11 Gratitude Poems
Be inspired by this collection of gratitude poems. Let them remind you that being grateful and thankful for what you have and having an attitude of gratitude makes life much more content.
The poets remind us that in being grateful we will look at situations in a different light. It has been proven that a gratitude mindset can change how you handle life situations!
Poems can be great to share and express a message of appreciation and thankfulness!
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Inspirational Poems
Gratitude Poems
Be Grateful
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Be grateful for
the kindly friends that walk along your way;
Be grateful for
the skies of blue that smile from day to day;
Be grateful for
the health you own, the work you find to do,
For round about you
there are men less fortunate than you.
Be grateful for
the growing trees, the roses soon to bloom,
The tenderness of kindly hearts
that shared your days of gloom;
Be grateful for
the morning dew,
the grass beneath your feet,
The soft caresses of your babes and all their laughter sweet.
Acquire the grateful habit, learn to see how blest you are,
How much there is to gladden life, how little life to mar!
And what if rain shall fall today and you with grief are sad;
Be grateful that you can recall the joys that you have had.
Being grateful or thankful helps you realize how blessed you are. Your attitude changes from one of wants
to one of appreciation. You may also be encouraged by a be thankful poem
Tell Him So
Poet: Unknown
If you hear a kind word spoken
Of some worthy soul you know,
It may fill his heart with sunshine
If you only tell him so.
If a deed, however humble,
Helps you on your way to go,
Seek the one whose hand has helped you,
Seek him out and tell him so!
If your heart is touched and tender
Toward a person, lost and low,
It might help him to do better
If you'd only tell him so!
Always express you appreciation to others. To help you read our collection of
thank you poems
more gratitude quotes
Poet: Patience Strong
Remember the blind -
The sightless ones, whose eyes can never see -
The beauty of the lovely earth -
The glory of a tree.
Remember the lame, on crutches bent,
For they can never know -
The thrill of movement - running, free -
With strong swift limbs aglow.
Remember the deaf, the lonely deaf,
For they have never heard -
The wonder of a human voice -
The rapture of a bird.
Remember the dumb -
With speechless lips -
In silence set apart -
Who never can express in words the longings of the heart.
And so if we grow bored and dull
As down life's path we drift...
Remember - and be thankful for
Each good and perfect gift.
Thanksgiving Poems
A Life Full of Gratitude
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
May my life be full of gratitude
May it be shown in my attitude
By the way that I act
And with any and all contacts.
Let my appreciation show
Expressing it quickly not too slow
For those who have helped me along
Even when I was stubborn and wrong.
May the kindness that was shown to me
Be kindness that I return so easy
May I always lend a hand
To a child, woman, or man.
You see a life of gratitude is one
That makes you appreciate all that is done.
You count your blessings every day
From the time you are young until you are gray.
Your happiness in life depends a lot on your attitude and how you view the world around you. You may also be inspired by our collection of
poems about life
Thanksgiving Blessings
Hymn Of Gratitude
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
God of the hills and verdant plains,
I bless thy ruling hand:
The drifting snows and gentle rains
Are sent by thy command.
The opening spring is decked by thee
With each delightful flower;
And every leaf and bud I see
Bears impress of thy power.
The ripening summer's burning sun;
The winter's piercing cold;
The changing seasons as they run -
Thy wisdom, Lord, unfold.
Beside the hill, the purling brook,
Glad Nature's fond retreat,
With gratitude to Thee I look,
And songs of joy repeat.
For lot so blest, my voice I raise,
Almighty God, to thee!
Thou needest not an angel's praise;
Much less such praise from me.
But I will bless thy bounteous hand
For all the gifts bestowed:
Before my heart could understand,
Ten thousand thanks I owed.
Thanksgiving Prayers
Every Day I Wake
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Every day when I wake,
I count my blessings
For each friend, family
And life's lessons.
For my health,
My home and employment.
Generosity that is
So highly sent.
Happiness in life
Amidst the strife;
Understanding of what
Helps others thrive.
What a gift to learn
And experience
For all of these,
I have such gratitude.

Attitude Poems
Attitude of Gratitude
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The beauty of life shines through my window pane
As I take the time to think and reflect
From breathtaking sunsets to calming ocean waves
I'm grateful and show my respect.
A first snowfall or a wonderful sunrise
Daily moments that we take for granted
Yet these scenes are what make us all alive
And we should be thankful for where we are planted.
Life is beautiful, never give up on it
Choose to appreciate its every delight
Gratefulness will open many doors of bliss
Let an attitude of gratitude give you new insight.

Poems of Encouragement
Appreciate Little Things
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
On sunny days, and early days of spring
Appreciate life's little things -
The joyous laughter of a child,
A bird singing in the wild.
A brand new day full of hope,
Cascading rays help me cope.
My heart is warm, my soul elated,
I'm grateful for what God created.

Appreciation Poems
Embrace Life
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Today I wake to birds singing with glee,
A new day, and fresh possibilities.
The sun is shining brightly on this morn,
I am grateful for the little things that adorn.
A child's laughter is a gift so divine,
The warm hug of a friend most kind.
This fullness of joy is the greatest pleasure,
It's in these small moments we find lasting treasure.
Oh the beauty of being alive and well,
Embrace life with open arms and thankfulness, we shall!

A New Day Poem
Poet: Jennie Mast
God's creatures, o'er his vast creation,
Regardless of their situation,
Wealthy or of lower station,
Owe a debt of gratitude.
Grateful every heart should be
For this land of liberty;
Lovely woods with templed hills,
Leafy grove, and flowery dells.
O ye saints, while life prolong,
Praise the Lord in prayer and song.
Fainting though thy heart may be,
A song of praise will strengthen thee.
When dark clouds are looming near,
Whisper o'er a grateful prayer,
And while urging this request,
Bring him homage for the last.
more Poems About Helping Others
Go Show Your Gratitude
Poet: David V. Bush
Someone along life's rocky road
Gave you a helping hand,
And as you toiled beneath your load,
Proved he could understand.
Since then a host of years extend;
Successful thoughts intrude;
But have you thanked your faithful friend?
Go show your gratitude!
Some teacher his devotion lent
That you might wiser grow.
And ever watched with kind intent
Your footsteps, sure but slow;
Today you've won, while he has not,
But he your fortune made;
So share with him your happy lot,
And thank him for his aid.
Your mother sits at home today
Grown wrinkled with the years,
Yet once she smoothed life's troubled way,
And calmed your boyish fears.
Go to her now, ere it be late.
And gratefully confess
That most of all she built your fate
With care and tenderness!
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Featured Famous Poets:
Edgar A. Guest
Patience Strong

Catherine Pulsifer
Daniel C. Colesworthy
David V. Bush
In conclusion, expressing gratitude through poetry is a powerful way to both express and receive the appreciation we all desire in life.
Reading these poems can help us remember that life is precious and how important it is to be thankful for the things we have.
By celebrating what we are grateful for, we can improve our relationships, enjoy life more fully, and create a stronger sense of purpose.
We hope these gratitude poems remind you to stop and give thanks for all the good in your life. Sometimes we take things and people for granted and don't show gratitude or appreciation,
but if we stop and think about these people or things, we realize what a blessing they are in our life. Always show gratitude!
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