94 Positive Thoughts
We hope these positive thoughts will challenge your thinking
and encourage you to look at situations in more affirmative ways.
Take time to reflect on the thoughts of William Matthews:
"The difficulties, hardships and trials of life, the obstacles ...
are positive blessings. They knit the muscles more firmly, and teach
Keep your thoughts focused on what is positive or enhancing
and this will help to make your life much happier and productive.
Remember the words said by Bill Meyer: "Every thought is a seed.
If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious."
By Catherine Pulsifer, updated
August 3, 2024
Quotes /
Daily Positive Thoughts
Find daily positive thoughts for each day of your week!
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows how may always have a job, but the person who knows why will always be his boss.
John C. Maxwell, How Successful People Think
Positive Poems
Let us heed the living friend who walks with us life's common ways
Unknown, Why Do We Wait
Friendship Poems
Think healthy and positive thoughts, be thankful for what is certain.
Catherine Pulsifer, Power To Be Happy
Poems About Being Happy
The more we do the more we can do.
William Hazlitt
Be The Best Quotes

Every act, every word, every thought, every choice, is a seed which we drop.
J. R. Miller, What Seeds Are You Planting
Garden Poems
Dreams are only useful if put into action, by doing this you will live your passion.
Catherine Pulsifer, Live Your Passion
Poems About Dreams
Mistakes are not really mistakes. Let's expect to make some errors in judgment and welcome them as part of the learning process.
Andrew Matthews, Being Happy!
Poems About Mistakes
A positive statement propels hope toward a better future, it builds up your faith and that of others, and it promotes change.
Jan Dargatz
Poems About Hope
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking makes what we read ours.
Locke, Furnish The Mind
Poems About Reading
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
H. Jackson Brown Jr
Weekly Poems
The secret behind many of the great achievements of life is just "keeping at it."
Unknown, Don't Quit Until It's Done
Don't Quit Poem
Morning Positive Thoughts
Positive thoughts to start your morning - they can affect your entire day!
A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track, — but one inch between wreck and
smooth-rolling prosperity.
Positive attitudes are cherished by anyone you happen to meet or those colleagues that you meet first thing in the morning.
Byron Pulsifer
Solitude Poem
If you take every negative, and find the good in it. You'll soon see the magic, that positive mind can transmit.
Catherine Pulsifer, Positive Is The Key
Positive Attitude Poems
It is up to us to pull them out one by one, speaking words of courage and hope instead...we no longer allow these negative thoughts to spread!
Catherine Pulsifer, Garden An Analogy To Life
Poems about Gardens by Famous Poets
I personally believe that positive thinking creates a positive view toward life that can bring success and help lead a good, rich, healthy and happy life.
Bill McDowell
Good Poems
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
Robert Green Ingersoll
Courage Poems
We cannot do every thing at once, but we can do something at once.
Calvin Coolidge
Funny Quotes About Life
A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track, — but one inch between wreck and
smooth-rolling prosperity.
Short Positive Quotes
Beautiful thoughts do not arise . . . you must choose your thoughts just as carefully
as you choose a friend, or physician.
Unknown, Beautiful Thoughts
Poems For Women
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
Colin Powell
Poems About Failure
In the best books, great men talk to us, give us our most precious thoughts, and pour their souls into ours.
Poems About Books
Prayer provides a sense of hope and meaning - the certainty that we are part of a pattern that is purposeful and intelligent.
Larry Dossey, M.D.
Short Prayers
Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.
Hermann Broch
Ocean Quotes
To get peace, if you do want it, make for yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts.
Ruskin, To Get Peace
Poems About Peace
What I am thinking and doing day by day is resistlessly shaping my future
H. W. Dresser, Thinking And Doing
Poems About The Future
Good morning, Life - and all things glad and beautiful.
William Henry Davies
Good Morning Quotes
The world is new each morning - that is God's gift, and a man should believe he is reborn each day.
Israel Ben Eliezer
Good Morning Poems
If you aren't deliberate in your thoughts and intentions, you’ll create your life by default.
Linda Chaousis Thurston, Beyond Positive Thoughts
Life Journey Poems

