60 Persistence Quotes
Be motivated by these persistence quotes. To be persistent is to finish what you start, not become discouraged when you face setbacks, to have a determined attitude and persevere no matter what.
How persistent are you? The answer to that question will determine your success!
No matter how tired you are and how many blisters you have on your hands; everything can be achieved when you put your heart into what you do.
Eduardo Cholula, Enjoy Your Greatness
Poems of Encouragement
When your back is nearly broke, race is won by ONE MORE stroke
David V. Bush, Stick to It!
Inspirational Poems
The man, who, day after day, month after month steadily plods along confidently believing he will succeed, who does finally accomplish his end.
W. M. S., Keep At It
Poems About Perseverance
In life develop an attitude of perseverance and persistence wherein a never give up attitude reigns supreme.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Life

- persistence prevails when all else fails
found on a postcard
Positive Messages
You try, stumble and take a risk. Despite scattered pieces, you must persist.
Catherine Pulsifer, Courage To Reframe
Courage Poems
Keep grinding! Stay persistent! One day you gonna wake up and be exactly where you dreamed you would be.
Eric Thomas
Perseverance Quotes
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst, you must not quit.
Edgar A. Guest, Don't Quit
Don't Quit Poem
True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Prayer

It takes courage and persistence to solve a problem. Each answer, each solution will give you more and more confidence.
Milton Katselas, Dreams into Action, Getting what you want!
Courage Quotes
Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.
Matt Bondi
Graduation Poems
When life places stones in your path, be the water. A persistent drop of water will wear away even the hardest stone.
Autumn Morning Star
Poems About Water
Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.
Denis Waitley
Effort Quotes
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.
Roy T. Bennett
Life Quotes About Giving Up

Your persistence will come from being committed to your goals and your willingness to keep going when everyone else would give up.
Bob Oros, Persistence: Keep Going and Never Give Up
Never Give Up Quotes
Moms are as relentless as the tides. They don't just drive us to practice, they drive us to greatness.
Steve Rushin
Mothers Day Poem From Son
A river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.
Jim Watkins
Water Quotes
So even though the struggles you face don't give in and lose the pace. Let your determination show even if your progress is slow.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Full Of Struggles
Poems About Life Struggles
Persistence pays off no matter what. Quitting just closes everything shut
Catherine Pulsifer
Encouragement Quotes
If we stand our ground and exhibit persistence and determination we will make it through each storm of life that we face.
Catherine Pulsifer
The Oak Tree Poem

All I'd needed was an understanding that persistence would enable me to reach my goals. Since then, I’d known that every little step I took brought me a bit closer to what I wanted.
Michal Stawicki, The Art of Persistence
Short Positive Quotes
Keep moving ahead, or your soul will die...no matter at all that your pace be slow so long as you upward, upward go
Wilhelmina Stitch, Keep Moving
Famous Poets
The opposite of quitting is to persevere, just wait a little longer things will turn around soon!”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
Quotes About Quitting
You'll observe that men and women who, 'tis said, have made their mark do not drop the chalk of effort at the first approach of dark
James Buckham, At It All The Time
Life Mottos
There is genius and power in persistence. It conquers all opposers
Orison Swett Marden, Genius And Power
Poems On Determination
The brave heart wins the battle...he’ll not give up as conquered - he fights, and fights to win.
Eben E. Rexford, Keep Trying
Try Try Again Poem
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle
Strong Quotes
So trudge along though none may know your worth or give you glory; to start out brisk don't win the race; the end will tell the story.
B. L. Austin, The End Will Tell
Poems About Worry
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing that "cannot be done," and you’ll do it.
Edgar A. Guest
It Couldn't Be Done
When your desire to quit outweighs your willingness to persist, you are ripe for failure!
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
Failure Quotes
One of the most important ingredients for a successful life, business, or venture of any kind is to keep pushing forward even when the going gets tough.
Dave Zook
Don't You Quit

Commend while others are criticizing, persist while others are quitting.
William Arthur Ward
While Others
He gains the prize who will the most endure; who faces issues; he who never shirks
Unknown, Pluck Wins
Meaningful Poems
The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.
James Whitcomb Riley
Determination Quotes
Pursues his course with aching head; plods on and works and does it!
David V. Bush
Weekly Quotes
You will never know what you can accomplish until you really put in persistent effort and never giving up.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Poems About Winning
If you strike a thorn or a rose. Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows, Keep a-goin'!
Frank L. Stanton
Keep Going Poems
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, you’ll get it!
Berton Braley

Success never resides in the world of weak wishes, but in the palace
of purposeful plans and prayerful persistence.
William Arthur Ward, Up Words
Success Poem
Look back in history and you'll see
Many people kept goin' even when they hit a tree
They never gave up. They stuck to it,
They persisted never throwing a fit.
Catherine Pulsifer, Look Back
Life Choices Poems
We may find we bend and feel like we are not going to get through it, however, if we stand our ground and exhibit persistence and determination we will make it through.
Catherine Pulsifer
The Oak Tree Poems
- ... while ambition may fuel our journey, it is persistence that is the vehicle that takes us there.
Tom Burns
Life Journey Quotes
Be prepared for disappointment and frustration. Be persistent and bounce back even more determined to succeed.
Paul Clitheroe
Success Quotes
With determination, a bit of imagination and enthusiasm you can go further than the smartest person.
Catherine Pulsifer
Be The Best You Can Be
Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.
Napoleon Hill
Cute Quotes
It's been said that most people give up just a few feet from their treasure. Nothing will take the place of persistence.
Ron White
Defeat Quotes
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.
Robyn Davidson
Decision Quotes

Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
Dale Carnegie
Funny Poems About Life
Not everyone is given the same opportunities in life, but with persistence, courage, and faith you can begin to create those opportunities
that are needed to fulfill your definition of success ...
Kyle Wilson, Don't Quit: Stories of Persistence, Courage and Faith
Opportunity Quotes
Never underestimate the hidden power of one very determined person. There is nothing more powerful than determination and persistence.
Ziad K. Abdelnour, Economic Warfare
Attitude Quotes

We have endurance and determination all within ourselves, tt's time to put them to good use.
Julie Hebert, Stop Wishing
Wishing Poems
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that life has a way of testing our resolve to see just how badly we really want something.
Adrian Shepherd
Poems About Life Lessons
And, if possible, it’s nice to have a mentor—someone further down the path than you are ....
who can remind you that your persistence will pay off.
Jordon Rosenfeld, A Writer's Guide To Persistence
Inspirational Quotes
When you set your goals, make a commitment to yourself, go after them no matter what.
Kate Summers
Graduation Poems for High School
To change one’s life:
1. Start immediately.
2. Do it flamboyantly.
3. No exceptions.
William James
Poems About Life Changes
Two steps forward, one step back -determination, and persistence never lack
Catherine Pulsifer
Baby Steps
To shine and outshine the shining stars, to take your abilities to the greatest height, to sit on top of the world, you must fortify yourself with persistence, the determination and
willingness to stay in the same direction over a long period of time whatever the cost might be.
Ogwo David Emenike, You Are a Star
Time Quotes
- Butterflies bend with the wind, it's true.
Still they get where they want to go.
They arrive by persistence through their own insistence...
Author Unknown, Legend of the Butterfly
Butterfly Poem
The seed of sorrow we often sow, which grows to be a dwarfish plant;
To weed and reap a successful row, we must not say I can't.
J.J. Thorne
Never Say I Can't
A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Elbert Hubbard
Poems About Failure
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