42 Take Care Of Yourself Quotes
Take care of yourself quotes stress the importance of self-care, self-love, and ensuring that you look after yourself. This care isn't selfish but necessary if you expect to have a
true balance in life. It is plain to see that if you are not internally well, you will have difficulty being useful, loving, caring, and truly of benefit to your family and other relationships.
The personal investment in being at the forefront of your own well-being is vitally significant to anyone who wishes to be of any value to anyone else, including themselves.
We hope that all of these quotations will give you a zest to attend to a crucial component of your life.
You may also be encouraged by these poems about health.

When admiring other people's gardens, don't forget to tend to your own flowers.
Sanober Khan
Garden Poems
When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.
Jean Shinoda Bolen
Inspirational Poems
I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.
Joyce Meyer
Poems About Family
The truth was, though, the fact that I’d kind of deprioritized self-care was perhaps the very reason why I needed it so badly.
Jennifer Ashton, The Self-Care Solution
Short Quotes
Make one of your goals for the the New Year, prioritizing on self care
Charmaine J Forde
New Year Poems
... the learning and working environment is sustaining for all when teachers increase their well-being and flourish through self-care practices.
Patrice Palmer, The Teacher Self-Care Manual
Work Quotes
Make every hour count in the moments you spend; tomorrow's a stranger, today is a friend.
Everett Wentworth Hill, One Task At A Time
Poems of Encouragement
To be balanced in life means to be aware of the need for self-care for without which you cannot adequately care for others.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Encouragement Quotes
I'm trying to say that I think doing what you feel can't always be easy, but at least you're being true to yourself.
Erin Bowman
Quotes About Being Yourself
Before the tree can yield abundant fruit, its' roots must be nourished; so it is with investing in self-care before your fruit of giving can be sufficiently
Byron R. Pulsifer
Nature Poems
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.
Jim Rohn
Cute Quotes
A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
Spanish Proverb
Fitness Quotes
The cares that distract you lay resolute by, and lift with devotion the heart and the eye
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Patient And Strong
Don't Be Impatient
Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.
Eleanor Brown
Positive Messages
Simply put, self-care means taking care of yourself... it means taking responsibility for your well-being in all the important areas of your life.
Robyn L. Gobin PhD, The Self Care Prescription
Life Quotes
Self-care is an act of self-love. It’s a way of telling yourself that YOU matter – that your needs, wants and desires are important enough to be joyously
Ankita S., Self-Care
Quotes To Live By
The concept of self-care is deceptively simple: making time to take care of yourself for the benefit of your overall mental and physical well-being.
Anna Borges, The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care
Time Quotes
Self-love can be defined as the act of valuing one’s own happiness and well-being. It is a kind of acceptance, or unconditional support and caring.
Sarah Kucera, The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook
Happiness Quotes
Wellbeing is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. Most importantly, it’s about how these five elements interact.
Tom Rath
Positive Thoughts
- Care more than you have to; it matters from one human being to another.
Robert K. Cooper, The Other 90%
Dare To Be
And if I may add, true, unabashed self-care is a lifelong romance with yourself. Self-love = self-care.
Mary Beth Janssen, The Book of Self-Care
Life Choices Poems
Just for Today I will take care of my body.
I will exercise it, care for it, and nourish it, and not abuse it nor neglect it.
Sybil F. Patridge, Just For Today I Will
Just For Today
But having a balance each day is the way, get your work done but make time for play
You will feel more rested and happy each day if you have a balance and make moderation your way.
Sam Fickinsen, Too Much Of Anything
All Poems
If I could have a second wish for you: It is that health will stay with you
Take care of yourself in all ways, now you can relax on any day.
Catherine Pulsifer, One Wish For You
Retirement Wishes
But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.
Deepak Chopra
Keys For Life
All I can say is eat well, and try and take care of yourself.
A little exercise and great company, is what aging is all about.
Julie Hebert, Aging Advice
Birthday Poem For A Friend
To be balanced in life means to be aware of the need for self-care for without which you cannot adequately care for others.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Balance Quotes
You see life is full of struggles and hurt. There are times we all feel like dirt.
But don't stay down, get up and find a change of thought of the positive kind.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Full Of Struggles
Poems About Life Struggles
It takes strength to stand alone. It takes courage to lean on another.
Author Unknown, It Takes Strength & Courage
Poems About Strength
So if you need a helping hand - Don't let your pride take over, just understand
Catherine Pulsifer, Given To Me
Poems About Helping Others
It is your choice...
you can accept defeat or you can try again
you can give up or you can have hope
Catherine Pulsifer, It Is Your Choice
Start Your Day With A Smile
Take a sleep, take a rest, and let God do the rest, for He loves you
Alexa Hebert, God Is With You
Trust In God Poems
- Having more energy to spread love and kindness is a wonderful side effect of self-care ...
Gift Potter, Spellwork for Self-Care
Kindness Poem
Self-care—it’s something all of us need more of but few of us make time for in our busy lives.
Adams Media, The Little Book of Self-Care
Poems About Life
Using essential oils gives you the ability to be in control of your health and well-being.
Alicia Atkinson, Essential Oils for Beauty, Wellness, and the Home
Health Quotes
So the best way that you really can "Be good to yourself" - is by being good to your fellowman.
Minnie Brehm, Be Good To Yourself
Good Poems
We thrive in nature. We feel better, we feel healthier, when we rely on real food, spend plenty of time outdoors, bring the elements of nature into our
daily life ...
Maria Noel Groves, Body into Balance
Garden Quotes
... all of our relationships with others are affected by our capacity for self-love, self-esteem and self-care. We cannot have healthy, happy
relationships without first cultivating healthy, happy relationships with ourselves.
Shahida Arabi, The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care
A Little Loving
Just as water and air are vital to survival, so, too, is the need to love and be loved.
Shainna Ali PhD, The Self-Love Workbook
Water Quotes
All I can say is eat well,
And try and take care of yourself.
A little exercise and great company,
Is what aging is all about.
Julie Hebert, Aging Advice
Birthday Poem For Friend
All too frequently, anxiety crushes not only your spirit and your potential, but your ability to take care of your mind and body."
Jonathan Davidson and Henry Dreher
Stress Quotes
Love shared is not first external but internal.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Love Quotes
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