Feelings and thought are changeable guides, but God is the road to perfection.
John F. Zurn, Walking the Path of the Light
Poems About Faith
Cheerful and bright a daisy can bring a positive thought to a persons day
Kate Summers
Poems About Daisies
I love you more than words can define, feelings can express and thoughts can imagine.
I Love You More Poems
The. face you wear, the thoughts you bring, a heart may heal or break.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, A Little Word
Give Every Day
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
John Locke
Book Quotes
Nothing important was ever achieved without someone taking a chance.
H Jackson Brown Jr
Take A Chance Quotes
If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels must give.
George Macdonald
Special Friend Poem
Do not disdain or turn the head to the other side of the pillow. Jump for joy that you have been given another
chance and opportunity to positively impact the world around you.
Freddy J. W. Parkes
Positive Quotes
Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?
Marilyn vos Savant
Time Quotes
I never met a person yet who despised the beginning of a morning adventure that was successful.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Adventure Quotes
Your thoughts have unlimited potential to, directly or indirectly, make you feel empowered, uplifted and hopeful.
Julia Hidy
Hopeful Quotes
Moreover, the greatest tool we have for tackling our grand challenges is the passionate and dedicated human mind.
Peter H. Diamandis, Abundance
Poems About Challenges
You never can tell what your thoughts will do in bringing you hate or love, for thoughts are things, and their airy wings are swifter than carrier doves.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
You Can Never Tell
You have positively influenced my life and are always there when I faced strife.
Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Mother's Day To A Special Mom
Mothers Day Poems
Positive Thoughts Before Bed
What you think about before you go to bed can have an effect on how well you sleep. Read some positive thoughts prior to going to bed!
As the night gets dark, let your worries fade.
Sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today.
Roald Dahl
Poems of Encouragement
Day is over, night has come.
Today is gone, what’s done is done.
Embrace your dreams, through the night.
Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.
George Orwell
Inspirational Poems
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
Harry Dean Stanton
Positive Poems
Ill thoughts give way to better ones, bad deeds can be amended, but the sting left by a bitter word is never, never ended.
Evelyn Ostund, Words
Words To Live By
The good that is done for others is a blessing to the receiver as well as the giver.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Giving Poems
How you think about Heaven affects everything in life - how you prioritize love, how willing you are to sacrifice for the long term, how you view suffering, what you fear or don’t fear.
John Burke
Heaven Poems
Before you go to sleep at night and as you turn out the light
Count your blessings one by one you've done your best, the day is done.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Life

Goodnight. Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival.
Anthony T. Hincks
Good Night Poems
Positive Thoughts About Work
Being positive affects not only you but
also your co-workers. Keep your thoughts on the positive not on the negative!
Believe that success is not luck; it is the result a deliberate effort to do a hard work!
Israelmore Ayivor, Believe and Achieve
Success Poem
No matter what kind of mentoring you get involved in—new hire, peer-to-peer ... we know that it can positively transform not only your life, but the lives
of others as well.
Ken Blanchard, One Minute Mentoring
Mentor Quotes
It is always about the work. In the latter years of your life, your happiness and your self-esteem
will be determined by the mountains you surmounted, the valleys you climbed out of, and the life and/or career that you forged for yourself.
Maya Angelou
Poems About Happiness
I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true - hard work pays off.
If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.
Ray Bradbury
Poems About Work

The path to success is easy, if you enjoy work, for work is the secret of all success.
William W. Phelps
Enjoy Life Quotes
You should actually be enjoying life now while you are working - it will add fuel to your passions and inspire you to be more dedicated at work.
Rand Bennett, Take a Mini-Retirement
Quotes To Live By
Keep Your Thoughts Positive
By keeping your thoughts positive you will find life will be fuller and happier!
When you just start thinking positively about yourself, you’ll start appreciating other people and their flaws, since you simply start realizing that you’re all the same.
Becca Earl, Positive Thinking
Gratitude Poems
Who can tell what a baby thinks? Who can follow the gossamer links by which the manikin feels his way from the shore of the great unknown.
Josiah Gilbert Holland, Babyhood
Baby Poems
Give thoughts of cheer, of courage and success, to friend and stranger
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Give
Keys For Life
Clouds in the sky very much resembles the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Quotes About Clouds
You select the colors of your thoughts; drab or bright, weak or strong, good or bad.
Wilferd Peterson, Painter Of Life
What Life Means To Me
Thought is care, care is thought, both combined is wisdom's cheek
J. J. Thorne
Think Before We Speak
Treat your time as if some is paying for it - someone is.
Richard A. Moran, Never Confuse a Memo with Reality
Work Ethics Quotes
We are creatures of habit, and from our habits we create ourselves, our lives and the world around us.
Michele Milan
Creativity Quotes
The heart has many passages through which the feelings roam, but its middle aisle is sacred to the thoughts of old, old home.
Unknown, The Old, Old Home
Poems About Home
If you are determined to live your best life, given your current circumstances,
your life can be more fulfilling and purposeful than you ever thought possible. Be Determined. Be intentional.
Mark K Fry Sr, Determined
Poems About Winning
Let never a bad thought be cherished; keep the tongue from a whisper of guile
Emily Bugbee Johnson, The Book Of The New Year
New Year Poems
O germ! O fount! O word of love! O thought at random cast! Ye were but little at the first, but mighty at the last.
Charles MacKay, A Deed And A Word
Kindness Poems

