Sunshine Quotes Page 2
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Sunshine Quotes
Sunshine Quotes Page 2
Updated December 28, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
Discover even more inspiration with this second collection of sunshine quotes. Just like the sun's rays bring warmth and light, these quotes offer words to brighten your day and lift your spirit. Let these uplifting thoughts remind you of the positivity and joy that sunshine can bring to life.
Sunshine is a daily reminder that even after the darkest nights, warmth and light will always find their way back to us.
Sunshine Poems
Let the weather be as it may. Bring your own sunshine by enjoying today.
Catherine Pulsifer
Enjoy Life Poems
If clouds blot out the sunshine along the way you that the way will brighten, and do the best you can.
Eben E. Rexford, The Best We Can
Be The Best You Can Be -
Go, with faith undaunted, through the ills of life. Scatter smiles and sunshine o'er its toil and strife.
Lanta Wilson Smith, Scatter Sunshine
Sunshine and shadow, blue sky and gray, laughter and tears as we tread on our way
Edgar A Guest, The Crucible of Life
Poems About Joy
Life has its shadows, as well as its sun; its lights and its shades, all twined together.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Sunshine And Shadow
Poems About Life Struggles

What a coward I'd be if I tried not to see the roses of hope and the sunshine of cheer.
Edgar A. Guest, Roses and Sunshine
Life Journey Poems
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you ask too much.
Unknown, Learn
Poems About Failure
And if, to-day, the heavy wind of sorrow is oppressing, perchance to-morrow’s sun will bring the weary heart a blessing.
Sarah T. Bolton, A Lesson Worth Enshrining
Life Mottos
To walk through darkness as through light, with sunshine in the heart.
Mary E. Blake, Sunshine In My Heart
Poems About Life And Love
There is no Love like a Mother's - 'tis the Sun that shineth forth
John Jarvis Holden, No Love like a Mother's
A Mother's Love Poem

May sunshine be always around you and pleasant the paths of your feet.
Unknown, Laden With Love
Valentines Day Poems
Be thankful for the sunshine in the sky
Catherine Pulsifer, The Little Things
Be Thankful Poems
I see snow as something fun, but others might still long for summer's sun.
Seth D.
Quotes About The Snow
The sun gives ever; so the earth - what it can give so much 'tis worth
Unknown, Be Always Giving
Helping Others Poems
Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.
Eleanor Di Guillo
Love Poems For Husband
Thus, God's bright sunshine overhead...the path of life that you must tread can little hold of fear or dread,
Helen Waithman, God's Pathways
Faith Over Fear
What shall I wish thee? What can be found, bringing thee sunshine, all the year round?
Florence LeClair, What Shall I Wish Thee?
New Year's Hymn
If the sunshine of our smiles we have scattered not afar....have we done our Maker’s will? Have we wrought our mission here?
Unknown, All The Good We Can
The Weaver Poem

Life is a blending of sunshine and showers
Lillian E. Curtis
Train Of Life Poem
We had a wonderful grandfather, one who never really grew old; his smile was made of sunshine
Unknown, We Had A Wonderful Grandfather
Grandpa Poems
I love the startled rose of the sun at dawning, and the blazing orange of it at twilight.
Margaret E. Sangster, Colors
Poems About Colors
Summer gives two months of pleasure; winter, so long, such a trial. Curtailed are the joys of warm sunshine, I cringe and go into denial!
Greta Zwaan, Summers Demise
Poems About The Season
Days are gettin' shorter an' the air a keener' it's just as plain as sunshine, winter's comin' on again.
Edgar A. Guest, October
October Poems
The storms that I go through are for my good, because no one appreciates the sunshine until he has gone through the storm
Unknown, As You Go Through Life
Poems About Challenges
We laugh all through the sunshine bright; when life is done, we say, "Good night."
Unknown, What Is Life
Good Night Poems

