To My Friends
This famous poem by John Imrie, To My Friends, looks back over a lifetime and realizes friends at different stages of life influence our lives. Be inspired by the writings of John Imrie's poems.
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To My Friends
Poet: John Imrie
Friends of my earliest days and years,
Ye who dispell'd my infant fears,
And o'er me spent your prayers and tears,
Father, Mother;
And let me pay a tribute meet
To those who watch'd my infant feet,
And shower'd on me their kisses sweet,
Sister, Brother.
Friends of my school-days or of play,
When all was joyous, bright, and gay,
Companions dear of life's spring-day,
Again we meet;
As memory paints the scenes anew,
In colours of the brightest hue.
When life was good, and pure, and true.
And friendship sweet.
Friends of those years when hopes were high,
And hearts beat true, and love was nigh.
And echoes woke which ne'er shall die,
But echoes give;
While fleeting years roll on apace,
Within my heart there is a place
That bears the likeness of each face.
And thoughts that live!
Friends dead and gone — friends far and near —
Friends tried and true — friends ever dear,
Though sunder'd far, yet all are here,
Close to my heart;
And all along life's rugged way
The smile of friendship crowns the day,
And hearts are young though heads be grey : —
Friends never part!
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A Bouquet Of Flowers
Poet John Imrie
The present you send,
My dear loving friend -
A beautiful bouquet of flowers, -
Is precious to me,
As coming from thee,
With perfume of bright sunny bowers.
It reminds me of home,
Where once we did roam,
'Mid flow'rs in the garden at play;
As swift pass'd the hours
In Flora's sweet bowers.
And short seem'd the summer's long day.
But life, like the flowers,
Hath changeable hours,
And sunshine and show'r intervene;
Yet love in the heart
Can beauty impart.
And help to make life "evergreen,"
Let friendship and truth
Encompass our youth,
From sorrow and trouble 'twill save;
In sweetest content
Our lives shall be spent,
And flow'rs strew our path to the grave!
Love And Charity
Poet John Imrie
Oh! for sweet and tender Love,
Pure and faithful ever,
Wooing like the gentle dove,
Flowing as a river!
Smiles, like flowers, adorn her path.
Peaceful - soul-refreshing,
Freely giving all she hath.
Earth's most potent blessing!
Love and Charity are one -
Not of earth's conceiving.
To possess is heaven begun,
Toil and care relieving;
Let Love lead us hand-in-hand
A-down the misty years,
Guiding to the better land -
Where God shall wipe all tears.
A Souvenir Of Love
Poet John Imrie
Dearest, sweetest, fondest, best,
Lean your head upon my breast
Loving arms shall thee entwine.
Loving hands be placed in mine;
Throbbing hearts with pleasure beat,
Happy eyes in gladness meet;
Peace and joy now reign supreme.
Love our all-absorbing theme.
Picture of a living love.
True as angel-notes above;
Constant as the Polar star
Shining in the heavens afar;
Deep and boundless as the sea,
Ever pure and ever free;
Warm and bright as Southern skies.
Earthly Eden - Paradise!
Love like this doth ever sing,
Echoes wake and echoes ring;
Love and pain may sometimes meet,
Love can make the pain a sweet;
Grief and care shall flee away,
Darkest night be turn'd to day,
Winter snows to Summer showers,
Autumn leaves to Spring's fresh flowers.
Sordid pleasures have their day,
Truth and Love shall ne'er decay;
Heaven and earth their blessings give,
Love and Truth shall ever live.
Then, let Love our bosoms thrill,
Empty hearts may have their fill;
The poorest may be rich in love,
Bless'd on earth and crown'd above!
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