84 Happy Thanksgiving Quotes
A collection of gratitude-filled Happy Thanksgiving quotes to share with loved ones.
Short Poems & Quotes |
Happy Thanksgiving Quotes
By Catherine Pulsifer, last updated October 16, 2024

A collection of short Happy Thanksgiving quotes for friends and family full of gratitude to remind everyone to count their blessings. A time to stop our busy lives and remind ourselves of all that we are grateful for.
A holiday that is celebrated with family and friends and one in which
gratitude is shown. We hope these quotations add to a Happy Thanksgiving day for you and yours!
And to add a bit more you may want to read and share our Thanksgiving poems.
Quotes For Thanksgiving
We ought to make the moments notes of happy, glad Thanksgiving; the hours and days a silent phrase of music we are living.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Thanksgiving Chorus
Be Thankful Quotes
Often I'll speak my thanksgiving aloud. Hearing the long list of good gifts
God has given me is usually just what I need to restore my joy.
Lori Hatcher, Hungry for God ... Starving for Time
Thanksgiving Wishes
Every day of our years should be a thanksgiving day.
James Russell Miller, The Book of Comfort
Thanksgiving Lesson
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20
Thanksgiving Verses In The Bible
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and
not giving it.
William Arthur Ward
These words are so appropriate for Thanksgiving - make sure to express your gratitude for all that you have, especially the people in your life that you are thankful for.
Inspirational Poems
Be thankful for all that you have, not just at Thanksgiving, but all the year through.
Catherine Pulsifer
Thanksgiving Blessings
While Thanksgiving has its foundation on Plymouth Rock, Christmas rests upon the Rock of Ages.
Charles Dudley Warner
Christmas Poems
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson
A great quote for reflection this Thanksgiving. What have you planted this year?
Garden Poems
If only thanksgiving was every month, a feast I would enjoy but then I got to thinking my diet it would destroy.
Catherine Pulsifer, If Only Thanksgiving
Funny Thanksgiving Poems
In all things we need to be thankful no matter where we are or where
we are at in life, there is much to be thankful for as long as we still have
Ross Silke, Book of Thanksgiving Decrees
Thank You Poems
November, the month when gratitude blooms, Thanksgiving approaches, with joyful tunes.
Catherine Pulsifer, Cherish The Blessings
Month Quotes
Thanksgiving's feast brings memories so grand, nostalgia fills the air as love expands.
Catherine Pulsifer, Childhood Memories With Grandparents
Grandparents Poems
Family gathered by the fireside, Thanksgiving feast, a joyful endeavor.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Eleventh Month
November Poems
Take some time today to remember everything you are thankful for.
Have we taken the time to thank the Lord for all the blessings he has given us.
William Hemsworth, Just A Closer Walk
Thanksgiving Prayers
Thanksgiving is a state of mind, it isn't a feast or a day; it's the joy you feel within your heart for blessings God sends your way.
Rae Cross, Thanksgiving
Bible Verses about Blessings from God
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100 (NLT)
Poems About Worship
From far and wide, our family convenes, on this Thanksgiving day, a tender scene. With hearts bowed low, we offer thanks divine, for this beloved gift of kinship entwined.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Hand Of Blessing
Thanksgiving Family Poems
Thanksgiving, a sacred time of reflection, when we gather in humble introspection. Thank God for the harvest He graciously bestows.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Time Of Reflection
Harvest Poems
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough,
and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melody Beattie
Meaningful Friendship Quotes
May each day be filled with thanksgiving thanking God above for life and for living and for surrounding you with His love.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Toast of Blessings
New Year Toasts
Thanksgiving calls forth this noble gourd....slice, roast, and savor its sweet, golden treat, pumpkin's nourishment makes our feast complete.
Catherine Pulsifer, Autumn's Embrace
Pumpkin Poems
We stop and give thanks to God above for sending His Son and His Love.
Christmas Verses
Be thankful for life, and all that it holds. The goods and the bads.
Julie Hebert, Be Thankful
Be Thankful Poems
Dear Lord, despite its pain and strife, we thank Thee for our richer life.
Edgar A. Guest, Thanksgiving
Weekly Quotes
The countdown begins, the wait won't last, Halloween before Thanksgiving is a spooky blast!
Catherine Pulsifer, Ghosts and Goblins
Trick or Treat Poems
Learn the lesson of thanksgiving. It is due to God, it is due to ourselves. Thanksgiving for the past makes us trustful in the present and hopeful for the future. What He has done is the pledge of what He will do.
A. C. A. Hall
Hopeful Quotes
November, the month that carries the essence of thankfulness in its crisp air. It invites us to express gratitude for life's abundance and cherish the warmth of loved ones around the Thanksgiving table.
Author Unknown
November Quotes
Whether you feel blessed by your family, your friends or just by having a roof over your head and food in your stomach remind yourself of these things.
Heather Rose, Depression Help
Remind yourself of these things every day, not just on Thanksgiving Day!
Short Family Quotes
We could all receive so much more if we would express more gratitude.
Steve Pease, What should we be thankful for
Short Inspirational Quotes
I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.
Emerson, Thanksgiving For My Friends
Thank You Friend Poems
Were there no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts, and no one thank.
Christina Rossetti
Famous Poets
And on the first Thanksgiving Day I would have met with friends to pray
And thank the Lord for all his care in keeping us together there.
Margart Hillert
Poems about Gods Blessings
Give thanks each morn for the sturdy boys, give thanks for the fairy girls; with a dower of wealth like this at home, would you rifle the earth for pearls?
Unknown, Make Childhood Sweet
Poems About Children Growing Up
For health and homes and country and laughter, sweet and gay
For all of these - and love and faith - we thank thee, God, today!
Blanche Lea Walden, A Thanksgiving Prayer
A great example of a prayer of Thanksgiving which is short and simple but expresses our thanks to God!
Short Prayers
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite time of the year. Not only do I love
the season, but I love the holiday spirit that fills people and the change
of pace that takes place during this season.
Daniella Whyte, 365 Days of Thanking God
Positive Quotes About Change
Being grateful puts you in a positive frame of mind.
Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup for the Soul
Wise words. Being grateful and thankful for all that you have can change your attitude of one of appreciation. And, have a positive attitude can make life happier and you more content.
Poems Of Encouragement
So, when the days of toil are o'er
And harvest days are here. Thanksgiving comes with bounteous store
Douglas Malloch
Famous Thanksgiving Poems
The ideal would be to set one day a year aside to do all our complaining
and gripping, and leave the rest for thanksgiving.
Dr. Malbie Babcock
Famous Poems
Lots and lots of jolly fun, games to play and races run, all as happy as can be - for this happiness you can see makes Thanksgiving.
Eugene Field, Thanksgiving Day
Poems About Happiness
One day is there of the series termed Thanksgiving day, celebrated part at table, part in memory.
Emily Dickinson, Thanksgiving Day
Making Memories Quotes
I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thanksgiving For My Friends
New Friends and Old Friends
- If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart
Life Quotes
Every blessing of my life God has handed down to me.
J. J. Thorne
Quotes About God's Blessings
Gratitude is from the same root word as "grace" -
Thanksgiving is from the same root word as "think,"
so that to think to to thank.
Willis P. King
Gratitude Poems
Look up, dear hearts, and what the days bring, Bless God for it all - yes- everything! "
Eugene Field, Clover-Top And Thistle-Down
Inspirational God Quotes
Find harvests in our hearts that shine more fair than wheat fields can design.
Eleanor Halbrook Zimmerman, Thanksgiving Thought
Harvest Quotes
We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what may
be the burden of our wants, or the special subject of our petitions.
Albert Barnes
No matter what is going on in our lives, no matter the challenges or issues, we can
find at least one thing to give thanks for. Next time you are feeling down, stop and write down what you are thankful for.

Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.
W.J. Cameron
Short Quotes
This is my wish for you: comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes...patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thanksgiving Wish
Thanksgiving Poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other
Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it
comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.
Edward Sandford Martin

Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.
Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgiving
William Arthur Ward, Gratitude
If I Can
Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be
careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.
E. P. Powell
A gentle reminder that yes Thanksgiving is a holiday, a time for good friends and great food, but we should make the time to think about and express all that we are grateful for.
You say, "If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied." You make
a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be
satisfied if it were doubled.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

This is the day the Lord hath made, in praise lift up your voice.
In shining robes of joy arrayed, be glad, give thanks, rejoice.
Laura Lee Randall, Thanksgiving Song
Good Morning Poems
If only we would lift our hands and gratefully receive - the blessings He bestows on us if we but watch and pray - and look beyond the clouds to see the glory of each day.
Patience Strong, Blessings
Famous Thanksgiving Poems
Yes sir, this Thanksgiving day I am going to drop down on my knees and thank God—for permitting me to live in His wonderful world.
Jimmie Darou
Gratitude Quotes
....when we stop and take the time to focus on what we already have and all the ways God has already blessed us, it gives us a new perspective.
Joyce Meyer, The Power of Being Thankful
We can all focus on the negative or the things we don't have, but with a focus on God's blessings we will find much to be thankful for.
Blessings Abundance
How wonderful it would be if we could help our children and grandchildren
to learn thanksgiving at an early age. Thanksgiving opens the doors. It changes
a child's personality. A child is resentful, negative - or thankful.
Sir John Templeton
Children Quotes

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Cynthia Ozick
Appreciation Quotes
For all that the harvest can show, most thankful we’ll be, dear Father, to Thee, whose power and love made them grow.
Emilie Poulsson, Thanksgiving For Harvest
Prayer Quotes
He who thanks but with the lips thanks but in part; the full, the true
Thanksgiving comes from the heart.
J.A. Shedd
Positive Thoughts
If we meet someone who owes us thanks, we right away remember that.
But how often do we meet someone to whom we owe thanks without
remembering that?
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Memories Quotes

Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today.
Be thankful for the hard times; they can only make you stronger.
Pravinee Hurbungs
A great quote for reflection this Thanksgiving. How often do we give thanks for the struggles we face? But as the quote says, it is the struggles that make us stronger!
Poems about Life
The privative blessings - the blessings of immunity, safeguard,
liberty, and integrity - which we enjoy deserve the thanksgiving
of a whole life.
Enjoy Life Quotes
And for this day, and for this hour, we bring our glad thanksgiving to Thee, the ever gracious Lord, to Thee, the ever-living.
Hezekiah Butterworth, A New Year's Hymn
New Year's Hymn
Stand up, on this Thanksgiving Day, stand upon your feet. Believe in
man. Soberly and with dear eyes, believe in your own time and place.
There is not, and there never has been a better time, or a better place
to live in.
Phillips Brooks
Believe Quotes
Thankfulness is not about keeping a tradition. It is a matter of the heart. It should be an everyday occurrence.
Daniella Whyte, 365 Days of Thanking God
Good Morning Quotes
God is good all the time, so we should not cease to give Him thanksgiving.
Jeremy G. Woods, Thirty Days of Thanksgiving
Quotes about Blessings
Gratitude helps me focus on what I have instead of what I don't have,
allowing me to stay focused on my blessings instead of worrying.
Joyce Meyer, The Power of Being Thankful
Worry Quotes
God is pleased with no music from below so much as with the
thanksgiving songs of relieved widows and supported orphans;
of rejoicing, comforted, and thankful persons.
Jeremy Taylor
Poems About God
We can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons
why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear
dark and frowning.
Albert Barnes
Cheer Up Quotes
I love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday centered around food and family,
two things that are of utmost importance to me.
Marcus Samuelsson
An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving
The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans
have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside
a day of thanksgiving.
H.U. Westermayer
Difficult Times Quotes
Thanksgiving says: In trailer homes and mansions alike, we are a nation
of good fortune and happiness. Everybody digs in.
Sam Sifton, Thanksgiving: How to Cook It Well
Happiness Quotes
Gratitude is a lively sense of favors to come.
Irish Saying
Irish Blessing Quotes
First among the things to be thankful for is a thankful spirit. Some people
would grumble at the accommodations in Heaven if they ever got there. They take their blessings here so much as a matter of course,
that even a day of general thanksgiving once a year is more than they feel any need of. How different with a thankful heart.
Author Unknown
Cute Quotes
And Jesus prayed the prayer of thanksgiving in the midst of difficulties. This kind of gratitude allows us to embrace our problems and make room for God's miracles.
Joshua Choonmin Kang, Spirituality of Gratitude
Spiritual Poems

I thank the Lord that I have time to stop a moment by the way - to kiss the scented lips of flowers and hear the voice of songbirds gay.
Douglas Malloch
The spirit of thanksgiving is sure to bring divine health to you, increase your faith in God, and help you appreciate life so much more.
Ross Silke, Book of Thanksgiving Decrees
Words To Live By
A tranquil heart thanks with love for each meal its daily bread, in peace with man and thanks to God for the blessings he hath spread.
J. J. Thorne, Purity Of The Heart
Hopes Of Joy
The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me;
to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!
Psalm 50:23 (ESV)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible
Today while spending time with the Father, thank Him for the victory in Jesus.
Commit again to serve Him with all of your heart today and watch Satan flee
from even you.
Jim Duck, Spending Time with the Father
Christian Poems
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to questions that have been asked about Thanksgiving quotes.
What are some short Thanksgiving quotes to share with family?
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough."
"Family and gratitude are at the heart of Thanksgiving."
What are good Thanksgiving quotes about gratitude?
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."
Can I find Thanksgiving quotes for friends?
"Thankful for friends who feel like family, and moments we’ll cherish forever."
"Friendship and thankfulness—two things that only grow richer with time."
What are some funny Thanksgiving quotes for social media?
"Calories don’t count on Thanksgiving, right?"
"Let’s give thanks, eat pie, and pretend we know what ‘tryptophan’ means!

What is a meaningful quote to share on Thanksgiving?
"Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on the things that matter most."
How do I write a heartfelt Thanksgiving message?
Express appreciation for the recipient, highlight shared memories, and add a personal note of gratitude. For example, "I’m thankful for your friendship and the joy you bring to my life."
What are some inspirational Thanksgiving quotes for a speech?
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity."
"Let our hearts be full of both thanks and giving."
What is a traditional Thanksgiving blessing or quote?
"May your blessings be plentiful and your heart be full of gratitude this Thanksgiving."
"For each new morning with its light, for rest and shelter of the night, we give thanks."
Can you suggest Thanksgiving quotes for coworkers?
"Grateful for teamwork, shared successes, and the wonderful people I get to work with."
"Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with joy, peace, and a well-deserved break!"
What are some religious Thanksgiving quotes or sayings?
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. "– Psalm 107:1
"In all things, give thanks."
More Quotes for Encouragement and Motivation
We wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. Use these quotations to wish your friends or family a Happy Thanksgiving full of blessings and love! And let them know how thankful you are for them.