Thinking of you brings thoughts of sunshine - of all things in life that are fine.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Bring
Thinking Of You Poems
As shines the sun, the happy fields adorning; to every care-beclouded life some ray of light impart and touch your lips with gladness every morning.
Nixon Waterman, Gladness Every Morning
A New Day Poem
There's a little splash of sunshine and a little spot of shade always somewhere near
Stanley Dark, Sunshine and Shade
Optimistic Poems
The sun is shining bright, and the birds so sweetly sing. As you walk to the school every morning
M. E. B., Going To School
Poems About School
Be warmed by the sunshine of love and care that will banish all pain and tears.
C. C. Hassler, Veteran's
Veterans Poem
Kindly words, for they are sunshine in the dark and cloudy day
M. T., Loving Words
Kind Words Are Like Honey

Daisies are the flower of sunshine they can make a garden look so fine
Catherine Pulsifer, A Daisy
Poems About Daisies
You pave your own pathway through....pave it with sunshine-golden or densest hues of night
Clara McAlister Brooks, Life's Mystery
LIfe Is Good Poems
I love you more because of who you are - you are my sunshine, a bright shining star.
Catherine Pulsifer, Because
I Love You More Poems
Give sunshine, give this lonely world a smile
Bessie L. Bennett, Give Sunshine
The Value Of A Smile
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank
God's Garden Poem
No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in the bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos.
D. H. Lawrence
Dandelion Poems
Flowers are smiling, fields are gay, sunny is the weather: with our risen Lord to-day all things rise together.
Unknown, Church Bells Ring
Easter Bells
Whoever makes a garden should surely not complain, with someone like the sunshine and someone like the rain
Douglas Malloch
Plant Your Own Garden Poem

Make hay while the sun shines, it's a saying of old. If you'll follow the advice, it'll be worth more than gold.
David J. Cable
Make Hay While The Sun Shines
Skies can be gray but I can say - friends like you bring sunshine too!
Catherine Pulsifer, Roses Are Red
Friends Are Blessings
Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures
Henry David Thoreau
September Poems
A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Prayer
The water shines only by the sun. And it is you who are my sun.
Charles de Leusse
I Love You Poems
It has the pow'r to do so much along the weary mile. It is the tender, human touch - this friendly, sunny smile.
A Friendly Beaming Smile
It's the little bit of sunshine lighting up the dullest day, that brings a glow of pleasure as we journey on life's way.
John McLeod, It Is
Easy Poems to Memorize
I will start anew this morning' with a higher, fairer creed....I will try to see the beauty spread before me rain or shine
Edgar Allen Moss, The New Creed
A Life Well Lived Poem
I always open both my eyes, just as the Sun begins to rise; when he gets up to shine on me, I like to keep him company.
Althea Randolph
Oh, the days when we were boys! Life had sunshine, health, and joys
Unknown, When We Were Boys
A Laugh Pays Best In The End
Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures
Henry David Thoreau, The Tender Passion
Love Is Not Easy

Winter is a season of black and white. The sky is grey and the sunshine is less.
Byron Pulsifer
Later On
May love be with you in many ways. May sunshine follow you wherever you go
Simple Baby Blessing
Baby Blessing Poem
Just living is not enough’, said the butterfly, ‘one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.
Hans Christian Andersen
Butterfly Poems
Put the golden sunshine in each day; others need the cheer that comes through you
Juniata Stafford, Scatter Sunshine
Spread Sunshine
You can't borrow sunlight from night's open door; one task and one day is enough to explore.
Everett W. Hill, The Moments You Spend
Think On These Things
A stroll in the sunshine past vigor renews, brings joy to the bosom, and scatters the blues.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, The Blues
Don't Kill The Birds
Harmony had been so perfect in this garden where they grew; and the sunshine and the showers came to nourish them, they knew.
Gertrude Tooley Buckingham
Garden Verses
Stop and living simply - see the beauty of the sunset, the sound of the wind, the feeling of the sunshine
Catherine Pulsifer, Simply Living
Poems About Living A Simple Life
Optimism is psychological sunshine, mental vitamins, and spiritual oxygen.
William Arthur Ward

Smile in sunshine, smile in rain, mile in joy and smile in pain
John A. Joyce, Smile By Day
Smile More
A smile thus bubbling from the heart....will drive the clouds of gloom away and bring the sunshine again.
D. W. Moore, It Doesn't Cost A Cent
A Smile Costs Nothing
Face the sunshine — let the shadows lie behind you
Strickland Gillilan
Face The Sunshine
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