Oh! The Flowers
A poem about the life of the flower and the similarities to our own life. Be inspired and reflect on the verses in this poem by Poet, Mary C. Ryan.
Famous Garden Poems
Oh! The Flowers
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
Oh! the flowers that bloom in beauty today,
Tomorrow may fade, so soon they decay.
They'll vanish from earth, ever summer is over,
They'll pass like the dew, and blossom no more.
So hopes we cherish so fondly today,
Will flee from our grasp, like shadows away;
And in the heart's depths will leave a great void.
Or will sever in twain love's silken chord.
But time speeds on, and lo! other flowers,
Will spring into life in other bright hours;
But only to bloom in beauty, then die
As the rosy-winged summers pass by.
Thus hope after hope, from youth to old age,
With sweet magic power our souls will engage.
Then pass from our ken, like sunbeams away,
To bloom in the spring of eternal day.
And friends we love in this cold world of ours,
Will fall midst joys and perish like flowers.
For soon on this earth man's short life is over;
And then, when once gone, he returns no more.
Though life for a while is full of delight,
Still work and watch for the on-coming night.
Oh! live not alone for one sunny day,
For time's on wings, and will soon fly away.
And then, when earth and its pleasures are gone.
We'll cling to the hope which lingers alone.
As a handful of clay is laid 'neath the sod,
The spirit returns, and lives with its God.
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More poems by the famous poet, Mary C. Ryan:
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
An idle thoughtless youth, long years ago,
Meandering upon a coral strand,
Finding a seed from a strange, unknown land,
In his fair garden did the embryo sow.
The seed took root, and proved a noisome weed -
A poisonous vine that ran along the ground,
And round the flowers deadly tendrils wound.
Ten thousand seeds produced from that one seed,
By winds in other gardens soon were blown.
Storms far and near the loathsome seeds conveyed,
And where they fell, dire destruction followed.
So vice into man's heart comes e'er unknown,
But being there, virtues are easily foiled
And kindest natures are forever ruined.
Silently Fell Great Drops Of Dew
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
Silently fell great drops of dew.
Upon a garden fair,
Then noiselessly the flowers grew.
As if by magic there.
In silence came the rose's sweet breath,
Each flower's brilliant hue;
Trees robed in green, and even over earth,
A canopy of blue.
But noiselessly the golden light,
Became a sombre hue,
When the dark goddess of the night
Passed over the sky of blue.
Then silently came the hoar frost.
And nipped the flowers fair,
Each drooped and pined upon the stalk,
Withered in silence there.
Thus round the sun so noiselessly.
This great orb whirls with speed,
As ages of eternity
Pass with a silent tread.
Without a jar nature performs
Each task assigned by God,
Marred only by some sudden storms,
Strokes of His chastening rod.
Even silently years pass away.
And leave us unawares;
The young grow old, but can not say
When 'twas, nor how, nor where.
So listlessly as time passes by,
We learn its truths too late;
Amazed we live, and love, and die.
Then meet an unknown fate.
To Miss Annie N.
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
Annie, when friends around thee throng,
Culling life's flowers for thee,
To twine a garland for thy brow,
That thou mayst happy be;
When thy bright smiles in some fond eye,
Reflected thou canst see -
Look! through the vista of years past,
With one sweet smile for me.
And when thy youth and beauty fade,
And barren earth appears,
When thou art left alone to mourn
In sorrow and in tears,
Though from no heart, to thy low sigh,
An echo comes to thee -
List! from the hills of vanished days,
For one deep sigh from me.
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