59 Stress Quotes
Let these stress quotes remind you to control the stress in your life. Some stress can be a good thing, but too much stress can have negative affects on your life.
Stress is like an iceberg. We can see one-eighth of it above, but what about what's below.
Author Unknown
Poems About Stress
My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused.
Ashton Eaton
Inspirational Poems
When the going gets tough, the tough go to the garden.
Author Unknown
Garden Poems
- Sometimes in our lives, we just need a little less stress.
Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Live Less Stressed
Poems of Encouragement
In the depths of our minds, a tempest brews, anxiety's grip, the stress it ensues.
Catherine Pulsifer, Stress Births Anxiety
Poems About Anxiety
A hundred years ago, life was simpler, no rush and no stress, a laid-back demeanor.
Catherine Pulsifer, 100 Years Ago
Simplicity Poem
"If you are going to give your speech at the start of the event, refrain any
caffeine (coffee, tea, coke) as these will exaggerate all the stress responses."
Byron Pulsifer, Stress and Holiday Speeches
Positive Poems
Don't let your age make you feel stressed. Celebrate and be happy for another year, for you in store.
Catherine Pulisfer, Happy Birthday Sister
Birthday Poems for Sister
A fear can bring anxiety impeding our purpose in society. And the distress we may feel may be in our mind and not real.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Fear
Poems About Fear
Death anxiety is greater in those who feel they have lived an unfulfilled life.
Irvin Yalom
poetry about life and death

"Don't leave stress to grow and grow and continue to affect your total
well-being; do something about it right now - That is the first step in
stress relief."
Catherine Pulsifer, How Does Stress Affect Health
Stress Relief Quotes
You need to find a way to control stress before you go gray. It may be a simple thing like taking a walk, or running.
Catherine Pulsifer, Stress Relief
Poems About Life
But with all the care we brought them, and through all the days of stress, I never heard my father or my mother wish for less.
Edgar A. Guest, The Old-Time Family
Poems About Family
Let the candle of your happiness... let it shine in times of storm and stress - undisturbed amidst adversity.
Patience Strong, The Flame
Adversity Poems
Stressed and overwhelmed, I can find no rest. Procrastination only creates more stress.
Catherine Pulsifer, Procrastination Creates More Stress
Poems About Procrastination
... stress on its own is not an awful thing, but when the stressors are persistent and aggravated,
the stress you experience becomes a major threat to your wellbeing.
Skeptics Self-Healing Academy, Self-Guided Meditation for Anxiety
Health Quotes

Smiling more and worrying less is a way of life to address
Catherine Pulsifer, Worry Less
Smile Poems
Constantly trying to shield yourself from the influence of people who don't
have your best interest at heart is a very stressful
thing to do, so it is in your best interest to avoid them completely if you can.
Noel N, Daily Planner: Productivity Boosts for Faster Results
Weekly Poems
If you are wise, you will .... lose your anxiety
William Arthur Ward, If You Are Wise
Wisdom Poems
The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.
Norman Vincent Peale
Bible Verses about Peace Of Mind
If life throws you a few bad notes or vibrations, don't let them interrupt or alter your song.
Suzy Kassem
Famous Poems About Life
An idle mind is the devil’s playground, or so they say. Stress and anxiety are your own devils.
Chris Adkins, Work Problems
Motivational Poems

So if your job is already stressful, there is no need to exacerbate your stress with a cluttered workspace.
Carl Ostling, Work Stress
Simplicity Quotes
Do not let the stress of age make you blue - live life, be engaged!
Julie Hebert, Aging Is Fun
Funny Poems About Aging
The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course.
St. Boniface
Quotes About Church
The people in my circle? Those who make me feel blessed; not stressed.
Steve Maraboli
Quotes For A Friend
The absence of belonging is so widespread that we might say we are living in an age of isolation, imitating the lament from early in the last century, when life was referred to as the age of anxiety.
Peter Block, Community
Community Quotes

"Stress: we all have some stress in our lives, some of us have more,
some of us have less stress. But if stress is allowed to overtake our lives
then serious implications can result."
Catherine Pulsifer
Thought Provoking Quotes
Talk to someone and share, get that weight off your chest - take time away from stress,
Catherine Pulsifer, Your Mental Health
Poems About Health
More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.
Roy T. Bennett
Worry Less Smile More
The cares we know, and they that give no warning; for love is God's own antidote for fret.
Strickland Gillilan, Need of Loving
"How many times have you created your own stress? Like many,
we often spend far too much time either externalizing the
we think we have rather than
appreciating what we do have."
Byron Pulsifer
Appreciation Quotes

