145 Success Quotes
Success quotes serve to both encourage and motivate.
And, while it is true that the meaning
of success differs for each person, it is also true
that whatever one defines as accomplishments requires
consistent application of strength, perseverance and dedication.
The following sayings help to convey the necessary ingredients of
success no matter who or where you are.
What is success? Success means different things to different people. Let these quotes give you answers to this question.
You may also find answers in this Success Poem.
Be as upbeat as you can be. The basic success orientation
is having an optimistic attitude.
John DePasquale
Poems of Encouragement
Having lived and having toiled, I'd like the world to find some little touch of beauty that my soul had left behind.
Edgar A. Guest, The Gentle Gardener
Garden Poems
Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.”
Oscar Wilde
Friendship Poems

To try is better than the thing you try for
Author Unknown, To Try Is Better
Inspirational Poems
A successful journey consists of having a good relationship with all passengers, requiring that we give the best of ourselves.
Jean d'Ormesson, Train Of Life
Train Of Life Poem
As you celebrate another year of life, may your birthday ignite the fire of success within you. Embrace every opportunity, overcome every challenge, and let each milestone show your unwavering determination to achieve success in life no matter what your age is.
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems
You truly have been an inspiration. You are a picture of success
Kate Summers, We Wish You Well
Retirement Poems
Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Poems About Books
For this be the measure of our success, the measure of all life's happiness: just how well we have moved ahead;
or just how early our soul was dead!
Wilhelmina Stitch, Keep Moving
Never Give Up Quotes
Our success, you were the key encouraging us to be the best we could be.
Birthday Poems For Mom
Observe if you success would win the wealth of worth embodied in two little words: Be true.
Unknown, Be True
Poems About Justice
Success we’ll reap what we've sowed.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Like A Garden
Plant Your Own Garden
May no day be distressful. No night be filled with woe, and may you be successful wherever you may go.
Edgar A. Guest, A New Year's Toast
New Year Toasts
Desires bring needed fire to succeed, hold on tight and never concede.
Catherine Pulsifer, Live Your Passion
Poems About Dreams
Achievement waits upon us all day, our future success is just one task away.
Time it's something we can not replace, don't let procrastination be your fate
Catherine Pulsifer, Time Can't Be Replaced
Poems About Procrastination
Success, like happiness is more than a destination- it is a venture;
more than an achievement - it is an attitude.
William Arthur Ward
Graduation Poems
Be willing to fail or succeed on who you really are. Don't ever try to be anything else.
Glenn Beck
Quotes About Being Yourself
Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties,
passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes
and seeing them gratified.
Samuel Johnson
Poems About Life
A message of success in all you do; a message of love from me to you; a message of happiness through and through.
Kate Summers, Birthday Messages For My Brother
Happy Birthday To My Brother
A prominent statesman, being asked to name the secret of political success in a single word, replied, "Stick-to-it-iveness,"
George Henry Hubbard, Perseverance and Tenacity
Poems About Perseverance
Find your purpose, you find your way. For life success that is the key with purpose a fuller life you will see.
Catherine Pulsifer, What's The Reason?
Poems About Purpose
You close the door to your success by entertaining one small fear.
Think happiness, talk happiness, watch joy then coming near.
Wilhelmina Stitch
Famous Poems

Even when faced with a failure, or with doubt, keep going as success could be just around the corner. Do not quit!
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't Quit Poem
Each success builds on itself bringing about confidence, letting go of doubt.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Motto
Poems About Confidence
For resilience is the key to our success, and the foundation of our happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer, Resilience Is
Poems About Resilience
We are so happy for your success - a new milestone in your path that you’ve paved.
Catherine Pulsifer, First Day Of School
Graduation Poems From Parents
God has helped me through days of educational strife, my success was allowed, through God's ever-faithful hand in life.
Catherine Pulsifer, Graduation Is Here
Graduation Christian Poems
Through difficulties that daunted and pressured, you have defied the odds like a record-setter.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Cannot Deny
50th Birthday Poems
Your constant focus has met with success - today allows you to build dreams instead!
Catherine Pulsifer, So Proud Of You Daughter
Graduation Poems For Daughter
I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Respect Quotes
Now I know that those who succeed best in life are always cheerful and hopeful people who go about their work with a smile on their face and take the chances and changes of this mortal life with humor and good cheer, facing rough and smooth alike as it comes.
Og Mandino
Hopeful Quotes
Willpower, the ability to control your attention, emotions, and desires, is a vital ingredient of any recipe for success, in personal, as well as professional life.
Joanna Jast, Hack Your Habits
Poems For Women
Always, be first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds. Be last to criticize a colleague who fails.
Unknown, Always Be
Poems About Being Yourself
I am a living testament you can be adopted and successful.
Daunte Culpepper
Adoption Poems
Optimism is the essence of our success. It drives our creativity and emboldens our entrepreneurial spirit. It is what makes us invest in the future and accomplish our highest aims.
Bill Frist
Optimistic Poems
May success greet you at each new bend and joy and fulfillment be your lifelong friend
Catherine Pulsifer, As You Go Away
Saying Goodbye Poem
I learn lessons from my failure, and use those lessons to map out strategies to succeed. I'm always stronger than before. Failing to succeed!
Benjamin Kofi Quansah
Life Lessons Quotes
There is always room at the top.
Daniel Webster
Be The Best Quotes
Success means being happy with who you are and bringing happiness to those around you.
Jane John Nwankwo
Quotes About Being Happy
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
David Frost
Encouragement Quotes
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie
Poems About Hope
A person can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm.
Charles M. Schwab
Good Morning Poems
One of the things I’ve learned that has made me very successful, I think, sometimes you just have to take a chance.
Heidi Hammel
Take A Chance Quotes
I may not triumph in success, despite my earnest labour...
This thought shall always dwell with me — I will be worthy of it.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, I Will Be Worthy Of It
Motivational Poems
The choices you make determine your life - whether you are happy or sad, whether you look forward or back, whether you excel or are mediocre, whether you find success or not.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Choices Poems

