79 Sunshine Quotes
Brighten your day with our uplifting collection of inspiring sunshine quotes.
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Sunshine Quotes
Updated December 28, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
Be encouraged by these short sunshine quotes. There is nothing like the feeling of the warmth of the sun shining down on you. We all want more sunshine in our lives and many of these quotes discuss how to have this.
You may also be encouraged by these sunshine poems.
Where the sun shines and the broad breezes blow, by every ray and every raindrop kissed that God's love doth bestow;
Celia Thaxter, Courage
Christian Poems
If you see but your shadow, remember, I pray, that the sun is still shining, but you're in the way.
Unknown, Face The Sun
Poems of Encouragement
We have been friends together in sunshine and in shade, since first beneath the chestnut-tree in infancy we played.
Caroline Elizabeth Norton, We Have Been Friends Together
Friendship Poems
Man plows and plants and digs and weeds...God sends the sun and rain and air, and thus a garden's made.
Unknown, Making A Garden
Garden Poems
I would flood your path with sunshine; I would fence you from all ill...if I could have my will.
Unknown, I Would
Birthday Poems

No bitter word ever lightened a burden or made a rough road smooth; no grumbling ever introduced sunshine into a home.
George L. Perin, Throughout The Year
Inspirational Poems
Summer brings the sun so bright, our skin is kissed by its hot light.
Catherine Pulsifer, Summer Sun
Summer Poems
Oh, June, what a month, with your sunny days and bold front.
Catherine Pulsifer, Oh, June
Month Quotes
The sun begins to scatter the clouds that claimed the night...at first there’s but a glimmer as colour finds its way and then great bursts of sunshine announce a brand-new day.
Greta Zwaan, Sunrise
Sunrise Poems
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
James Matthew Barrie
A laugh is just like sunshine, it freshens all the day.
Ripley Dunlap Saunders, A Laugh
Poems About Laughter
God will use us all in His way, if we just open our heart. His glory is like the sun's light, always shines from the start.
Catherine Pulsifer, Created For A Purpose
Poems About Faith
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
An Irish Blessing
Now go out there and make us all proud, follow the sunshine, and not the clouds!
Catherine Pulsifer, Make Us All Proud
Funny Graduation Poems
O strong sun of heaven, harm not my love...shine for his pleasure!
Marguerite Wilkinson, An Incantation
Short Love Poems
Just the sunshine on the waters, just the rainbow in the sky, just a little love, so little, and its value is so high.
Unknown, Only A Little
Whenever there is sunshine, hope it shines especially for you to make each day for you as bright as it can be.
Irish Blessing
Irish Blessings
A baby is a precious bundle of joy that brings smiles and sunshine to all who meet them.
Catherine Pulsifer
Baby Poems

May your morning be full of sunshine, may your day be free of clouds
Irish Blessing Quotes
Our gardens make us both so proud- they bring sunshine, taking away any clouds.
Catherine Pulsifer, Love To See It Grow
Sunshine beams and pools so blue, parks and beaches all brand new. June brings joy with every dawn
Catherine Pulsifer, Children Cheer
June Poems
The sun shines a little longer and my heart beats a little stronger. Oh April, how you make us feel alive,
Catherine Pulsifer, The Fourth Month of The Year
April Poems
May all your days be full of sunshine and your nights filled with pleasant dreams.
C. B. Baird, May This Christmas
I've never been that type of person, who welcomes and hopes for Jack Frost.I mourn when the sunshine starts to fade
Julie Hebert, Winter Madness
Winter Poems
The Spring Months of April, May, and June ... the warmth of the sun. We start looking forward to summer and its fun.
Kate Summers, The Months of The Seasons
Month Poems
A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew, a cloud and a rainbow's warning;
Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue, an April day in the morning!
Harriet Prescott Spofford
A good laugh is sunshine in the house.
William M. Thackeray
The sun's rays wane, as twilight gently sweeps, shorter hours of daylight, as the world slowly sleeps.
Catherine Pulsifer, In the Month Of October
October Poems
August arrives with joyful cheer ....the sun shines bright, the sky so blue
Catherine Pulsifer, A Month Of Laughter
Our Father, who art in heaven...Help us now as we pray, and flood the morning with the sunshine of Thy face,
C. W. Holden
Short Prayers
May sunshine follow you on cloudy days and may God bless you in every way.
Catherine Pulsifer
New Year Blessings
Each sunrise brings the promise of sunshine for your day.
Kate Summers
Sunrise Quotes
Behind the cloud the starlight lurks; through showers the sunbeams fall
Mary H. Houghton, His Hope With All

