12 Thank You God Poems
We thank others for their help but how often do we thank God? Let these short poems remind you to give thanks to God each and every day.
We hope you are inspired by our collection of poems which remind us of the love, mercy, and grace of our gracious God.
Thank You Poems /
My Heart
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God, you know my heart
Better than I do;
You know how very much
I love you.
Thank you for the love you give
Each and every day.
Thank you for your grace and mercy
That you send my way.
Thank you for sending Jesus
To save us all.
Without Him in our lives
How we would fall.
Thank you for your Word that gives
Guidance to our life.
Thank you for being there
When I am dealing with strife.
Thank you for listening to my needs
As I pray.
Thank you for bringing me back
When I have strayed.
Thank you, God, for all
You have given me.
And, thank you, Jesus
For setting me free.
Find more inspiring and uplifting poems about God
We Give You Thanks
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Thank you, God, for all you give,
For helping us each day to live.
Your grace is there when we fall short,
You lift us up, giving us support.
Though we don't earn the love you show,
In serving others, we can grow.
To show our thanks, our hearts will strive,
To share your love and truly thrive.
With every act, both big and small,
We honor you and heed your call.
Through service, love, and gentle care,
We give you thanks by what we do and in our prayers.
The Love
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Let me never take for granted
The love that you give.
Thank you, God for creating me
And letting me live.
Thank you, God for watching
Over family and friends
Thank you, God for being
With me to the end.
Thank you, God for sending
Jesus Your Son, so
Your love we will
Always know.
Never doubt God's love for humanity. Read more poems about God's love
to remind you how much God loves you!
Thanks For Everything
Poet: J. C. Barcus
For all that God in mercy sends.
For health and children, home and friends;
For comfort in the time of need.
For every kindly word and deed.
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance in our daily walk;
For everything give thanks.
For beauty in this world of ours,
For verdant grass and lovely flowers,
For song of birds, for hum of bees,
For refreshing summer breeze;
For hill and plain, for streams and wood.
For the great ocean's mighty flood.
For everything give thanks.
For sweet sleep which comes with night,
For the returning .morning's light.
For the stars glittering in the sky,
For these and everything we see,
O, Lord our hearts we lift to Thee,
For everything give thanks.
Christian Poems
Thank God For His Gifts
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
So often in this world, we think
Our accomplishments we have done
But may we never forget, God gave us gifts,
He gave us His Son.
You have given us
Let me be thankful
And not make a fuss.
When things don't go my way
I must remember you above
As your timing is better
And you are full of love.
God's time is always perfect, even when we don't understand why, there is a bigger picture that we do not see.
Read more poems about God's timing.
Thank You, God
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I never say it enough,
But thank you God for
Forgiving me
And for not keeping score.
I am far from perfect,
Jesus was the only one
Perfect in love,
Thank you, God, for your Son.
Help me Father to recognize the many times
You have blessed me
Thank you, God, for all the beauty of the world
You created for me to see.
Poems About Jesus
Quicked Our Gratitude
Poet: William Dean Howells
Lord, for the erring thought
Not into evil wrought;
Lord, for the wicked will
Betrayed and baffled still;
For the heart from itself kept,
Our thanksgiving accept.
For ignorant hopes that were
Broken to our blind prayer;
For pain, death, sorrow, sent
Unto our chastisement;
For all loss of seeming good,
Quicken our gratitude.
Having an attitude of gratitude can change our live. Read more
gratitude poems and be thankful for all God has done for you.
Thank God For Those Who Serve
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Thank you God,
With great respect
We graciously thank you
For those who serve and protect.
Though danger be near and
The night is chilly and long,
We praise You for those -
Bless their courage so brave and strong.
Protect them from harm,
This and every day,
Watch over their families
From worry far away.
Their sacrifice grand allows us to
Lay our heads down at night,
Therefore Lord in Heaven,
Please grant these heroes great might!
Besides thanking the Veterans who serve we should thank God for them and for their service.
Read more thank you Veterans poems
Thanks For
Poet: Amos Niven Wilder
Be our daily bread withheld, be it given,
Thanks for the bread from heaven;
Though on sense disease and pain come stealing,
Thanks for the spirits healing;
Thanks, when the springs of impulse are defiled,
For the renewing candor of the child;
Thanks, when the years sully the face of truth,
For the resurgent heart of youth.
Thanks, though we be cast off, unknown, alone,
Thanks that we are well known,
And though our outward man and lot decay,
The spirit kindles day by day;
Thanks that our sorrow by thine alchemy
Turns out to be the very fuel of glee,
That from our utter penury, we bless,
And having nothing, all things still possess.
We Thank You Lord
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Thank you God, for love so true,
For sending Jesus, your beloved son anew.
We humbly bow before your grace so kind,
In awe of the gift of life, we find.
I am so grateful and give you all praise,
We thank you Lord in countless ways.
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It takes just a minute to say Thank you, God! We are quick to tell God our problems, let us be as quick to thank Him for all the good in our lives.
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