It's serving, striving through strain and stress; It's doing your noblest-that's Success!
Berton Braley
The Recipe
It's not luck when success arrives, achievement means you worked and strived
Catherine Pulsifer, It Is Not Luck
Poems About Luck
We no longer live in a world where the “same old/ same old” is the path to success.
Steven Levi, Off The Wall Thinking
Poems About Change
No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.
Godfrey Winn
Mothers Day Poem From Son
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi Jr.
Perseverance Quotes
Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles.
Samuel Smiles
Hope Quotes
Fear can stop any progress it can stop our success.
Catherine Pulsifer, Overcome Your Fears
Poems About Fear
One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments.
Henry Ward Beecher
Disappointment Poems
The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
Zig Ziglar
Quotes About Character
- Success is not defined by how lazy you are, or
how lucky you are but, instead, how
much effort, sweat, the overcoming of failures, perseverance,
and dedication that is extended over time.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Perseverance Quotes
Nothing comes for free - we must work you see to achieve success is truly not effortless.
Catherine Pulsifer, Success In Life
Poems About Effort
The bird dares to break the shell, then the shell breaks open and the bird can fly openly. This is the simplest principle of success. You dream, you dare and and you fly.
Israelmore Ayivor
Poems About Birds
Every man who has made his mark will tell you that the chief factors are energy, confidence, indefatigable toil, readiness to learn,a determination which never relaxes its grip.
Unknown, What Makes Success
Poems On Determination
Success sits on a mountain of mistakes
Bangambiki Habyarimana
Quotes On Winning
Perserverence is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Famous Poets
And I'm sure the wisest motto for success, in prose or rhyme, is that plain rule of the workers keeping at it all the time.
James Buckham, At It All The Time
Life Mottos
Strength is success. Strength to be, strength to do...
Edward Evertt Hale
Poems About Strength
You think that the failures are many, you think the successes are few,
But you judge by the rule of the penny, and not by the good that men do.
Edgar A. Guest, The Real Successes
Poems About Failure
Quitting is never an option on the road to success. Find the way forward. If you have a positive mindset and are willing to persevere, there is little that is beyond your reach.
Quotes About Quitting
Our striving toward success, however, does not end at graduation, for we have a future yet to face.
M. E. H., Reached The Time
Graduation Wishes For A Friend

Great persons rise above adversity and attain new heights of achievement by turning ...Setbacks into successes
William Arthur Ward
Attitude Poem
It's not the storm that matters, it's the way we set our sails-
enables us to steer our course through hardship and distress- and reach the peaceful harbour of a well-deserved success.
Patience Strong, Sailing Boat
Keep Going Poem
If you wish success in life make perseverance your bosom friend
Webster, Success in Life
Poems About Perseverance
You also need a supportive set of subconscious beliefs in place if you really want to succeed.
Julie Ann Cairns, The Abundance Code
Short Quotes
- Successful people plan for failure.
Alex Altman, Time Is Money
Failure Quotes
My thanks to you will come by giving the best I have each day...my success is tied to you in every way.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Thank You
Graduation Thank You Poems
Succeed and give, 'twill help you live, but no one can help you die.
John A. Joyce, Love and Laughter
Which Type Are You
There's someone to share your happiness, someone to care when you win success
Douglas Malloch, Someone To Care
Famous Thanksgiving Poems
Let your first success be just a beginning. Let your dreams chase you.
Amit Ahlawat
Quotes About New Beginnings
This is the beginning of a new day....I want it to be gain and not loss; good and not evil;
success and not failure
Dr. Heartsill Wilson, A New Day
A New Day Poem

