60 Thank You Teacher Quotes

Share these thank you teacher quotes with the teacher who has made a difference in your life or the life of your child. Feelings of thanks and gratitude to these people for the work that they do! They make a positive difference in the lives of our children and should be recognized and thanked for the work that they do. Many times we take them for granted, never stopping to appreciate all they do. Saying thank you to a teacher reminds them that we appreciate and recognize the importance of the work that they do. You may also like our collection of thank you poems

Quotes    /   thank you teacher quotes

    I can't thank you enough for all you've done...
  1. I can't thank you enough for all you've done
    In my books, Teacher, you're number one!  Catherine Pulsifer, Number One Teacher
    Teacher Appreciation Poem

  2. A garden full of flowers would not be enough to thank you for all you've have done. Kate Summers

  3. You inspired me to be all that I can be and more! I will never forget you.
    Inspirational Poems

  4. Words can never express our thanks for your support ....
  5. Words can never express our thanks for your support, patience, encouragement, and kindness. Thank You!
    Appreciation Quotes

  6. Within their hands, we experience wisdom's overflowing embrace, grateful for teachers who light up our educational headspace. Catherine Pulsifer, Grateful For Teachers
    Poems About Education

  7. Think back to all your former teachers and pray for them. These people have had a huge part of who you are. They have helped build you up. Jeremy G. Woods, Thirty Days of Thanksgiving
    Encouragement Quotes

  8. So goodbye, dear teacher, and thank you kindly - your influence on our lives will be remembered undeniably. Catherine Pulsifer, Your Influence
    Goodbye Poems For A Teacher

  9. great teachers, who wanted nothing than me to succeed....
  10. ...great teachers, who wanted nothing than me to succeed.
    You've helped and been so patient, and were always around when I need.  Julie Hebert, Thanks To Those Who Helped Me
    Graduation Thank You Poems

  11. You deserve appreciation and the title of "teacher", as you are a success in your profession!  
    Success Poem

  12. Your legacy is etched in countless minds,
    The impact you've made will forever remain.  
    Catherine Pulsifer, he Impact You've Made
    Retirement Poems for Teacher

  13. you never gave us all the answers, but your encouragement and support...
  14. You never gave us all the answers, but your encouragement and support made us stronger, thank you!
    Poems of Encouragement

  15. The impact of a caring teacher can be felt for a lifetime, shaping not just minds but also hearts.

  16. Wishing you as many smiles as the ones you have given me!
    Smile Poems

  17. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.
  18. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.  Carl Jung
    Gratitude Poems

  19. You pushed us when we were ready to give up, thank you for never giving up on us!

  20. Dear Teacher, we thank you for all that you do. For your support and patience too.   Catherine Pulsifer, Thank You
    Christmas Poems for Teachers

  21. patience, our teacher you have it ....
  22. Patience, our teacher, you have it
    You put up with us, we give you credit! Thanks!
    Patience Poem

  23. Family and friends make us who we are today. Teachers, like you, are part of that family.

  24. Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge and water them with kindness, cultivating a forest of potential in our children.
    Poems About Knowledge

  25. i know I've thanked them, but often wonder ...
  26. I know I've thanked them, but often wonder, do they realize this much?
    They've been my saviors, with such great behaviors, I hope I've inherited their great touch. Julie Hebert, People To Thank

  27. In the garden of education, teachers are the nurturing caretakers, tending to the growth of young minds with love and wisdom.

  28. You have made a positive difference in the life of our child and for that we will be ever grateful.
    Make A Difference Quotes

  29. you are an example of the Chinese Proverb ....
  30. You are an example of the Chinese Proverb: "Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime." What you taught us will last our lifetime. We appreciate you!

