26 Garden Verses
A collection of garden verses for you to
enjoy and to reflect on.
As with their gardens, gardeners have a way with words especially when it comes to describing their gardens.
Short but quick easy to read verses but ones that any gardener will relate to. Send a verse to your favorite gardener!
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Garden Poems
Garden Verses
Friends, books, a garden, and perhaps his pen,
Delightful industry enjoyed at home,
An Nature, in her cultivated trim
Dressed to his taste, inviting him abroad -
Can he want occupation who has these?
William Cowper
Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees
That half a proper gardener's work is done upon his knees,
So when your work is finished, you can wash your hands and pray
For the Glory of the Garden that it may not pass away!
Rudyard Kipling

Christian Poems
God crafted the garden divine,
From lush verdant beds and grasses evergreen,
To add a touch of beauty and sheer bliss sublime,
With plenty of scents. Numerous colors were seen.
Trees aplenty, fruits of all kind,
Birds sang songs of joy to compliment the grandeur divine.
Catherine Pulsifer
I know that if odour were visible, as colour is,
I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
Robert Bridges
When the south wind, in May days,
With a net of shining haze
Silvers the horizon wall.
And with softness touching all,
Tints the human countenance
With the color of romance,
And infusing subtle heats.
Turns the sod to violets,
Thou, in sunny solitudes.
Rover of the underwoods.
The green silence dost displace
With thy mellow, breezy bass.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, a verse from The Humble-Bee
With a few flowers in my garden,
half a dozen pictures
and some books,
I live without envy.
Lope de Vega
Gardens decorate the landscape,
Bringing joy to all who gaze
With colorful petals they take shape,
Brightening even the gloomiest of days.
After a long winter’s chill,
The sight of the first flowers gives us a thrill.
Catherine Pulsifer

Winter Poems
We learn from our gardens
to deal with the most
urgent question of the time:
How much is enough?
Wendell Berry
Poems About Being Happy
With rake and seeds and sower,
And hoe and line and reel,
When the meadows shrill with "peeping"
And the old world wakes from sleeping,
Who wouldn't be a grower
That has any heart to feel?
Frederick Frye Rockwell
When I dance, I dance,
when I sleep, I sleep;
yes, and when I walk
alone in a beautiful orchard,
if my thoughts drift to far-off matters
for some part of the time,
for some other part I lead them back
again to the walk, the orchard,
to the sweetness of this solitude,
to myself.
If you wish to be happy for a day, get drunk;
If you wish to be happy for a week, kill a pig;
If you wish to be happy for a month, get married;
If you wish to happy for ever and ever, make a garden.
Chinese Proverb
There's a garden where the peppers
Were all growing on the vine,
The tomatoes and the pumpkins
And the string beans, very fine.
Harmony had been so perfect
In this garden where they grew;
And the sunshine and the showers
Came to nourish them, they knew.
Each one praised the others' beauty,
Praised their colors and their shapes,
From the tiny, little onion
To the luscious, purple grapes...
Gertrude Tooley Buckingham
Garden Quotes
An acre of land between the shore and the hills.
A garden I need never go beyond,
Broken but neat, whose sunflowers every one
Are fit to be the sign of the Rising Sun.
Edward Thomas
The light and the deep, the red and the white, should be spaced apart;
The early and the late should likewise be planted in due order.
My desire is, throughout the four seasons, to bring wine along,
And not to let a single day pass without some flower opening.
Ou-Yang Hsiu

Flower Poem
I have a garden of my own
But so with roses overgrown,
And lilies, that you would it guess
To be a little wilderness.
Andrew Marvell
Who loves a garden, loves a green-house too,
Unconscious of a less propitious clime
There blooms exotic beauty, warm and snug,
While the winds whistle and the snow descends.
William Cowper
My lilac trees are old and tall;
I cannot reach their bloom at all.
They send their perfume over trees
And roof and streets, to find the bees.
Louise Driscoll
A thing of beauty is a joy forever:
its loveliness increases;
it will never pass into nothingness.
John Keats

Poems About Beauty
Even for the dead I will not bind
My soul to grief - death cannot long divide:
For is it not as if the rose had climbed
My garden wall, and blossomed on the other side?
Alice Cary
a dedication for an album or scrapbook:
My Album is a garden spot
Where all my friends may sow,
Where thorns and thistles flourish not,
But flowers alone may grow.
With smiles for sunshine, tears for showers,
I'll water, watch and guard these flowers.
Go forth, thou little volume,
I leave thee to thy fate;
To love and friendship truly
Thy leaves I dedicate.
Poet Unknown
Bible Verses referring to Gardens:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15(NIV)
They are like a well-watered plant in the sunshine,
spreading its shoots over the garden;
Job 8:16 (NIV)
For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations.
Isaiah 61:11 (NIV)
Build houses and settle down;
plant gardens and eat what they produce.
Jeremiah 29:5 (NIV)
Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows,
it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree,
so that the birds come and perch in its branches.
Matthew 13:32 (NIV)
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
John 15:1 (NIV)
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We hope you have enjoyed these short garden verses and they are ones that encourage you to grow your garden and enjoy the beauty that it brings
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