Thank God each and every day for everything you can think of.
Jonathan Puddle, You Are The Solution to Someone's Problem
Christian Poems
Yes, Brotherly Love is the easiest thing in the world to do, because it helps the giver more than the receiver.
C R McPhee, Brotherly Love
Poems About Brotherhood
Nothing will change until you make up your mind that you are not going to accept mediocrity.
Joel Osteen, Next Level Thinking
Poems About Change
Thinking positively without acting positively is useless. It is like knowing what you want but not taking action to get it.
Matt Morris, CPCC, Positive Thinking
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Think health, think hope, think happiness - and in a wondrous way things will work out for your good, though dreary be the day
Patience Strong, Think Happiness
Do not give up easily, instead give up the thoughts of giving up.
Kenneth M. Solis
Quotes About Quitting
The spirit of the giving, the affection that we feel - the selfless thought behind the act that makes it good and real
Patience Strong
The Gift
Longer Positive Thoughts:
Thoughts that are positive but longer than a few sentences!
Spread Sunshine
Be inspired by these positive thoughts about how you can spread sunshine each and every day of your life no matter what the weather is outside! Find answers about how to spread sunshine in these thoughts, poems and quotes.
Be inspired by Spread Sunshine
Life is The Way It Is
How you cope with life is determined by your mental attitude. And your mental attitude can be a positive one or a negative one. If you have a positive attitude you look for the good in life. But, if your attitude is negative, your ...
Read the full thought, Life is The Way It Is
Which Type are You
We are all infectious. What matters is what type of infectious person we are.
Have you ever noticed that some people's laughter is infectious; it makes you laugh. The average child laughs at least 100-200 times a day. But, the average adult.....
Read the full positive thought, Which Type are You
Does It Really Matter
Don't let challenges upset you or cause you stress. You can look at challenges as opportunities to do your best, or you can allow challenges to create ......
Explore the positive thought, Does It Really Matter
How To Accomplish More
How do you get more done is a question that I have been often asked by new supervisors, or managers. The question arises because people are ....
Browse, How To Accomplish More
Difficult Situation
Why is it that so many, many people view difficult situations as a roadblock or the end of the road? Is it because they are ill equipped to handle issues really well or is it because they do ....
Consider this positive thought, Difficult Situation
How Does Stress Affect Health
If you are one who finds that Sunday night is a nightmare, or is becoming one, you've probably also had a restless sleep. Upon rising Monday morning, you ....
More on How Does Stress Affect Health
"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." Ralph Waldo Emerson How many times have you felt overwhelmed by the sheer size of a problem, task, or a goal? For most people ...
Explore the rest of Feeling Overwhelmed
The Quality of Your Thoughts
Now is the time to get up and rev up for the day. You spring out of bed and head to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower. You get out of the ....
Find more on The Quality of Your Thoughts
Is Stress A Killer
Is stress your Monday morning diet? For literally tens of thousands of individuals, Monday morning is filled with tasks seemingly accumulated ....
Discover more thoughts in the rest of Is Stress A Killer
How To Succeed When You Already Have
Success. A word filled with varied meanings including desires, challenges, and failure. To each person, success may be defined differently depending on where they .....
Check out the rest of this positive thought, How To Succeed When You Already Have
Emotional Health At Work
There isn't a day that goes by when your emotions are on vacation. No matter what you do, where you go, what you see, or whom you're talking to ....
See the rest of Emotional Health At Work
5 Ways To Combat Job Burnout
The challenge of burnout can be especially taxing for creative, goal-oriented people. When these people blame themselves for their situation, the feeling ....
Positive thoughts to be discovered in the rest of 5 Ways to Combat Job Burnout
When You Forget Valentines Day
It saved my hide! I was under so much stress because I forgot Valentine's Day. Am I ever glad I came up with these crafty ....
Check out the rest of When You Forget Valentines Day
Stress And Holiday Speeches
Dry mouth, shaking knees, headache, and perspiring profusely. Does this sound familiar? From hundreds of interviews, I've found that being ...
Examine the thoughts in the rest of Stress and Holiday Speeches
Stress Less Holiday For Children
Great. Don't you just love Christmas time with all the hectic little chores and children underfoot? Stress? Who's got stress when the ....
Examine the rest of Less Holiday Stress for Children
Problems Sleeping
If you don't get a proper nights sleep, if you have problems sleeping chances are your ability to deal with ....
Consider the thoughts in the rest of Problems Sleeping
Job Stress Secrets
When you consider you spend most of your waking day at work, if you are unhappy for 40 hours a week, your overall happiness in life is ....
Find more thoughts by reviewing, Job Stress Secrets
Thoughts on Stress
Stress, anxiety, tension, worry affect every age group, from teenagers to the elderly. Each stage of life brings different forms of stress, but stress is....
Read the complete thought Thoughts On Stress
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