  31. Teachers light the spark of curiosity, igniting a lifelong love affair with learning.
    - This quote emphasizes the role of teachers in instilling a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime.
    Poems About Learning

  32. Your encouragement, your resilence, and your patience will always be appreciated. Thank you.
    Encouragement Quotes

  33. it takes a big heart to help shape little minds...
  34. "It takes a big heart to help shape little minds." Thanks for sharing your heart with us!  Author Unknown

  35. In the hands of a teacher, critical thinking becomes a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of the world.
    - This quote highlights how teachers empower students to think critically and make informed decisions.

  36. a truly special teacher is very wise and sees tomorrow in every child's eyes.
  37. A truly special teacher is very wise, and sees tomorrow in every child’s eyes.  Author Unknown

  38. Like master gardeners, teachers cultivate the seeds of creativity, nurturing blossoms of innovation and imagination.
    - This quote uses a metaphor to illustrate how teachers nurture creativity in their students.

  39. If nobody cared just a little for you, and nobody thought about me, and we stood all alone to the battle of life, what a dreary old world it would be!   Edgar A. Guest

  40. a teacher affects eternity; he can never ....
  41. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.   Henry Brooks Adams

  42. Teachers are sculptors of minds, shaping raw potential into works of intellectual artistry.
    - This quote portrays teachers as artists who mold and shape their students' intellects with care and precision.

  43. One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world. Malala Yousafzai

  44. education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire...
  45. As William Butler Yeats once said, "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." You lite our fire!

  46. Teachers are the compass that guides young minds towards their true north, igniting the spark of potential within each student.

  47. May the great Sun ever shine benignantly on you! Frank Earl Herrick, To A Friend

  48. You were our inspiration....
  49. You were our inspiration
    The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.  William Arthur Ward

  50. Teachers don't just teach subjects, they unlock doors of opportunity and guide students towards realizing their full potential.

  51. In the classroom, teachers not only teach subject matter but also nurture qualities like kindness, responsibility, and inclusivity, laying the foundation for a unified and supportive society.

  52. i owe you gratitude...
  53. I owe you gratitude and thanks for helping me over the last few years.

  54. A supportive learning environment created by teachers is like sunshine and rain, nurturing the roots of curiosity and confidence in every student.

  55. Through their guidance and example, teachers cultivate a spirit of unity and cooperation that extends far beyond the school walls, fostering an environment where empathy and mutual respect thrive.
    Poems About Schools

  56. You saw in me what I did not....
  57. You saw in me what I did not. You have been a friend, a mentor, and a great teacher. Thank you for believing in me!
    Mentor Quotes

  58. I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks. . . William Shakespeare
    Appreciation Poems

  59. Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. Fred Rogers

  60. Quotes About Teachers and Teaching

    Whether a teacher is a schoolteacher, a professor, or an instructor they all have a love of sharing their knowledge with others. And we should also include mentors in our lives, they are the ones who teach us life skills by being there to provide instruction on life challenges and issues.

    Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.
  61. Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Author Unknown

  62. The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist. Maria Montessori

  63. Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best. Bob Talbert
    Children Quotes

  64. I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. Socrates

  65. A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.
  66. A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart. Author Unknown
    Poems About Helping Others

  67. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. Karl Meninger

  68. The job of an educator is to teach students to see vitality in themselves. Joseph Campbell

  69. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein
    Knowledge Quotes

  70. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
  71. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. Khalil Gibran

  72. What a teacher writes on the blackboard of life can never be erased. Author Unknown
    Poems on Life Lessons

  73. The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. Amos Bronson Alcott

  74. If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes. Guy Kawasaki
    Poems About Strength

  75. The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
  76. The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. Mark Van Doren

  77. School should become the place where teachers, not just students, learn. Vijay Dhameliya
    Learning Quotes

  78. The guidance and inspiration provided by teachers create a legacy that transcends generations, leaving an indelible mark on the world. - Their influence echoes through time, shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

More Quotes  for Encouragement and Motivation

It takes a special person to be a teacher. They demonstrate a love and caring for children. A teacher can impact a child's life forever. It is important for us to let these people know how much we appreciate the work that they do. Share these quotes and thoughts with a teacher who needs to be recognized and appreciated.

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