The Lord's Prayer - Our Father
A poem by Caleb Davis Bradlee in which the Lord's prayer is used for the first line of every stanza. You could consider this Christian prayer as an explanation for each line in the Lord's prayer. Be inspired and uplifted
by this poetry.
Christian Poems
The Lord's Prayer
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
Our Father!
O that precious name
Which brings our God so near;
May its sweet grace our hearts inflame,
And take away our fear!
Father! that dear and holy word,
All filled with love and power;
A gift, by sacred lips conferred
At a most needy hour!
Father! yes, each of us a child
Of the Almighty King!
God grant our hearts, all pure and mild,
May grateful tributes bring.
Our Father, on earth, in heaven,
So dear throughout all time,
To each of us let there be given
A blessing from Thy clime!
Who Art In Heaven!
that world above,
Where saints their Father meet;
That splendid land of light and love,
And blessedness complete!
Who art in Heaven! our future rest,
If we on earth are true;
If God our souls has richly blessed,
Made clean, and white, and new!
Who art in Heaven! a place within
The centre of the heart;
If we are ever free from sin,
And bid all wrong depart!
Who art in Heaven! that gracious place,
That home of joy and peace,
Where souls arc filled with truth and grace,
And pleasures never cease!
Hallowed Be Thy Name
All holy be thy name, and great,
And grand, God, we pray;
And O, reveal thy royal state,
As we our homage pay.
And make us good, and pure, and kind,
And full of truth and light;
Of happy heart, and sacred mind,
And steady to the right!
Each idle thought, and wicked word,
Remove from lip and heart;
And be thy grace on all conferred,
And mighty love impart!
For thus we'd like to bless thy name,
By deeds that thou'lt approve!
We praise Thee best, with loud acclaim,
By works of peace and love!
Thy Kingdom Come,
Father grant,
With glory and with power!
No more we wish, no more we want,
As our eternal dower!
Its peace let down, its splendor shed,
Its beauty let us feel!
With angel's food let us be fed,
And mighty love reveal!
Thy Kingdom come, and chase away
All other kingdoms, Lord!
Be thou alone our staff and stay;
And holy help afford.
Thy Kingdom come, through Christ the Son,
When breath shall cease to be,
When mortal life its race has ran,
That Kingdom let us see!
Thy Will Be Done On Earth, As It Is In Heaven
Thy will be done! God, thy will,
So sweet, so good, so pure;
Say to each trembling heart, Be still!
Make all, in Thee, secure.
Thy will! though darkness close us round,
And grief is at our side;
We'll say, while bending to the ground,
Let God alone decide!
Thy will! though veiled, and sharp, and sad,
And full of fire and pain;
Thy will! for nothing can be bad,
That will, must be our gain!
Thy will, through Christ, be always done,
With each and every heart;
And wilt thou, most Holy One,
Thy healing help impart.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread!
Let us by sacred truth be fed.
Tis bread from heaven thy children need;
God, that holy bread concede!
The body wants thy daily care,
That it may all things do and dare;
More strength it craves, more life, more peace,
God, those splendid gifts increase!
The mind is weak, and longs for light,
And seeks for clearer, deeper sight,
And knows that all to God must go,
That He may gracious help bestow.
The soul is stained, and wants a cure,
And would at once all good secure!
God, send bread, a grand supply,
And hear thy children's plaintive cry!
Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors
Forgive our debts! God, they're large,
We cannot bear the heavy charge!
Forgive, God, as we forgive,
And let us in thy presence live.
As we forgive I teach us how!
Humbly we stand before Thee now,
And know how hard to look away
From wrongs that meet us, day by day.
Make us, God, right good and kind,
And let no anger stir the mind;
And as we hope thy grace to feel,
Teach us our temper to conceal!
Almighty God, forgive and bless,
And fill us with thy righteousness!
Patient and gentle let us be,
And filled with peace, by thy decree!
Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
Father, do not let us go
In ways of sin, and paths of woe;
But save us all from shame and wrong,
And let us all to Thee belong!
May hands and hearts be kept away
From all things tainted with decay!I
And make us ever brave and true,
And really glad thy work to do!
If dangers come, and foes arise,
And we are filled with pains and sighs,
O send at once thy mighty aid,
And do not let us be dismayed!
For bold well stand, when God is near,
We'll have no dread, and feel no fear;
Thy Rod and Staff will keep us right,
And make us victors in the fight!
For Thine Is The Kingdom, And The Power,
And The Glory, Forever and Ever. Amen
O God, the Kingdom shall be thine!
And ever shall thy glory shine!
Thy power is grand; thy truth so bright,
That it will fill us all with light!
Thy law is good, thy mercy sure,
And thou wilt help us to endure
All things that come, from day to day,
To shade our path, and hedge our way.
And may our lips be filled with praise,
And in our hearts let us raise
A holy tribute to thy name!
God, light up the grateful flame!
And then the prayer the Lord has taught,
Which o'er our souls a rest has brought,
Will fill those souls with peace and love,
And fix their gaze on Heaven above!
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