Setting goals can help you attain the success you desire.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Goals
Success is on the top of the hill reached by placing
one foot in front of the other over and over and over
again without faltering.
Robert Rivers
Persistence Quotes
It is "luck" that gets them the new job, the new house, or the new car. But, luck has nothing to do with real earned success because success means that work comes first not the other way around.
Byron Pulsifer
Quotes About Luck
Your attitude towards how you look at things - either a booster or a complainer - will determine your success!
Byron Pulsifer
Be A Booster
What is the good, of it all unless there's ...someone to care when you win success
Douglas Malloch, Someone To Care
Encouraging Poetry
For success in life, talk a little but with action success will triple.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words Are Many
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
If success was attained only through desire then everyone wouldn't
appreciate the strength of character it requires.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Appreciation Quotes
Joy sometimes comes to us as a result of us giving. It is a feeling of success and happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Joy
There are many keys to success, but being a positive influence on others is meaningful and a sign of success.
Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Attitude Poems
Mistakes are a fact of life, but what you do once a mistake is made determines your success in life. We all have a choice about our attitude and what we learn.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Mistakes
There are many keys to success, but being a positive influence on others is meaningful and a sign of success.
Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Influence
Our brains conceived, our two hands wrought
But still the finest joy, indeed, is seeing some one else succeed.
Strickland Gillilan
The Keenest Pleasure

Promise Yourself....To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
Christy Larson, Promise Yourself
A Life Well Lived Poems
The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
Zig Ziglar
Quotes on Honesty
And all the stings and bitter flings are wiped away upon the day success comes dancing down the way.
Edgar A. Guest, The Price Of Joy
Poem How Does Your Garden Grow
Many times in life you see baby steps are meant to be
Success does not happen overnight taking small steps, that is right.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life's Baby Steps
Baby Steps
Its daily task was sweetly done, for work was happiness; the sunlight smiled complacently and gave to work success
Ellwood Haines Stokes, The Mountain Stream
Poems About Mountains
Even if wishful thinkers had all the time
in the world, they would never attain the pinnacles
of success.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Time Quotes
Hard work, determination, and persistence will lead to the smiles of success.
Velma Childs Bell, Roll up Your Sleeves, Get to Work...Teach the Children
Hard Work Quotes
You were not made for failure but success; not born for sorrow but for happiness
Wilhelmina Stitch, Hold Up Your Head
Poems About Happiness
Follow your heart and life will bring a life that satisfies you and success in all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Find Your Passion
Follow Your Own Path Poems
The man who earns a million, but destroys his health in the process is not really a success.
Zig Ziglar
Poems About Health
When confronted by failure, disappointment, or rejection, it may be far
easier simply to give up. But this attitude can spell the difference
between long-term success and a series of defeat.
Amy E. Dean, Peace of Mind
Defeat Quotes

The key to success, happiness, and abundance all sit within you.
Michael Austin Jacobs, Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life
Abundance Quotes
If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail.
If you can't be the sun be a star.
It isn't by size that you win or you fail.
Be the best of whatever you are.
Douglas Malloch
Be The Best You Can Be
Behind every success story is usually someone who beat the obstacles
because he or she refused to accept the pessimist's view.
Seymour Schulich, Get Smarter Life and Business Lessons
Journey of Life

Show appreciation. When something kind is done to you, be thankful.
Carl Sommer, Teen Success in Career and Life Skills
Be Thankful Poem
But successful people don't make excuses, even when they could justify them.
No matter what the circumstances, they make the best of things and
keep moving forward.
John C. Maxwell, Your Road Map For Success
Never Give Up Poems
Work not just for the paycheck, but for yourself; you are the employer of your own success.
Catherine Pulsifer
Who Do You Work For
... if you don’t also have the support of your subconscious beliefs, then you will remain frustrated in your efforts to succeed, no matter how much
knowledge you have or how much effort you put in.
Julie Ann Cairns, The Abundance Code
Take Care Of Yourself Quotes
- Think this: "I'm going to win!' Think not on what has been.
Think vict'ry — think ''I can!"
David V. Bush, Think Right
Think On These Things
...skies seem always darkened by black clouds distressful; they strive to keep the clouds away until they are successful.
James Henry Thomas, Somewhere
Sky Quotes
Success never resides in the world of weak wishes,
but in the palace of purposeful plans and prayerful persistence.
William Arthur Ward, Up Words
Planning Quotes
Life and leadership will cause pain and suffering, but through the suffering, great learning, growth, and improvements lie ahead, once you find a way to endure.
David Hulings
Energy Quotes

