and sad.
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
Summer has come, Praise be to God,
For the blushing flowers!
Because the earth has felt his rod,
And sanctified the hours.
Summer has come! all things are filled
With beauty and delight;
The perfumed air is grandly thrilled
By the glorious sight.
Summer has come! a holy light
Attends its blessed way,
And all the world seems new and bright,
Each hour, and day by day.
Summer has come! our hearts are glad,
We cannot murmur more;
But all our thoughts, with faith fresh clad,
Shall wonder and adore.
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
Autumn is here! let us rejoice!
It comes with gifts of love;
All nature has a fruitful voice
That speaks of God above.
The trees, they shine I the vines, they sing!
The ivy climbs the wall!
The orchards grateful tribute bring
Enough for each and all!
The earth appears quite full of peace!
The sheaves are gathered in!
The barns are full, a great increase
God grants us all to win.
O may there be an Autumn time,
At no great distant day,
When truth all sweet and all sublime
Shall find its perfect sway.
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