For the welcome smile brings sunshine, while a frown shuts out the light.
Unknown, Smile
Poems About Happiness
Great is the sun, and wide he goes through empty heaven without repose
Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson, Summer Sun
Famous Poems
Thankful...for warm sunshine and much rain fall
David V. Bush
An' if I had the power to do... make each pathway where you strolled a bright one an' a sunny.
Edgar A. Guest, A Greeting
The sun always shines above the clouds.
Paul F. Davis
Poems About Clouds
And may the coming year bring laughter and fun. May all your days be bright and full of sun.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Birthday Filled with Rainbows
A sister is like the sunshine when you feel in decline.
Unknown, Let It In
Catherine Pulsifer, What A Sister is Like
What Is A Sister Poems
There is a land by faith I've seen...no need of sun to give it light, - its light the Lamb by sevenfold.
Amos E. Flint, The Promised Land
Heaven Poems
If you would have sunlight in your home, see that you have work in it
Stopford A. Brooke, Sunlight In Your Home
Poems About Home
When Duty calls, let Love grow warm; amid the sunshine and the storm.
Unknown, Fortitude And Trials
Courage Poems
But taking the year together, my dear, there isn't more cloud than sun.
Rembrandt Peale, Faith And Hope

Sunshine follows the rainbows like challenges follow success.
Catherine Pulsifer
Rainbow Quotes
The sun will shine or the rain will fall, but God stands over and under all.
S. B. McManus, He Knoweth Your Need
May sunshine be plenty, may clouds be few. And may success be found in all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer
Rise like the sun, and if that doesn't work, have some coffee!
Funny Good Morning Quotes
In all the wide world there is not another whose name is so dear as the sweet name of mother....her presence adds sunshine to each changing day,
Kate Louise Wheeler, Mother
Loving Quotes About Mothers
Tho’ her life lose it’s sunshine and burdens oppress, yet the love of the mother will never be less
Kate Louise Wheeler, Mother
Mom Poems
Halloween is a time of fun - the days are shorter and there's less sun.
Unknown, Let It In
Catherine Pulsifer, A Time of Fun
Halloween Poems
Sweet, sweet burn of sun and summer wind, and you my friend, my new fun thing, my summer fling.
K.D. Lang
Quotes About Summer
Roll back the curtains of the day, and let the sunshine warm and clear
Arthur Franklin Fuller, A Neglected Garden
This life means action, - from the early dawn....till all the sunbeams shimmer from the sky,
Howard Carleton Tripp, This Life Means Action

I know the sun is somewhere, shining clear. And when I can not see him overhead, I try to be a little sun, right here!
W. B. Allen, Dandelion
Did you see the sun smile over the hill, at the break of day; stop to kiss the dew from the grass, and melt the mists away?
Ann Searoone, Solace
Hello to sunshine and warmth galore, March, we welcome you once more!
Catherine Pulsifer, End Of Winter Near
March Poems
And a face that I knew passed by, and the smile I caught was brighter to me than the blue of a summer sky; for it gave me back the sunshine and it scattered each somber thought
George McDonald, Only A Smile
Poems About Life
The sun always shines above the clouds.
Paul F. Davis
Meadows Full of Sun
This morning it is shining bright. As though it never rained. Only the sparkle on the grass has special beauty gained.
Lucy P. Scott, After Rain
Poems About Rain
Low down beneath an orange shade of clouds more still and dark, the sun is slowly sinking now — of heaven's sea the bark
Sarah B. Sawyer
Poems About Sunset
Such kindness and compassion made it shine, sunshine and love to all entwined.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Life Well-Lived
Poems About Joy
Love is the sunshine of the family; without it, not character, or morality, or virtue, can be brought to perfection.
Maria Frink, Sunshine Of The Family
Poems About Family

...today comes rain - sunshine will return again.
Mary C. Plummer, The Babbling Brook
Kindness is shown in many ways....it may be only a little thing but sunshine to others it will bring.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Habit To Embrace
Kindness Poems
Enjoy your life no matter the wrinkles spread sunshine with lots of sprinkles
Catherine Pulsifer, Another Year
Funny Birthday Poems
When you're feelin' grouchy, let the Sunshine in; when your face gets feehn' hard, crack it with a grin.
Unknown, Let It In
Smile Poems
You are sunshine on rainy days, and brighten my day when challenges I see.
Catherine Pulsifer, By My Side
We thank Thee, Lord, for sunshine bright, for stars and moon that shine by night
Janie Mohanna, We Thank Thee, Lord
Thanksgiving Blessings
A morning full of sunshine, a morning of all things fine that is my wish for you on this morning that is brand new.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Good One
Good Morning Poems

When you walk into the room you're like sunshine and flowers in bloom
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma Poems
God in and over all. whose glory glows like sunbeams on the flood
Ellwood Haines Stokes, God By The Sea
Poems About God
June: where the sun shines brighter, dreams blossom, and possibilities bloom
Author Unknown
June Quotes
In July, the sun is hot and the days are long, inviting us to savor every moment.
Author Unknown
July Quotes
The west wind's sighs are of love, not sorrow, and the sunset sky is the sign for tomorrow.
Laura Lee Randall, Autumn Oracle
Autumn Poems
We've had our clouds and sunshine, our shadows and our light. But we've kept our love unsullied, our affection warm and bright.
Grinnell Willis, An Anniversary
If you hear a kind word spoken of some worthy soul you know, it may fill his heart with sunshine if you only tell him so.
Unknown, Tell Him So
Gratitude Poems
A child is sunshine and happy things - they show us it doesn't matter about things.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Child Is
Poems About Children
How gladly we hail the return of the spring, fair prospects, gay sunshine, her presence doth bring;
Mary Snell, A Welcome To Spring
Spring Poems
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