Stress is not only created by how we see a situation, but also how we react to it. We do, in fact, control our own stress.
Catherine Pulsifer, Your Work and Your Stress
Attitude Quotes
I have learned that....that anxieties fade,
Arthur C. Benson, I Have Learned
Poems On Life Lessons
"You can look at challenges as
to do your best, or you can allow
challenges to create stress in your life."
Catherine Pulsifer,Does It Really Matter!
Challenges Quotes
If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.
Nayyirah Waheed
Ocean Quotes
"One of the main areas that cause people stress is their jobs.
If you
love what you are doing this will result in less stress."
Catherine Pulsifer, Less Stress by Loving What You Do!
Short Love Quotes

"The most important secret when dealing with stress is taking action.
Rather than fretting and
take action to address the thing or issue that is causing you stress."
Catherine Pulsifer, Job Stress Secrets
Worry Quotes
Stress can have serious effects on your physical and mental health if not managed.
Catherine Pulsifer
How Does Stress Affect Health
"Is stress your Monday morning diet? For literally tens of thousands of
individuals, Monday morning is filled with tasks seemingly accumulated
throughout the weekend."
Byron Pulsifer
Positive Thoughts
On this birthday don't feel stress realize that you are blessed.
Catherine Pulsifer
50th Birthday Poems
Stress is that thing that occurs in the space between demand and capacity.
Skeptics Self-Healing Academy, Self-Guided Meditation for Anxiety
Cute Quotes

Stress is how we respond to events based upon our perception.
Henry Marsh, The Breakthrough Factor
Believe Quotes
We often hear of people breaking down from overwork; but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety.
Sir John Lubbock, Never Happens
Poems About Worry
Just as the tension of the wind against the sail causes the sailboat to move, so stress is necessary for us to progress through life.
Vivian Eisenecher
Wind Quotes
"Stress relievers don't have to be complicated or expensive.
Develop the habit of finding a few simple techniques of your own
to keep stress under control."
Byron Pulsifer, Stress Relievers
Simplicity Quotes
"There are times when the success we try and achieve creates
unnecessary stress for us."
Catherine Pulsifer, Success And Stress
Inspirational Quotes

Preparation is one of the most important elements to success. Preparation also has the internal benefit of reduced stress.
Byron Pulsifer, Preparation Equals Success
Motivational Quotes
Frustration can only cause you stress it will take away from any progress. So let the emotion go and keep moving forward no matter how slow.
Catherine Pulsifer, Frustration Setting In?
Poems About Frustration
Many times our own frame of mind will determine our own mental state that will determine the amount of stress you feel.
Catherine Pulsifer
Thoughts On Stress
"How you feel, how you react, how much stress you have in your
life is in
direct relation to how you think."
Catherine Pulsifer, The Quality of Your Thoughts
Life Quotes
"You first need to recognize what is causing the stress you are
experiencing and see if there are actions that can be taken to reduce the stress."
Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Live Less Stressed
Quotes to Live By

It is interesting to note that we experience stress even by the non-negative aspects in our life.
Robert Gallagher, Stress Management
Experience Quotes
"Many times, we cause ourselves stress due to the importance
we give to an event or a situation. The event, or situation, may have
some impact on our lives, but when faced with a situation where you
are feeling stressed ask yourself: truly how important is it?"
Catherine Pulsifer, Stress Can We Control It
Solutions Quotes
"Studies have revealed that those who are in occupations where
they have some control over their
work environment are less stressed."
Catherine Pulsifer, Least Stressful Jobs
Work Quotes

Recognizing and enjoying the positive things in life can help us deal with stress better.
Frank Long
Positive Quotes
Prioritize self-care and stress management. As responsibilities often continue to grow in middle age, it's essential to take time for relaxation and rejuvenation.
A Middle-Age Reflection
Our viewpoint significantly determines our mental state and the magnitude of stress we feel.
Catherine Pulsifer
Managing Stress
Don't let stressors build stress - you are in control - take charge and enjoy your recharge time.
Byron Pulsifer
Is Stress A Killer?
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