I'm grateful for the failures I've had because those failures made me more successful.
Derek C. Doepker
Gratitude Poems
For a successful and happier life being positive is always better. Never be influenced by negativity.
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't Let People Bring You Down
The genuine possibility is for you to see; for you to plan to achieve, and for you to grasp hold of so strong that nothing will ever dissuade you from succeeding.
Byron Pulsifer
Opportunity Quotes
... the greatest chance for success will come to those who have the knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate appropriate programs.
James F. McKenzie, Planning, Implementing & Evaluating Health Promotion Programs
Knowledge Quotes

Dreaming is the first step to achieving your desires, taking action is the second step to success.
Catherine Pulsifer
Action Quotes
Smile more and frown less will lead to happiness and success
Catherine Pulsifer, Smile More, Frown Less
Smile Poems
A season ends and a new one begins - Don't lose your smile or your grin
With a positive attitude with you - You will find success in all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Seasons Of Life
Poems About New Beginnings

Find what you love - and do it! Life is too short to waste it doing
something you don't enjoy.
Diann B. Murr, Wake Up Successful
Life Is Too Short Quotes
There is need to unlock the untapped potentials in your mind, if you really want to be highly successful.
Greg Adenauer, Abundance
Improvement Quotes
Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with
recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.
Thomas Kinkade
Balance Quotes
All habits take time and patience to develop into success.
Benjamin Chapin, Think Positive
Patience Quotes
Successful people know the value of hard work but they also know
the value of rest and relaxation.
Skip Powell, Success Habits 101
Relax Quotes
Success rule number one: Action initiated again and again and again always comes before the final goal is reached.
Success rule number two: Repeat success rule number one.
Byron Pulsifer
While Others
Many successful people arrived at their niche in life through exposure
and experimentation in areas that interested them.
Seymour Schulich, Get Smarter Life and Business Lessons
Life Quotes

How we keep our composure during times when we feel impatient will lead to success in life challenges.
Catherine Pulsifer
Patience Poem
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation,
hard work, and learning from failure.
Colin Powell
Learning Quotes
Therefore, if you are to emerge successful, you need to find a way of
being continually motivated to change.
Nick Bell, Organize Yourself Starting Today!
Positive Quotes About Change
Positive people have positive expectations in their lives and
most of their days are successful.
Andrii Sedniev
Quotes to Live By

Failures are the pillars of success.
Welsh Proverb
Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to
change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.
Nolan Ryan
Adaptation Quotes
We are the architect of our own hurdles and we are the makers
of our own success.
Charles Duncan
Challenges Quotes
The best true stories of success are those people who see what could be, develop an action plan and decide that nothing will stand in the way that derails them from reaching their final destination
Byron Pulsifer

Success may have more to do with effectively balancing demands and priorities than simply winning.
Timothy Smith
The World That Awaits
For a short way ahead, when you've failed many times; there's success just awaiting for you; if you never give up, hang tight to the lines
David V. Bush, Never Say Die
Do Not Lose Your Pep
Most of the time, the only thing that is holding you back from being
successful is the fact that you do not believe you can be successful.
Riley Stevens, 50 Ways to Change Your Life in 50 Minutes
Positive Poems

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
David Frost
Dare To Be
The most successful people see adversity not as a stumbling block, but as a stepping-stone to greatness.
Shawn Anchor
Adversity Poems
Independence is essential for permanent but fatal to immediate success.
Samuel Butler
Independent Quotes

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
Mignon McLaughlin
Wedding Anniversary Quotes
Interestingly enough, although kindness has a good chance of leading
to success, kindness will always lead to happiness. So if you want to be
happy, be kind.
David T. Fagan
Kindness Quotes
The only question to ask yourself is, how much are you willing to sacrifice
to achieve this success?
Larry Flynt
Question Quotes

No one has ever achieved extreme success without being enthusiastic
about taking action.
Noel N
Which Type are You
We may recycle newspapers and glass and take proper satisfaction for doing so, but we remain caught in a web of spiritual
assumptions about success and consumption, progress and waste that effectively undermine and trivialize our efforts to escape.
William H. Becker
Recycling Quotes
So while the brilliant triflers failed with all their brains and push.
Wise steady-going Johnny won by "sticking to his bush.
Nixon Waterman
The Secret of Success

Don't let lack of preparation be your obstacle to attain success. Start today.
Byron Pulsifer
Some people search their entire lifetime trying to find happiness and success. They never discover that the secret is all in how they think and how they view life.
Catherine Pulsfer
What You Think You Become
Winners know there is no ceiling on success. They make the "emotional buy"
that they are good people who deserve their wins, and can work for
even "MORE"!
Dr. Irene Kassorla, Go For It
Poems About Winning
Success Poem
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