Be Inspired
There are times in all of our lives where we need to be inspired. Whether we face challenges or obstacles, failures or mistakes, a bit of inspiration can help us move on.
The worse thing that can happen is we give up - we quit.
Let these inspirational poems inspire you to endure, and keep your eyes focused on your goals!
By Catherine Pulsifer, Updated September 9, 2024
Inspirational Poems
Be Inspired
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2011
When shadows fall and doubts arise,
When mountains loom against the skies,
Remember, hope will light your way,
With every dawn, there’s a new day.
Challenges may cloud your view,
But deep inside, your strength is true,
Mistakes and failures, though they sting,
Are just the steps to greater things.
The greatest loss is giving in,
To quit before you even begin,
So hold on tight, keep pushing through,
For brighter days are waiting for you.
Don't Give Up, Be Inspired
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2011
If we find ourselves lost and somewhat just tossed,
And feel we can turn things around.
The answer is yes, our life can be blessed,
It may take us first being knocked down.
For most we don't realize until we are down,
How different our lives have turned out.
If we feel things are bad and want to change them a tad,
Then it's time to stop the drought.
Decide what you want and make it true,
With a little inspiration and trust.
Work hard and believe in ourselves,
Leave your failures behind in the dust.
Keep your head high don't focus on the ground
Keep moving forward with your hopes and dreams
With your goals set, your plan is now sound.
Be inspired as life is not always what it seems.

Poet: Patience Strong
When first enthusiasms wane-
And strength has all but gone-
Endurance is the stuff that
Makes you smile and carry on-
Beyond the point where weaker men
Put down their tools and say-
"I've had enough - I can't go on-
I'll try some other day."
When failure looms ahead of you
And everything looks black-
When courage flags and hope grows dim-
You're tempted to turn back-
When all the world's against you, yet-
Undaunted, on you press-
That's where Endurance triumphs,
Crowning effort with success.
Poet: Clara Edmunds-Hemingway
The flash of sails against the sky.
The glint of seagull winging by.
As airman cleaves the summer sky.
An eagle soars to eyrie, where
His mountain home is cool and fair.
As airman wings his way in air.
To soar above life's sordid things.
Life’s failures, or its hurts and stings.
We, too, could rise had we the wings
What You're Thinking
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2020
We all have moments in life
When we are faced with strife
The difference you will find
Is what you're thinking in your mind.
When things go wrong as they do
You can pout and just be blue
The difference you will find
Is what you're thinking in your mind.
Life can be good or it can be sad
We can be happy or we can be mad
The difference you will find
Is what you're thinking in your mind.
Mistakes we all make
We can fix rather than put on the brakes
The difference you will find
Is what you're thinking in your mind.
Your attitude what's in your mind
Will make a difference you will find!
Keep it positive, be inspired
You will find it's a trait to be admired.
If All Who Hate Would Love Us
Poet: James Newton Matthews
If all who hate would love us.
And all our loves were true.
The stars that swing above us
Would brighten in the blue;
If cruel words were kisses.
And every scowl a smile,
A better world than this is.
Would hardly be worth while.
If purses would not tighten
To meet a brother's need.
The load we bear would lighten
Above the grave of greed.
If those who whine would whistle.
And those who languish laugh.
The rose would rout the thistle.
The grain outrun the chaff:
If hearts were only jolly.
If grieving were forgot.
And tears of melancholy
Were things that now are not;
Then love would kneel to duty.
And all the world would seem
A bridal bower of beauty,
A dream within a dream.
If men would cease to worry.
And women cease to sigh.
And all be glad to bury
Whatever has to die;
If neighbor spake to neighbor.
As love demands of all.
The rust would eat the sabre.
The spear stay on the wall;
Then every day would glisten.
And every eye would shine.
And God would pause to listen.
And life would be divine.
Just This Minute
Poet: Nixon Waterman
If we're thoughtful just this minute
In whate'er we say or do,
If we put a purpose in it
That is honest through and through,
We shall gladden life and give it
Grace to make it all sublime;
For though life is long, we live it
Just a moment at a time.
Just this minute we are going
To the right or to the wrong;
Just this minute we are sowing
Seeds of sorrow or of song;
Just this minute we are thinking
On the ways that lead to God,
Or on idle dreams are sinking
To the level of the clod.
Yesterday is gone; tomorrow
Never comes within our grasp;
Just this minute's joy or sorrow,
That is all our hands may clasp.
Just this minute! Let us take it,
As a pearl of precious price,
And with high endeavor make it
Fit to shine in paradise.
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Napoleon Hill once said, "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
Hill's words on overcoming trials are ones that should remind
us that no matter what happens in our life we should always stay optimistic and be looking for the opportunity.
If you get knocked down - get back up - look for the opportunity to take action,
inspire yourself.
We hope the verses in these short poem also reminds you to keep going, to endure, not to feel sorry for yourself, move beyond where you are today!
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