Submit A Poem

We welcome you to submit your original short poems to our website, Short Poems & Quotes. If you have written a poem that has never been published on any other site, in print or any other medium, we would love to consider it for publication. We are looking for poems that are uplifting, encouraging, or optimistic, reflecting the themes we currently publish.

We discuss a wide range of subjects on our website. No matter if your poem delves into themes of life, friendship, love, or other positive topics, we invite you to submit your work to us. To gain a deeper understanding of the poetry we feature, you can look at our Poems page which is organized by subject in alphabetical order. This will give you an idea of how your poem might fit within our content. By Catherine Pulsifer, updated August 2, 2024

Short Poems & Quotes    |     Submit A Poem

Table of Contents

Submission Guidelines


How to Submit

If your poem fits our themes and follows our guidelines, send it to us via email for us to review. Make sure to provide the information below in your submission.

- Complete Name: The name you wish to be displayed in case your poem gets published.

- Theme - what theme do you feel your poem fits.

- We will reach out to you by email if your poem is chosen for publishing.

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by our editorial team. Because we receive a large number of poems, we will only reach out to those whose work we are thinking about publishing. On average, it can take up to a month for the review to be done. If there is no communication from us, know that we value your input but it may not be published currently.

Why Submit?

When you share your poem, you become part of a group of writers committed to promoting positivity and motivation. Your words hold the ability to impact hearts and minds, bringing solace, motivation, and happiness to readers globally. We support the power of poetry to inspire and motivate people and are excited to showcase your voice on our platform.

Thank you for considering our website to publish your poem. We are excited for your contributions and look forward to showcasing your uplifting and motivational poems in our collection.

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