The Successful Man

What makes a man or woman successful? This poem by David V. Bush, attempts to answer this question. May this poem encourage you to continue to move forward even with the difficulties you are faced with.

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The Successful Man

The Successful Man
by David V. Bush

Successful men are always kicked, they're kicked with envious wrath,
No matter what their line may be, on life's laborious path.
The man who wins is always kicked, they kick him black and blue;
He's thumped with "mud" and "rotten-egged"; gets number fourteen shoe.

Because he's always on the job; industrious at his work,
Because he plods and plugs away, while other men may shirk.
Because he puts more in his work and gets more in return;
And stirs things up and gets things done, he's kicked by those who yearn.

The men who set the world ahead are kicked in jealous spite!
They lift us to a higher plane, but feel green envy's blight;
No matter, sir, what lives they save, no matter what they give,
If they do more than other men, they're punctured like a sieve.

If you're not kicked, I wonder now if you have lost your hope?
Do you play fair and do your best, or sulk and grunt and mope?
If you're not kicked, you won't rise far; so man get in the game.
And let them kick you all around — kick hard until they're lame.

So do your work and play your game — play fair and hard all day;
And let the townsmen wag their tongues, the gossips have their say,
And never mind their cutting ways, nor see that surly frown,
For in the end you'll beat them all — although you're oft kicked down!

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Another poem to encourage you by David V. Bush:

The Way To Win
by David V. Bush

When your hat is "in the ring,"
Don't give up the fight.
Jump right in. begin to sing,
Sing with all your might.
Don't get sour, let each hour
See you work and fight.
You can't sing? Do the next thing,
Smile, from left to right.
Smile and fight, fight and sing;
Fight with all your might.
When your hat is in the ring,
Don't give up the fight.

Are you beat? That's no defeat!
Don't give up the fight.
"Down and out?" O pshaw! Just shout;
On your job, then light.
Pound and thump; yes, dig and jump,
Don't give up the fight.
No defeat! You've never beat
When you're in the right.
Don't you stop, your vim don't drop,
Plug with all your might.
Sour awhile? Then start to smile,
Jump right in, begin to sing.
Smile - keep up the fight.

If your hat's not in the ring,
Throw it there and fight.
Some have won, but when begun
They were in a plight.
Buckle in, keep up your grin,
Make your troubles hike.
Smile and grin, for grit and vim
Win in any fight.
Don't you quit, and don't you sit
Till all are on the flight.
Throw you hat into the ring,
Throw it there and fight.

Grip your nerve, never swerve,
When you're in the fight.
Grit your teeth, for underneath
Gold is out of sight
Gold and fame in this big game.
Just keep up the fight.
Never mind if man's unkind,
You'll get out all right.
Failed today? That's nothing, say
Just keep up the fight
You will see your failures flee
Flee clear out of sight.
Keep your hat there in the ring!
Don't give up the fight!

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